The inherent panic of 2020 is wearing us out. As this year winds down, it’s important to maintain your quarantine habits to protect you and yours, but you also need to define a path forward.
We need to determine the best way to see and reach for the next rung of our ladder. Building habits specific to your sign at this time of year can help.
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Aries, when everyone else is tired you have energy to burn, and the end of 2020 will be no different. In fact, you may find that you’re in a tremendous creative burst; ideas are flying around you like freshly burst popcorn.
You need a notebook. Get something small that you can carry in a pocket or a purse and track these great ideas. Make a section for your grocery list, a section for interesting projects, and a section for pie in the sky dreams. Don’t let your head get cluttered; if you need something, write it down to free up space for all that creativity. Be aware that this is not a to-do list. You may eventually use up all of these ideas in some way or another, but get in the habit of clearing your head of mundane things to let your best thoughts have a space to grow.
Dear Taurus, take care not to get stuck in this time of darkness. Many of us feel our energy and moods start to sink as the sunlight is reduced. If you have an exercise habit, stretch it out or add a walk or yoga class later in the day.
It may be tempting to try to boost your energy with caffeine and sugar. Comfort foods feel good in the beginning, but you’re a sign known for stamina, not bursts of energy. Focus deeply on eating well. Plan to have meals with friends or family to keep your spirits up and stay away from chemical sources of energy. Exercise will help you get better rest and burn off some negativity.
Lovely Gemini who gets along with everyone, the sad news is that the end of 2020 may be loaded with brutal honesty from you, and not everyone can manage that. If you’ve long been a sounding board for more negative folks, build in some self-care.
You have a strong creative streak and a deep love of people, so when folks bring you their problems, you’re a great listener. However, if the same person is coming at you with that same problem (again, and again, and again) it’s time to change the appointment unless you’ve got the mojo to handle the fallout when you tell them you’re tired of being a dumping ground. Things will change at this time when you speak up. Your call.
Cancer, also, can serve as a sounding board. However, the sensitive nature of the Cancer will be challenged this fall. Cancer’s new habit will require some flexibility and no small amount of humor; you will need to consider other perspectives.
Part of the struggle of seeing the world through another’s eyes is that you are afraid of conflict. Not only is it in your nature, but life may have taught you some hard lessons about how dangerous the anger of others can be. Take a breath, ask a question, listen and be ready to hear the pain inside the anger.
Sheltering in place is not Leo’s favorite activity, and things are not looking good for those who need to be out in the world. This isolation and restriction can make the more courageous irritable. It can also lead to misunderstandings and even unkindness when dealing with others.
Dear Leo, please practice breathing. Yes, you’re frustrated. You may even be frightened, which for you is not a comfortable or common feeling. When someone says something that makes you want to clap back, breathe. We’re all suffering and sick of this. Build a bridge with a kind word and stretch out a courageous hand of compassion.
The end of 2020 is going to be hard on Virgo. While this meticulous sign is prone to over-thinking, the coming darkness may actually push you to make big decisions too quickly.
Practice re-thinking instead of over-thinking. Make a pros and cons list. Sleep on the big choices and move forward in the morning with the best idea that comes to you. If you have a financial challenge, write down potential money sources and ponder how you can access each set of funds. If you can’t sleep, leave the ideas to percolate in your head while you go for a walk or take a hot shower. Habitual behavior can bring your most creative brain to the table.
Dear Libra, your mind is always working and your thoughts this year are going to come up with some profound answers as 2020 wanes. Not everyone will be ready for them, but you know when your audience isn’t engaged.
Please practice writing. Set up an advice column to yourself and those around you. Even if you never share what you’ve come up with, it’s critically important that you start clearing your brain of what you’re coming up with so new thoughts can bubble up. Your message will eventually be understood, shared and appreciated.
Be ready to ask for help. No, that’s probably not your thing. In fact, as an empath, you really can’t even consider asking for help because you can nearly always feel the suffering and struggle of others! However, now is the time.
Scorpio is very sensitive to light and may suffer from depression as the darkness spreads. As the world is currently one giant stewpot of anxiety, it’s very easy for any empathic person to fall into depression, and this illness can kill. Learn to ask as well as offer.
Sagittarius needs to be where the people are, and right now that’s kind of dicey! However, dear Archer, there are ways and places you can aim your energy to enjoy connection and share your expertise.
Your sign is prone to offer good counsel, so why not teach? If you’re tech savvy, set up a video chat and help a young person practice their reading or help a young adult set up their first budget. Offer an online cooking lesson of a favorite holiday treat. The rest of the world is a little mopey right now; you’re not, so show off your energy and skills.
As the light fades, dear Capricorn, you may feel more than a little despair. Consider building a habit of trying a new angle. Your goals are well-defined, but your current path may not be the only option.
If you’re feeling stuck or things are fading to dark at your margins, step back from your goals and consider a new route. A financial goal may take more time; a fitness goal may require time with a personal trainer. There’s always another way, so don’t despair.
Lovely and romantic Aquarius, please freeze your credit cards. November is going to be full of impulsive behavior for you, and some of those choices may mean that you blow your budget. Instead, go to the bank and take out cash before you shop. When you’re out of money, you’re done shopping.
Also, carefully martial your energy. Impulsiveness can also lead to over-volunteering, leaving you completely wiped out in this holiday season. Help where you can, give where it feels right, but save some sanity for home, family and friends. Don’t let yourself get over-stretched.
Sweet Pisces, despite being the baby sign, you have a deep well of knowledge of yourself and others. Now is the time to watch your diet. No, you may not want a salad. It may be too cold to get excited about raw veggies. However, you can make a nice pot of veggie soup or have a cup of green tea to warm yourself without loading up on junk.
Now is also a time to grow and learn. Connect with your lover by shopping together and trying a new recipe as a team. Explore different spice combinations or fix a dish you’ve always wondered about.