The occurrence of the autumnal (northern hemisphere) and the vernal (southern hemisphere) equinoxes set the season in motion when the Sun enters the sign of Libra. Libra’s symbol represents scales which reflect the equinox’s dark and light. The Libra Season spans from September 23 through October 22.
Expect the season to be filled with love and romance since Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Libra Season focuses on relationships of romance, friendship, and colleagues. Remember, relationships start from within, so taking time for yourself is very important. Time to dust out the cobwebs and renew the senses. The heart of the season centers around new beginnings, happiness, balance, and social justice. Don’t jump for joy yet because there’s more.
Mars and Mercury Retrograde
When a planet is in retrograde, the planet’s orbit has slowed to the point of seemingly going backward. Mars retrograde occurs once every 26 months, and this year the measure of time is from September 9 to November 13; Friday the 13th.
Seriously, what’s all the fuss about Mars retrograde? Mars got its name from the God of War in Roman mythology. This turbulent planet rules anger, passion, assertion, desire, and ego. Any experiences you have of underlying anger, irritation, lack of energy, or low sexual desire, will fall right into the arena of Mars retrograde impacts.
Just when it seems the calamity is coming to an end, there’s a surprise knock on the astrological door. Beginning October 13, Mercury retrograde will rear its confounding head in the sign of Scorpio. The intensity of the mayhem is especially frightening since the Presidential election occurs during this retrograde. Misunderstandings and revealed secrets can cause major global chaos. Need more drama? The Full Harvest Moon will occur on October 1.
Libra Season Horoscope
The season for Aries is all about personal growth, getting your finances in order, and becoming a duo. Relationships on every level will reach a happy and positive new height. Keep in mind that your finances need a fresh look and a new plan for your future. Looking for your perfect match is a fantastic idea right now because it’s highly likely you’ll find the one.
Taurus, although you are hard-working and conscientious, you will need to spend time connecting with your associates. By strengthening your work relationships, you might make a solid friendship or two. Most importantly, listening will be at the forefront of your goals. Communication is key. Work on yourself quietly, but don’t worry if your efforts go unnoticed right now. The unveiling will occur when the time is perfect.
Creativity is in abundance for you, Gemini. You will also feel enthusiastic about love and friendships during this season. Your ability to communicate is extensive, so don’t lose your temper over silly issues. The social butterfly in you will be fluttering happily during the season of Libra. A few barriers will be in your path, but you will have the chance to learn flexibility.
This season’s focal point for you, Cancer, is your job or career. Your supervisor is taking notice of your dedication and achievement. Your commitment to excellence is duly noted and appreciated. The time for you to shine is now! On the flip side, as the season comes to a close, take time for yourself and your inner goals.
You are a busy Leo during the season of Libra. Your social media time is off the charts, and your social calendar is hectic and fun. The time for settling that lingering argument is now. You have big decisions regarding a change, so don’t keep that argument in the middle.
Now is the time for you to overhaul your finances, Virgo. Work on your budget, and there will be new ways to save money for your future. Lately, you have noticed a desire for toys and spending. If you adhere to your budget and plans, you will have some extra cash for fun.
Happy Birthday, Libra! Take care of yourself and your needs now. You are the importance this season, and you have to put yourself ahead of the demands of others. Have some fun, but remember to balance fun and responsibility.