We all love astrology! Whether you believe in it or not, reading your horoscope is always fun. Today we are going beyond the run of the mill horoscopes and giving ideas for your next baking project based on your astrological sign!
Capricorn – December 22-January 19 – Earth Sign
Typically, Capricorns make great leaders. As a Capricorn, you have unwavering focus, are ambitious and project-oriented. You are usually never dull or bored because, as an Earth sign, you are productive and attuned to comfort and pleasure. Black is a color associated with Capricorns, and your flavor profile is tartness.
• Blackcurrant Tarts!
Blackcurrants have a rich dark color and are tart in flavor with an earthy quality about them. Plus, since you are detail-oriented, you can handle this two-step dessert that requires you to make a pastry dough for the crust and the blackcurrant filling.
Aquarius – January 20-February 19 – Air Sign
So, you’d think that Aquarius is a water sign (aqua=water), but you’d be wrong! Oddly, Aquarius is an air sign. As an Aquarius, you are probably all about bettering your life. You are strong-willed and organized. You are intellectual, but this can lead to indecisiveness and over-questioning/analyzing.
However, Aquarius people are often innovative and experimental, so your next baking project should be:
• Black Bean Avocado Chocolate Chip Fudge Brownies!
Oh yeah, we went there! First things first:
No, you cannot taste the ‘weird’ ingredients.
Yes, they actually taste like fudge-y brownies.
Due to your fantastic organizational skills, you will have no problem preparing the black beans (the can will need draining, and the black beans will need rinsing) and avocado (you will need to harvest half of it out of the peel from around the pit) ahead of time and breezing through the recipe without it taking forever to make.
Pisces – February 20-March 20 – Water Sign
Mr./Mrs. Adaptability, Pisces are flexible and versatile. However, due to your tendency to be imaginative and dream, you will probably have the most difficulty when it comes to deciding what baked good to make. As a Pisces, you are moody, artistic, and sensitive, so you tend to enjoy subtle/delicate flavors.
Because of this, you should make:
• Macarons!
These French sandwich-style cookies will suit your personality perfectly. They are light, delicate, and airy. However, you can let your creativity fly as you color the meringue that forms the cookies when creating this beautiful, whimsical dessert.
Aries – March 21-April 20 – Fire Sign
Aries have fiery personalities! You are fierce and passionate and enthusiastic and ruled by Mars. If you aren’t up on your astrology factoids, you may not know that each planet has food associated with it. One of the foods that are associated with Mars is pineapple.
Since Aries people are such bold individuals, you should make:
• Caribbean Pineapple Upside Down Cake!
The classic version of this cake can be cloyingly sweet, but not when Thai chili peppers and red chili flakes are added in place of the maraschino cherries! The Thai chili peppers get candied, so the dessert is still somewhat sweet, but it has a zippy pow kind of kick that is perfect for an Aries.
Taurus – April 21-May 20 – Earth Sign
So, Taurus is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Venus. Remember that while we discuss some of your personality traits as Taurus. Probably the most notable trait associated with you is your stubbornness. However, it is due to this strong will that makes you so powerful and focused on your goals and values.
As an Earth sign, you have a sensuality about you. This ties into your ruling planet being Venus. Venus is a female goddess and is very beautiful. Her Greek counterpart is the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. She won a contest for her beauty and was gifted a golden apple. It is because of this that apples are synonymous with her and should be featured in the dessert of the Taurus.
Taurus, your next baking project should be:
• French Apple, Vanilla and Rum Cake!
First, apples are associated with Aphrodite. Second, apples and vanilla are aphrodisiacs. Third, alcohol (rum) is basically considered an aphrodisiac too. Earth signs have a sensuality about them, so you will enjoy this decadent, heavenly cake that wafts the subtle scent of vanilla and rum.
Gemini – May 21-June 20 – Air Signs
Geminis are the sign with two faces, so they (me!) tend to be versatile, changeable, flexible and indecisive. If you are a Gemini, you will like this … Your ruling planet is Mercury. The food associated with Mercury is green. But don’t worry, your dessert isn’t going to be a bowl of green veggies!
