
Proud & Confident with the Leo New Moon

This July 28th, 2022, and several days thereafter, we get to experience the regal joy of the new moon in Leo. This is the perfect time to get in touch with the heart center and embrace confidence, romance, and tending to the inner child. This is a fun new moon that provides a light-hearted touch and brilliance to the new moon experience. Many will be feeling quite bold and regal under this Leo moon which will propel us to take action and embrace our inner confidence.

Newfound Pride & Confidence

With the new moon in Leo, this is an excellent time to really get into the energy of the heart space. This new energy sparks us to consider how we can incorporate Leo energy into our lives. For a more personal understanding of how this new moon in Leo impacts us, check your natal chart and locate the house where Leo is on the cusp. This is where we will explain the energy of the new moon in Leo.

The Brilliance of the Inner Child

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