Many people are interested in astrology because it provides insight into our deeper spiritual and psychological selves. The north node astro sign and house placement provide information about your personal spiritual mission in this lifetime.
There is a pull towards the north node, but we are comfortable with the energy of the south node which can make it difficult to move beyond what we are comfortable with. By knowing the sign and house placement of the north node, we can begin the journey of reaping the success that comes with living a soulful, spirit-guided life.
The North Node & You
Read More »Similar to the astrological axis, the north and south nodes are also on an axis. The south node astrology sign and house placement represent what we have accumulated from previous lives and what we feel most comfortable for us in this life. The north node placement represents the path that is most beneficial for us to move towards to achieve spiritual fulfillment.
While the north node is spiritually promising, it can be quite difficult for people to actively move towards the north node. In fact, the south node just feels so comfortable and familiar that It can be difficult to embody the north node placement until we are forced to by planetary transit or because of planetary aspects to the nodes.
The following are the 12 north node placements by astrological sign. To better understand your nodal placement, it is important that you obtain your natal chart. Your natal chart will reveal your north node astrological sign placement as well as the house placement which shows how the north node energy applies to your life.
North Node in Aries
With the north node in Aries, you are encouraged to embrace being independent, innovative, and striking out on your own. You will find that when you learn how to do things on your own you are able to finally be in the solid partnerships that you desire as per the south node in Libra.
Initially, with the south node in Libra, you may seek out others, especially partnerships, to move forward in life. However, with the north node in Aries, you are encouraged to develop your own autonomy so that you are able to experience relationships from a place of interdependency as well as the ability to mark.
North Node in Taurus
With a North Node in Taurus, you are here to build your own strong foundations, establish your own value system, and secure material assets. However, with a south node in Scorpio, you could be used to using your passionate, sexual energy and nature to gain control over others in other to gain resources. This may often involve using manipulation to get what you want.
In honoring your north node in Taurus, you seek to build yourself up by discovering what is valuable for yourself. You understand that by creating your own foundation you are in a better position to be in powerful, mutually beneficial relationships with others where you can leave a legacy (south node in Scorpio) that is based on your own personal values. Also, power is also achieved with the north node in Taurus by developing your own value system instead of giving up who you are in order to gain power through and from others.
North Node in Gemini
The North Node in Gemini calls you to focus on how you communicate with those in the immediate environment and close family, and associates, as well as how you use information. With your default in as the south node in Sagittarius, you are likely to enjoy pontificating and exploring different experiences that are foreign to you. It could be difficult for you to settle down in one space because you’re always seeking something more….wanderlust.
With this south node in Sagittarius, you could be well-educated, and you could philosophize and focus on anything that expands your mind. However, when it comes to interpersonal relationships and dealing with the facts before you, you may have difficulties. Use your north node in Gemini to allow you to effectively communicate and use information to your benefit.
North Node in Cancer
With your North Node in Cancer, you are called to focus on your home life, getting in touch with your emotional nature, and self-care. With your south node in Capricorn, you learned early to suppress emotions as they get in the way of getting things done.
With Saturn on the south node, you are a hard worker and quite focused on getting ahead in life. It is also possible that you may have had a rough upbringing that was filled with lack, and so you learned that you only receive what you have earned. This position can also make you overly responsible and accountable…even when it is not your place to be so.
On the journey to your north node in Cancer, you are encouraged to focus on getting in touch with your emotional nature. Turn your energy to building a solid home life that offers both physical and emotional security. Explore your family and your roots as it has much to teach you about yourself. By developing emotional security for yourself you are in a better position to be successful in the other world of Capricorn.
North Node in Leo
The North Node in Leo calls you to step into the spotlight and become the royal king and/or queen that you are meant to be. With your south node in Aquarius, you could be more comfortable with an established friend group and/or network. You may feel more comfortable being the rebel wielding your contrariness to make a point and directing your energy towards what is best for the group and the world at large.