Geminis next baking project should be:
• Matcha Molten Lava Cake!
This cake is perfect for the Gemini because it looks like a regular cake on the outside, but when you cut into it, you will find a molten lava center. There’s a duality to it, much like you. With your intellectual and objective personality, you will be able to handle the slight technical skills required to perfectly execute this cake. Finally, as an homage to your air sign-ness, you will appreciate the light dusting of airy powdered sugar the cake gets right out of the oven! Enjoy!
Cancer – June 21-July 22 – Water Sign
Cancers have a summer birthday, and their ruling planet is the Moon. You’re energetic “doers,” but do have an artistic, creative side to you.
Being project-oriented, you will delight in your next baking project! It is:
• Watermelon Cake!
This cake is delicious and beautiful, as it actually looks like a watermelon. First things first, one of the foods associated with their ruling planet is the watermelon, which is why this baked good is suitable for you. Second, you’ll adore this project because you don’t just to make the average watermelon-flavored cake, you get to use your artist skills and decorate the cake to look like real watermelon! Plus, your cake can double as a fun summer birthday cake for you!
Leo – July 23-August 22 – Fire Sign
Leos are activity-oriented and passionate fire signs. They are strong-willed and spontaneous and impulsive.
Because of this, your next baking project should be:
• Maple Bourbon Brown Butter Peach Pie
I’m not going to lie, pies can be challenging to make sometimes. However, as an activity-oriented Leo, you’ll appreciate this baking project. There are warm spices in this pie, like cinnamon and allspice, that are perfect for you as a fire sign.
Virgo – August 23-September 22 – Earth Sign
Virgos are adaptable people. You are down to earth and go with the flow. However, you are also detail-oriented, so you’ll be partial to the subtle flavors in your next baking project.
You should bake:
• Lavender Lemon Bars!
Lavender is a flower associated with Mercury, which is the ruling planet of Virgos. This is a gorgeous dessert. You get to make a lovely lavender sugar that will go in the crust and the filling of the bars. It gives them a light, earthy quality that perfectly pairs with the lemon! Can you say, “delicious?”
Libra – September 23-October 22 – Air Sign
Libras are sensual, charming and elegant. This zodiac sign is represented by a perfectly balanced scale. It is because of your fondness of equilibrium, you will die for your next baking project.
It is:
• Dark Chocolate Chiffon Cake with Fluffy Rosewater Frosting
The dark chocolate created a rich flavor, but chiffon cakes are noticeably light. This cake balances light and dark colors, rich and airy flavors and is just all-around elegant. You will crave the lighter-than-airy rosewater frosting that adds a charming touch.
Scorpio – October 23-November 22 – Water Sign
Scorpios are kind of extremists. They are probably the biggest powerhouse sign of the zodiac. You are emotionally intense beings that are moody and sensitive. It is because of these traits that you are empathetic and compassionate too.
Your next baking project should be:
• Chocolate Chip Blondies
Why? Because everyone loves the classic chocolate chip cookie, but blondies are a bit wild and break outside the traditional dessert. This mirrors your Scorpio personality. The chocolate chip cookies are very traditional and comforting, like your empathetic qualities. Conversely, blondies are rich and sweet, so they play well with your intensity.
Sagittarius – November 23-December 21 – Fire Sign
Finally, we have the wonderfully enthusiastic and optimistic Sagittarius. You guys are a fire sign, but often lack that dominating quality they tend to have. You are more generous and idealistic and enjoy freedom. Because of your enigmatic nature, your next baking project should be:
• Deluxe Pumpkin Blueberry Muffins
Because you are a fire sign, you appreciate the bold. There’s nothing bolder than putting pumpkins and blueberries into the same dessert! Plus, your ruling planet is Jupiter. One of the colors associated with Jupiter is orange, like the pumpkin. Additionally, blue is associated with the Sagittarius sign. This dessert is unexpected, but something is comforting about muffins, which make this the perfect Sagittarius baking project!