What Does It Mean When Venus Enters Taurus? Your Special Sun Sign Horoscope

On April 14 Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and personal success, enters earth sign Taurus, also ruled by Venus. This duo encourages us to be authentic in our relationships, and approach others from a place of generosity and openness, no matter how trying the circumstances. Far from not practicing what they preach, Venus and Taurus additionally cast a lighthearted, affectionate glow about the proceedings, ensuring optimal outcomes for those who are willing to take a chance.
Keep reading to see what’s in store for your astrological sign when Venus enters Taurus this month.
Read More »Venus is the lovely, rose-scented breeze blowing into your fiery Mars-ruled world, both lightening and enriching the atmosphere. Use this time to put personal disputes, however great or small, aside for better company and more fulfilling pastimes. You’ll have to return to those matters at some point, of course, but will do so with a more amiable–and thus productive–mindset. Venus encourages us all to approach our opponents with more grace and diplomacy, and you could certainly benefit from that boost!
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
This promises to be a beautiful month for you, Taurus, as your natal planet Venus dances into your sign on the 14th. While everyone will benefit from this shimmery rendezvous, you will see the world through rose-tinted glasses. Limitations will become possibilities and former riffs the opportunity to heal and move on. If a current romantic relationship has felt strained, this is your moment to step forward and reassert your feelings. With Venus smiling over your shoulder, you can be assured of your success in love this season.
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Although we’re not yet in Gemini season, this time of year always puts a spring in your sign’s step. After a dark but admittedly necessary period of introspection, you’re ready to venture back out into the world and seek the company of those you’ve missed. This Venus transit should cast a warm and inviting glow over these reunions, as well as your social life at large, so savor this winsome energy. What you’ve learned over the past year will only contribute to the success of your relationships.
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Venus will be beckoning you out from your enclave on the 14th, so don’t resist this moment to reconnect with loved ones and be seen in a transformative new light. Your solitude hasn’t been wasted over the past several months; on the contrary, you’ve been working on deep–and deeply personal–issues and healing from recent revelations concerning once trusted friends. While you may be feeling vulnerable right now, rest assured the planet of love and loving protection has got your back.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
If tensions have reached a breaking point and you’re ready to throw in the towel, wait for Venus’s arrival in Taurus on the 14th, when all signs will reap their unique rewards. In your case, Leo, it’s being rewarded for your truly regal patience of late, especially concerning family. Your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated, and the planet of love, beauty, and personal success will make sure you receive your due spotlight, provided you can hold out a little longer.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
With Venus entering your fellow earth sign Taurus on the 14th, you should feel a similar lightening-and-brightening of your surroundings and within your most meaningful relationships. Venus often rewards us for putting in the painful work of mending broken relationships, and you should see your own connections reestablished with those you may have fallen out with. All romantic partnerships will be given a second chance this season so seize yours, Virgo, especially if this is a last-chance deal.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
As your ruling planet Venus moves into stable Taurus on the 14th, your personal sphere will feel much more balanced. This includes relationships of all types, as well as the style of communication you’ve established with the wider world–essentially your fans, followers, audience, and colleagues. If you’ve been looking to upgrade your image to what you feel is a better fit for your new m.o., follow your natal planet’s example and let your innate style, generosity, and otherworldly charms lead the way.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Even you’ve grown tired of the brooding heaviness of your environment, which is no small feat for the shadow-loving scorpion. While you normally never shy away from the intense or uncomfortable, you’re ready to let some light into your personal space, as well as the relationships you’ve come to cherish. As Venus touches down on Taurus on the 14th, take advantage of those rosy vibes to reach out to loved ones and express yourself with the confidence of knowing that vulnerability is a strength, and not the show of weakness you once feared.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
You approach your relationships in the same manner you approach life at large: with an open heart and eye for adventure. You believe that love should liberate, rather than restrain one, and are quick to give overbearing partners the side-eye (if not the boot). This month and especially on the 14th, leave a little room for surprise, as you may find yourself on the receiving end of an unexpectedly amazing one. An underestimated partner could very well out-maneuver the astrological hunter this season.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
If your love life feels less than stellar these days, take heart Capricorn: Venus, who loves to tweak the nose of your ruler Saturn, arrives on the 14th to shake off the dust and cast old affections in a dazzling new light. Never one to rush into an affair, you’re equally prone to staying put in relationships out of a sense of duty, rather than enthusiastic commitment. Remember, Venus doesn’t just represent love, beauty, and material success, but the very act of living your life purposefully and with passion. This is your moment to reforge a weakened bond under Venus’s loving light or else part ways as friends, rather than foes.
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
You always take a sophisticated approach to your relationships, drawing from an intellectual, rather than emotional well to express your feelings. However, Venus’s arrival on the 14th casts an irresistible spell of giddiness and abandon where matters of the heart are concerned. After all, what have you got to lose in being open and more approachable? Are you afraid that if you let a bit of your trademark cool slip away you’ll be left unprotected? And if so, unprotected from what? Right now you have an abundance of love and sincere support all around you; let vulnerability be your point of connection.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
You’re keenly in touch with the emotions of those around you, to an extent that it often leaves you feeling overwhelmed and exposed. While it may seem odd to use Venus’s arrival to advise you to lift up the Piscean drawbridge for awhile, that’s exactly what’s being asked of you. The emotions swirling around you are intense and not altogether healthy, Pisces; make sure you’re not leaving yourself open to harmful or negative influences. Opt for self care and preservation during this Venusian transit instead.