
Earthquake Strikes New Jersey, Shaking Reported Across the State

September 9, 2020: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) relayed that earlier this morning, an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.1 struck New Jersey. Hitting in the wee hours, around 2 a.m., it was positioned around East Freehold. Residents have been active on social media, expressing their shock at the fact that this rare weather event is happening in their state. Shaking has been reported across the Garden State and into New York.

USGS put out a ‘Did You Feel It?’ map, and people from Long Island to Philadelphia responded, with many saying they only felt a light shaking, with no visible damage done. Robert Sanders, a USGS geophysicist, said that it would be surprising if real damage is seen, aside from furniture damage.
The state last experienced shaking due to an earthquake in 2011, when reported that a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck nearby Virginia. One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on the East Coast, its effects were felt in New Jersey as many reported shaking. Read on for more details.

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