Built Up Frustration with Sun in Virgo Square Mars in Gemini

Get ready for a tense square-off of the Mercury-ruled signs Virgo and Gemini as the Sun in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini. This energy creates communication issues that cause frustration and anxiety. Due to the tense Mars energy, we may come up against people who are not willing to communicate with us in the way that we desire. The combination of the critical nature of the Sun in Virgo squaring off with the fickle energy of Mars in Gemini is a recipe for competitive restlessness that leads to nowhere.
When the Sun Squares Mars
In general, the energy of the Sun square Mars is definitely one of internal and external frustration. The energy of the sun represented by our identity is fighting against Mars, the planet of action in a not-so-pleasant exchange. Under the energy of the Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini, communication and details are an unfortunate pain in the side.
Read More »The Clash of the Mercury-ruled Astro Signs
Although Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury, both of these signs express Mercury energy differently. Gemini is the Mercury-ruled sign governed by the air element. This is where Mercury experiences itself as the agile messenger and the communicator forever curious about its immediate surroundings and always interested in discovering and sharing information.
Always forever moving, Gemini delights in its ability to remain open to new experiences that offer the opportunity to learn more.
Then there is Virgo which is the grounded, earth expression of Mercury energy. Virgo is more interested in analyzing information in order to gain clarity. With Virgo, discernment and discrimination are important because Virgo’s goal is to achieve perfection when communicating and applying information.
It is how information is processed and used that causes the clash between these two Mercury-ruled signs. Gemini is motivated by curiosity and seeks and shares information regardless of whether it is factual. Virgo needs to know for sure that the information it receives is accurate in order to obtain clarity and create order. This is the flighty, light-hearted energy of Gemini air facing off with the heavy, grounded energy of critical, discerning Virgo. Gemini sees Virgo as an over-exacting stick-in-the-mud while Virgo sees Gemini as unreliable and fly-by-night.
Thus, issues are likely with the Sun in Virgo squaring Mars in Gemini where our self-expression as ruled by the Sun in Virgo receives negative pushback due to the influence of Mars in Gemini.
Self-Expression Being Challenged
The Sun in Virgo squaring Mars in Gemini challenges our identities and self-expression. Competition is high under this aspect as Mars wants to be first prompting us to exert our will unto others. This energy can play out as exacting, discriminating, and hypercritical courtesy of the Sun in Virgo. To prove that we are the best, there could even be a tendency to put others down for not meeting our perfectionist standards.
Conflict can arise when others are not willing to hold the exacting, discerning perspective that Sun in Virgo possesses. Mars in Gemini is incredibly flexible, but it is not interested in locking itself down to anyone one idea or way of doing something. While the Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini energy encourages movement, the influence of Mars in Gemini can create a fickleness that will prevent work from being done which will annoy the perfectionist nature of the Sun in Virgo. It is quite possible to see the expression of this Mercury square energy as nagging and nitpicking courtesy of the Sun in Virgo as well as trickster behavior, cheating to get ahead, and pettiness courtesy of Mars in Gemini.
We also can’t forget that due to the amplified Mercury energy working against itself, restlessness and anxiety are increased…especially due to the influence of Mars.
Competition…Even If You Don’t Want It
The Sun square Mars aspect in Virgo and Gemini creates competition of the mental variety. Watch out because words can be used as weapons especially if we feel that we are being challenged. This can be tricky energy to navigate as the Sun in Virgo energy has us competing to show just how perfect we are while Mars in Gemini pushes back using plays on words, two-faced fickleness, and purposeful trickster energy to get ahead. For those of us seeking clarity and order under the Sun in Virgo energy, we won’t like mental games played by those holding Mars in Gemini energy.
We may find that even if we don’t want to compete, someone is interested in competing with us. Since Mars is in Gemini, opponents may try to use mind games to asset themselves. It is up to us to decide if we want to engage with this energy. With the Sun in Virgo, we can opt to prove our perfection, or we can internalize any outward competition and use this competitive energy to fuel our own self-improvement.
Suggestions for Dealing with this Energy
So, how do we deal with the intense aspect of the Sun square Mars in the mercurial signs of Virgo and Gemini? Due to the mental energy associated with this aspect, it is best to avoid communication battles at this time. Our egos could be invested in being “right” and “perfect” due to the Sun in Virgo. We could come up against people who are interested in asserting themselves by playing mind games courtesy of Mars in Gemini. Fighting over who is more informed or precise is not beneficial. It’s better to draw back to avoid unnecessary conflict..even if we may feel like our egos are taking a beating.
The square between Sun and Mars produces stressed energy that needs to be released. Given that Mercury energy is highlighted in this square aspect, finding practical ways to release mental stress, anxiety, and restlessness is highly recommended. With Mars in Gemini, mental outlets are highly preferred. Consider working on a project that combines the detail-oriented focus of the Sun in Virgo with the mental agility of Mars in Gemini. Given the stressful energy created by this aspect, we would do our best to work on our own at this time as this energy doesn’t necessarily promote cooperation.
Additional Planetary Energies to Consider
On the same day, a square between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus increases the already existing tension and frustration. Venus in Leo has us desiring admiration and adulation, but Uranus in Taurus isn’t having it. In fact, Venus in Leo could create the energy of using dramatics to get what we want, but Uranus in Taurus demands patience. Sudden changes courtesy of Uranus in Taurus could impact our finances, relationships, values, and self-worth, and due to the tense energy of the square, not necessarily for the best. The square-off between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus just adds another layer of frustration to the existing Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini energy.
Overall, the energy of the Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini creates mental anxiety and frustration. Ego battles involving perfectionism and mind games are highlighted. Instead of getting caught up in the battle of the details, choose to channel this energy into working on mental pursuits where attention to detail and order (Sun in Virgo) and mental agility (Mars in Gemini) are needed to make the best use of this frustrating yet propelling energy.