The year 2020 has put many of us under a lot of stress, and stress seldom brings out the best in a person or their most positive sign characteristics. Figuring out how to manage that sign that is never, ever wrong can be frustrating. Being a sign that is always right isn’t much fun either, but if you can catch yourself before you get locked in place, you can overcome this frustrating tendency. Read More »
Yup, the ram is just a little rigid. Because Aries lack patience and can seldom wait around for things to grow naturally, they will often dive into a project or situation without knowing all the facts. If things go well, they were right all along. If things fail, they were still right and you can’t get them to admit otherwise. Should your horoscope warn you of a tough couple of days in your future, it’s probably a group project with an Aries. In fairness, your friendly neighborhood Aries is remarkably courageous. However, if they’re wrong and you know it, be very careful in how you share this. Their response may be to charge and bowl over anyone who disagrees.
The beautiful thing about a Gemini is that they can always see both sides of the argument. The frustrating thing about this sign is that this means, with a little over-thinking and self-justification, that nothing is ever their fault. The ability to admit a mistake is not in the Gemini’s nature. Anyone who disagrees with them doesn’t know the whole story, and since they’ve studied both sides of the tale in detail, they will either
- talk their face off telling you about it, or
- walk away because they know the truth and that’s all that matters
The assigning of the bull to the sign of Taurus wasn’t without merit. Even if they’re wrong, you can spend a lifetime gathering data to get them to admit it. Be ready to back up your facts with more data, and also be ready to walk away. Seriously, how much effort will you put into moving a bull? That being said, if you are in trouble, your favorite Taurus will be there for you. They may be willing to fight for something you want long after you’ve give up.
Astrology tells us that Pisces are the last sign in the zodiac, so it’s not surprising that Pisces can be big babies about a lot of things. These celestial toddlers can crash through the lives of others with little regard for any feelings but their own while on the hunt for something bright and shiny. If they get unhappy, temperamental or destructive, it’s just because someone made them feel bad. Pisces can also be energy suckers; they’re deeply empathic, but only as far as they need to get the energy it will take to swim away. If they figure out that they screwed up, there may be a chance for growth, but don’t hold your breath.
This is the sign that will go to the mat for every idea and action if they have an audience. The lion loves to put on a show. Big fight in a restaurant? Leo. Big fight and tears in a restaurant? Leo dining with a Cancer. Maybe you should eat somewhere else? Their goal isn’t to be right and in control of every situation. The goal is to never look as though they’re in the wrong. They hung the moon and the stars shine mostly for them; just accept it. Never confront or correct a Leo in front of a crowd or in a group communication of any sort. Leos generally set a high bar for themselves because they love to look relaxed and in control of things; calling them out strips away that control.
The crab just can’t let anything go. They also aren’t great at approaching things head-on. This means that their mistakes can always be disregarded, reframed, and discarded. They’re a bit like a Gemini in this overthinking habit, but it’s made worse by the fact that a Cancer can’t emotionally disconnect. If a Cancer claims that 2 + 2 = 5 and you point out that, actually, no, it’s 4, you have caught an error. To the Cancer in your sphere, you’ve called them wrong, which is as good as claiming they’re bad. Proceed with care and kindness. Cancer clings to their choices with an iron grip and won’t let go easily.
The genuine, caring and balanced Libra is ready to give just about anyone a reset. If you screw up, admit it and apologize, the Libra is one of the few signs that can just get over it. However, if they screw up, hurt you and you’re ready to go to battle over your pain, Libra won’t fight. They’ve already moved on. Libras are graceful, caring and, generally, balanced. However, you can never expect a Libra to beat themselves up, and they won’t take it from you either. Put down your weapons. Life is too short to try to stir up a conflict with a Libra.
There are many aspects of the personalities associated with these signs that are wonderful. Many of them are terrific people. However, we humans get a lot more interesting when conflicts come up. The signs above struggle with figuring out the difference between just making a mistake and being a bad person. Proceed with caution.