2021: A Breath of Fresh Air After 2020 And it’s All Thanks to Jupiter Squaring Uranus

It goes without saying that these are unprecedented times for people all over the world. As new issues grip the world, new ways of thinking are also taking hold, passing from the metaphysical into the physical realm and changing people’s lives in dramatic ways. But starting with January 17th, 2021, the moon, planets, and heavenly bodies are bound and determined to shake things up even more.
Jupiter is Squaring Uranus
Starting January 17th, an unpredictable transit will inspire radical change and enlightened thinking all across the globe. This is the date when the planet Jupiter will square with Uranus, and it’s a date that experts and anyone who even remotely follows the Zodiac have marked on their calendar.
Read More »What is a Square in Astrology?
When you read about a square in your horoscope or in astrology books, it might be confusing to visualize and understand the meaning at first. Luckily, it’s more or less literal. A square is simply a 90-degree angle between two planets, which can be an 8-degree orb or less.
This heavenly prism is one aspect of astrology that can help reveal your innermost tension – whatever it is that might be bothering you and impeding you on your life journey. It also shows where the outlying obstacles are on the road ahead, helping you to better prepare yourself to face and overcome them. You can always look to the planets within the prevailing square to find clues or answers about your current situation, so squares are well used in the study of astrology.
What Does Jupiter Squaring Uranus Mean for Us?
One of the big changes that this astrological phenomenon will catalyze is a brand-new mindset for masses of people. It has happened before – and recently, too – the most recent square of the two planets being in 2014.
The convergence of these bodies suggests multiple seemingly contradictory outcomes for the people of Earth. One thing that’s for certain about their meeting is the instigation of change in society as a whole, but it’s impossible to say what types of changes or where they’ll come from – or how potentially tumultuous the road to making those changes might be.
Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter is known as the Planet of Luck and Abundance, which obviously means good news for anyone to whom this applies. For Aquarians, they haven’t had this jolly giant of a planet enter their sign in a dozen years, so there’s a lot of buzz around 2021 for this air sign.
Many astrological experts point to Jupiter’s presence in Capricorn for the past year, 2020 – a year that shall live in infamy – to account for the numerous global disasters and societal upheavals. Capricorns are known for their hard-working nature, and the abundant essence of Jupiter caused a highly unbalanced situation that left the metaphysical world unsure of which way was up.
The passing of Jupiter into Aquarius is then expected to be a huge release of tension that should feel like a relaxing sigh for all signs collectively. For Aquarians, it can mean a personal renaissance in everything from love and relationship to money and career. With luck and abundance on Aquarius’s side, it’s exciting to see what these good fortunes will bring them – and what they’ll bring for the rest of the world.
Aquarius Horoscope for 2021
For Aquarius, 2021 is bound to be a year full of opportunities, obstacles, and risks that you’ll have to choose whether or not are worth it to take. 2020 was almost certainly a year that took its emotional tolls on you, dear Aquarius, as it did all other signs – but perhaps those in this sign more than some others. Although Aquarians generally maintain a fair bit of distance between themselves and external situations – be it mentally, emotionally, physically, or all of the above – the severity of 2020’s impact on society as a whole may have even touched the formerly untouchable water bearer.
As such, one of the first obstacles to overcome for many Aquarians is to break down the walls that you may have spent much of the previous year building. There has been enough of closing yourself off to other people; it’s time to let other people into your life and even reach outward to actively seek those connections.
That being said, 2021 is also an important year for every Aquarius to remember that they should put themself first. Stay alert to your own opportunities and needs and you’ll be better suited to serve others. If there are any big move ideas that you’ve been sitting on for years and years, Aquarius, now is the time to unveil them to the world and invest yourself fully in them.
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus is the Planet of Freedom and Rebellion, which means different things to different people. One thing everyone can agree on is that Uranus has a knack for changing the status quo in society.
As one of the slower-moving planets, Uranus spends somewhere around seven years in each astrological sign. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2019 and so we can expect the spirit of rebellion to stay strong in the sign known for being practical and determined for several more years to come.
However, this doesn’t mean things are stable and unchanging for resilient Taurus. Starting August 15th, 2021, Uranus will start its retrograde in Taurus. This backtrack will continue until January 14th of the same year, when the stars indicate something highly dramatic and unexpected will happen.
Experts say that the electrifying nature of Uranus is a catalyst for innovation and unpredictable changes, particularly when it is in the retrograde phase. What this means for people of every astrological sign – but Taurus in particular – is a freeing of the mind and liberation at a societal level.
There are only two planets that move opposite to Earth’s rotation, and Uranus is one of them. What this means for us is when the planet is retrograding, we can see it moving slowly backward – thus providing an ideal vantage point to see the changes in our world which need to be made.
Taurus Horoscope for 2021
All signs point to an excellent year for the careers of many Tauruses. This thriving nature is due largely to retrograding Uranus, inspiring innovation and resilience. The Warrior Planet of Mars that entered your sign on January 6th will also help to start things off with a bang, injecting fire into your journey to a more assertive and successful year than the last one.
While this sudden streak of success can be inspiring, it’s important to remember not to compare yourself too closely to others. One person’s success isn’t equivalent to someone else’s. For instance, many Aries saw a boom in their careers that would be tough to match, but circumstances surrounding their success would be impossible to duplicate. The only person you should be in competition with is yourself from the previous years, and for Tauruses everywhere, 2021 is bound to be the best career year in their entire lives.