As we continue to navigate through Sagittarius season, one of the things that comes up a lot about Sagittarius is their love of freedom and exploration and how this could potentially impact their ability to have a committed relationship.
Some people believe that Sagittarius is a commitment-phobe that is allergic to established relationships. However, this is not the case. Sagittarius does have the capacity to commit, but it’s important to understand what this freedom-loving sign needs in order to have a relationship that can stand the test of time.
Read More »Sagittarius Needs To Explore
If you are interested in Sagittarius, it’s important to remember that there is nothing that will ever get between them and their love of travel and exploration. While some people like to travel, Sagittarius needs it. Yes…needs. Many Sagittarius travel for a living and/or choose to live abroad from their native homelands. This is due to the desire to seek broader horizons. It’s literally embedded in their energy, and there is really nothing they can do about it.
Whether this is traveling or exploring different philosophies, exploration can be both physical and mental. This is a sign that seeks out more than the familiar, and the best way to do this is to travel and explore. If you are interested in Sagittarius, you have to be willing to accept that they are going to want to travel, consider different perspectives, seek higher education, and any other endeavor that expands their consciousness.
So, if you’re the type that just wants to stick to the rivers and lakes that you’re used to, Sagittarius may not be for you.
Doesn’t Like The Mundane
The regular, same-old things are simply not appealing to Sagittarius. Many astrological descriptions of Sagittarius mention their love of the foreign and exotic. In many ways, Sagittarius is more comfortable with people and things that are not native to their own experience. Why is this? Because the foreign aligns with Sagittarius’ desire for expansion. Whether this is dating someone from a different culture, traveling, or exploring different religions and belief systems, Sagittarius wants to expand itself.
Essentially, Sagittarius doesn’t want the mundane and the familiar. They are truly seeking that which is exotic to them because they are genuinely interested in experiences that take them beyond what is native to their own natal experience.
Looks Are Nice…But Not Everything
Sagittarius loves people. But, if you’re interested in a relationship with the Sagittarius, you have to come with something more than looks. Of course, in a perfect world, Sagittarius would definitely prefer someone that is aesthetically pleasing to their eyes and senses. However, they also need someone that can expand their consciousness and experiences. This is a very important aspect of starting and maintaining a relationship with Sagittarius.
Not everything is about appearances. What more do you have to offer? Do you have any interesting lived experiences? Any wisdom to share or offer? Any cultural experience you’d like to share? Are you expanding your mind via personal learning or are you currently seeking some form of higher education? What are your views on religions and philosophies? What are some of your core beliefs? Have you ever pondered on the human experience? Who are you and why are you here?
If these questions have you running for the hills, the Sagittarius is probably not the sign for you. They are genuinely interested in someone that has something to bring to their lived experience. They want a potential partner to come to the table with something to share because Sagittarius is well-traveled, often well-educated, and constantly seeks to explore new things. So, if you are interested in Sagittarius, you have to have something going for you more than good looks. Otherwise, Sagittarius will grow weary of your shallow beauty and head for new, more interesting horizons.
Independence Is A Must
Sagittarius and freedom are synonymous. Nothing will ever change this. This is why Sagittarius does best with partners that have their own lives. Sagittarius seeks interdependence and space in relationships. While some people like to be attached at the hip with their partners, not Sagittarius. They have their own interests and hobbies, and they would very much like for their partners to have the same. To be quite frank, Sagittarius likes to release themselves from any clingy behavior. Nothing will keep them caged in because this simply suppresses their natural expansive Jupiterian energy.
Ultimately, Sagittarius goes best with people who can operate from a place of independence personally and interdependence in a partnership. What is interdependence? This is when two independent people come together and interact mutually in a relationship as opposed to codependency which is an unhealthy reliance on another person. Sagittarius definitely doesn’t want this.
If you want a Sagittarius to consider you for a relationship, get a life. Really, get a life. Sagittarius doesn’t want you sitting by the phone waiting for them to call you back. They prefer partners that are out here living their lives so that when they do connect there is something to share.
Debbie Downers Are A Big No
Being ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is the optimist of the zodiac. They have this big hope and faith that everything will turn out for the best. This grants them this brilliant, warm energy that carries them and others through even the toughest times. Sagittarius likes to keep it light and faithful which is why they tend to avoid the overly serious and people who are a constant drag. They don’t want to be around the perpetual Debbie Downer that is stuck in a state of pessimism. To be with a Sagittarius, optimism, faith, and a belief that the best is yet to come are required.
Commitment Is Possible But Not Always Easy
Ultimately, it is more than possible for Sagittarius to be in a long-term committed relationship. Their freedom-loving expansive ways make them a better fit for people that appreciate and understand their natural characteristics. Sagittarius is independent. They enjoy their own space. They know that life has a lot to offer them. They know something new is always on the horizon.
None of these traits necessarily coincide with being a commitment-phobe. While Sagittarius enjoys people and may desire to be in a relationship, the basic nature of this sign doesn’t require a relationship. Wanting a relationship and needing a relationship are not the same. Sagittarius can and will commit to others when they meet someone that doesn’t have an issue with the full expression of Jupiter’s expansive energy as well as someone that offers them new expansive experiences. This is one of the reasons Sagittarius is slow to settle down. They don’t want to attach themselves to some that they will have to “expand beyond” due to a lack of new experiences because if Sagittarius gets restless, they are moving on.
Ultimately, while Sagittarius is more oriented to maintaining their freedom and expansive ways, they will commit if they meet someone that keeps them on their toes by sharing their love of new experiences and a zeal for life.