Disappointment in Love & Finances: Venus in Taurus Square Saturn in Aquarius

Welp, on June 18th and several days thereafter, Venus in Taurus is squaring up against Saturn in Aquarius resulting in some disappointing energy for love and finances. This astrological aspect won’t last long, but we are likely to feel this tense energy.
Our Venus needs for money, love, and relationships will come up against limitations, disappointments, and possible rejections due to Saturn in Aquarius. As always, whenever Saturn is involved there are lessons to learn. It will be important to explore why we are feeling disappointed and unfulfilled as there is an opportunity to discover ways to learn how to deal with such rejections and disappointments moving forward.
When Venus & Saturn Don’t Play Nice
Read More »Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius presents shortcomings when it comes to money, as well as love and relationships. These shortcomings are likely to be encountered by other people or situations blocking or refusing to give what we desire. This could show up in a variety of ways such as requesting a raise at work only to have your boss (the Saturn authority figure) say no, or a partner withholding financial support and/or physical affection.
Ultimately, these restrictions and limitations presented by Saturn in Aquarius leave us feeling like the foundational needs desired by Venus in Taurus are not being met. Saturn offers the lesson about being self-sufficient in the areas of finances, love, and relationships.
Venus Wants Love; Saturn Offers Conditions
The energy of Venus in Taurus is sensual with a desire for love and relationships that offer physical contact. Also, the current Venus in Taurus transit has us wanting relationships that speak to our stability and security needs. Under this energy, we want partners who are committed to relationship longevity. We are willing to take things slow and steady to ensure that our relationships have a firm foundation.
However, with the square to Saturn in Aquarius, the Venus in Taurus security needs threaten freedom. Those who are in a position to meet our relationship security and stability desires (the Saturn figures) may not want to due to a move away from the traditional status quo-oriented relationships that Venus in Taurus desires.
So, while some of us may be seeking to have security needs met through love and relationships, others will embrace the energy of Saturn in Aquarius and stand firm on the desire to engage in relationships on their own terms. This can result in feelings of insecurity when we don’t receive love and relationships in the secure, stable manner that we want.
Venus Wants Finances; Saturn Blocks
True to the nature of the Venus in Taurus transit, many of us want to establish a firm financial foundation. We choose to do this for ourselves, or we may seek out partners who are financially well off to provide for us.
However, under the energy of the Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius, we are likely to encounter those in authority who may not want to meet the Venus in Taurus financial security needs. As mentioned above, this can play out in a variety of ways. Remember, Saturn is the authority figure, so whoever is blocking or limiting finances at this time is someone with authority and status.
Some examples of how this could play out are seeking a raise only to be told no which ultimately limits our freedom and financial security. We could come across partners who have a certain position or status who limit access to financial resources resulting in a decline in our own financial stability and security.
Feeling Rejected
The Venus square Saturn aspect creates feelings of rejection. Because Saturn in Aquarius creates the blocks, we could feel like there’s something wrong with us that keeps us from getting our Venus in Taurus security and stability needs met.
Because Aquarius is a transpersonal sign that also includes are relationships with friendship groups, organizations, and society, not getting what we want personally in finances, love, and relationships could also make us feel like we are being rejected on a much wider scale…even if this is not necessarily the case.
In some ways, the Venus square Saturn aspect creates rejection that can ultimately make us feel like we aren’t worthy of getting more. Like we have to settle for less. For example, we want a raise at a certain amount, but the bossman says no, and offers us a lower amount.
We want the extra money, so we take the raise for the less amount to our discontent. In love, a partner wants their freedom and is only willing to be around if they can have an open relationship (Aquarius’ desire for alternative relationships), so we agree to the open relationship unwillingly just to have love.
Under this Venus square Saturn energy, it is important to understand that even if we don’t get what we want from those who are in a position of power or status that does not mean that we are innately flawed or that we deserve less.
Lessons from the Venus-Saturn Square
Again, whenever Saturn is involved, there are lessons to learn. The aspect Saturn forms with other planets determine whether the lesson is learned through ease or hardship. In the case of Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius, unfortunately, this is a hard-learned lesson.
Nevertheless, it is a valuable one given that it is likely that the security and stability that we are seeking through finance, love, and relationships may not be met by an outside source. And even if they are, there may be conditions attached. So, it is important for us to understand why these limitations occurred.
If we experience rejection and disappointment as a relates to the Venus in Taurus experience of gaining financial and relationship stability and security, it is important to ask ourselves whether we are depending on an outside source to provide this stability and security.
Saturn in Aquarius encourages us to obtain freedom for ourselves through responsibility and accountability. If we are expecting others to supply our financial and relationship security needs at this time, we can experience delays, blocks, and disappointments so that we can understand the importance of fulfilling our own Venus in Taurus needs for financial and love security and stability.
Taurus invests in itself in order to relate to others in a solid manner, and that is the lesson of this Venus-Saturn square. Even if an entity outside of ourselves is not willing to give us the love and relationships, or financial support desired, we have the opportunity to take those disappointments and limitations and turn them into an opportunity to create our own firm foundation.
In the end, this is true freedom, when there we don’t have to seek out others for fulfillment because we are creating a firm foundation based on financial independence, self-love, and self-worth that can not be taken away from us.
Overall, the Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius energy can be a bit of a party pooper putting limits on the fulfillment of finances and relationship wants and needs. However, if we can take those limitations and disappointments and embrace the Saturn energy of being accountable and responsible for ourselves, we can turn those external rejections into hard-learned lessons.
Under the Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius energy we gain a wise understanding of the importance of creating our own strong foundations for ourselves FIRST so that we don’t have to settle for less or nothing at all in order to have the financial and relationship security and stability we desire.