Since we are still in Pisces season, let’s explore how to court Pisces romantically. While this is one of the most sensitive, compassionate, and empathic signs of the zodiac, Pisces is not easy to get to know. Being the mystery that they are, it can be quite difficult to figure out how to get close to a Pisces. If you are interested in Pisces, here are some tips on what to do and what not to do to reel in these mysterious, hard-to-catch fishes.
The Dos For Dating Pisces
The following are some of the things that you can do to get Pisces to see you in a favorable light. More than anything, no matter which sign you are interested in dating, always make sure you show up as yourself.
Show Genuine Interest
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While there are many other signs that enjoy the flash and pomp of dating relationships, Pisces really is a simple soul. While they enjoy material things, they are not materialistic. Of all the zodiac signs, Pisces is probably the least attached to physical things since they are the last sign and their sole purpose is to release this physical realm to return back to Source. Physical things are to be used in the now, and Pisces knows that true connections can’t be purchased.
Instead, Pisces appreciates people who interact with them from a genuine place. While Pisces definitely loves to be in love and the trappings of romance are quite appealing, it is the little things that touch the soul that means the most to Pisces. In the end, Pisces understands that the emotional and spiritual connection is far more important than anything money can buy.

Share Yourself Emotionally
If you really want to get Pisces’ attention, open up. Pisces enjoys being an emotional and spiritual reservoir for others. It gives them the opportunity to use their empathetic nature to assist others. This is a sign that is always rooting for the underdog, and their compassionate and nonjudgmental nature makes them easy to talk to. Pisces understands that no one is perfect, and we are all doing the best we can at this moment.
So, if you really want to get close to Pisces, make yourself emotionally available. Open up enough to show Pisces that you consider them someone special enough to share intimate details about your life. In return, Pisces will be a source of emotional and spiritual support, and they just might slowly open up when they feel comfortable…no sooner or later.
Sometimes Space Is Needed
If you didn’t know, Pisces and its ruler Neptune govern isolation. Be prepared for Pisces’ bouts of alone time. Their desire to be alone at times does not mean they dislike you. Time away is necessary for Pisces because they absorb energy. Pisces is a walking sponge picking up on everything, and when they have time to themselves, they’re able to cleanse themselves of external energies and get the replenishment and rejuvenation they so desperately need.
For Pisces, alone time can be as simple as being in the adjacent room enjoying creative activities such as painting, writing poetry, or listening to music. Other times, Pisces may decide to take a solo trip for personal enjoyment and rejuvenation. So, don’t get upset if you don’t happen to hear from Pisces all the time. They just may be taking some time to themselves for some much-needed relaxation and rejuvenation. Don’t take it personally.
The Don’ts When Dating Pisces
If you don’t want Pisces to disappear or swim away from you, you may want to steer clear of the following when courting a Pisces.
Don’t Be Rude
If there’s one thing that really gets under Pisces’ skin, it’s rudeness. Because Pisces is very aware that we are all connected, they take personal offense when others don’t treat people with kindness and respect. Even if you don’t necessarily like someone, that doesn’t mean that you have to treat them poorly in the eyes of Pisces. If you don’t like them, simply stay away from them. Being rude as a form of power and control or as an ego flex won’t get you any points with Pisces.
Oh! You’ll lose even more points with Pisces if you put down people who are in service positions as this shows your lack of respect for those who are trying to help you. Pisces is a true believer in the following well-known saying: “If a person is nice to you, but mean to the waiter, they are not a nice person.”

Lies Are A Big No
If you plan on lying to a Pisces, don’t. Pisces is one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. In fact, some are straight-up psychics. If you lie to a Pisces, they may not say anything to you at all since this sign doesn’t like confrontation. However, the mature Pisces that doesn’t avoid red flags won’t take you seriously. They’ll just let you continue to tell lies, and then when they’re fed up dealing with you and your lies, they will simply swim away or disappear.
Some may not like Pisces’ decision to simply remove themselves from insincere energy. However, Pisces doesn’t really feel the need to explain to someone why they are no longer dealing with them. People know when they are being deceptive, and Pisces will leave deceptive people on their own to deal with themselves without explanation.
So, if you are interested in Pisces taking you seriously you may want to hang up the lies in advance. Pisces sees straight through you, and even if you think that they are gullible, they are not.
Don’t Take Advantage
If you genuinely want to get to know Pisces, don’t take advantage of them. Because Pisces is a pretty laid-back and accepting sign, they are often met with the best and the worst energies. Just because Pisces has a tendency to let things slide or not make a fuss that doesn’t mean that you should take advantage of them.
Unfortunately, Pisces has a tendency to put on rose-colored glasses and avoid red flags when dealing with others. This can make them prime targets of the deceitful and insincere. If you’re thinking about taking advantage of the Pisces, don’t do it. If anything, show that you are a sincere person that can be trusted to appreciate Pisces for who they are as opposed to using them for their compassionate nature.
Avoid Being A Showoff
Last but not least, If there’s one thing that Pisces can’t stand, it’s a showoff. Pisces and its ruler Neptune govern what is hidden and in the background. For the most part, Pisces likes to take it easy and avoid drawing attention to themselves…unless they have other signs in their natal astrology chart that push them to seek the spotlight. They would prefer to be with someone that doesn’t always have to create a scene and be extra about being noticed. So, if you’re the type that needs to make an entrance or be seen everywhere you go, Pisces may not be the zodiac sign for you.
With these tips, you just may be able to catch yourself a Pisces, one of the most mystical, enigmatic, and hard-to-reach signs of the zodiac.