However, with the North Node in Leo, you are to find your own personal tribe where you are the center of attention. By stepping into the space of Leo energy, you’re better able to identify and showcase what makes you special and then offer what makes you special to benefit the world under the energy of your south node in Aquarius.
North Node in Virgo
With your North Node in Virgo, order and synthesis are essential to your soul growth. With the south node in Pisces, you may be used to floating through life. Perhaps there are times when you have spent your life in a fog escaping from your reality. With Pisces on the south node, you could have the innate sense that everything is going to work out because of divine intervention.
While it is quite laudable for you to know that you are divinely guided and protected, at some point you will tire of merely going with the flow. The North Node in Virgo motivates you to get your life in order. You will find that by developing routines, focusing on your health and wellness, and seeking clarity, you’re able to ground your spirit in the physical and get things done so that you can be a functional servant that is guided by spirit.
North Node in Libra
With the North Node in Libra, considering the perspectives of others, working in partnerships, and seeking balance and harmony are highlighted. With your south node in Aries, you tend to be the type that wants things your way, and you are willing to fight for your independence and autonomy. You are naturally brave, courageous, and innovative, but when taken too far you can come off as a pushy, aggressive bully.
With the north node in Libra, you are here to learn and grow through the art of working with others and compromise that benefits not only you but others. As you move forward on your north node in Libra you will find that you are able to achieve much more when you are willing to work with others instead of trying to do everything yourself. Peace, harmony, and balance are key to your soul’s growth.
North Node in Scorpio
The north node in Scorpio beckons you to embrace transformation and evolution. Those with this node will find that it is necessary to let go of the past in order to achieve higher states of the self. Change is inevitable with the north node in Scorpio because you can’t evolve if you aren’t willing to change.With the south node in Taurus, the goal is to build a solid foundation and keep building for stability. Taurus doesn’t want change as this challenges all that has been built. Ruled by Venus, Taurus wants to keep things pleasant and nice.
However, at some point in order to evolve spiritually, those with the North Node in Scorpio are going to have to risk the security of who they are to become a more authentic version of themselves. This will mean that those solid foundations of the south node in Taurus could be completely leveled so that a new self is born like the phoenix from the ashes into the North Node in Scorpio.
To be honest, this is a trying nodal placement as it is related to giving up who we know ourselves to be in order to reach higher levels of evolution. Oftentimes, those with the placement may experience life-changing events that will force them to release the hold of materialism, and over-sensuality, and focus on the mundane that comes with the south node in Taurus placement. With the north node in Scorpio, once you leave something behind, you must not go back as evolution requires forward movement. The butterfly cannot return to being the caterpillar.
North Node in Sagittarius
The north node in Sagittarius encourages you to move beyond the familiarity of your immediate environment and seek what is foreign to you for spiritual growth and awareness. With the south node in Gemini, you could be quite content with your local community and environment. You enjoy the socialization and information sharing with neighbors and others on a mundane level.
However, at some point, you will be called to move beyond the simple interactions and basic chatter to seek a profound truth. Religious, philosophical, and spiritual events will offer inspiration on the north node in Sagittarius journey. You could also be propelled to distance yourself from the people who are familiar such as siblings, cousins, and extended family to seek relations with those who are foreign to you such as gurus, spiritual leaders, and the like who offer greater insight on your spiritual journey.
North Node in Capricorn
With your north node in Capricorn, you are called to take accountability and responsibility for yourself and make your mark externally. With the south node in cancer, familiarity with family is important. There is comfort in home, and you are likely to have an innate closeness with the maternal side of your family. You are attuned to your emotional nature, and you can use emotional manipulation by default to get what you want.
With the north node in Capricorn, Saturn’s rulership calls you to grow up and take responsibility and accountability for yourself. Circumstances will require that you move beyond the emotionally manipulative tactics used in childhood and lean on the family to move into the energy of adulting which requires owning your life and accepting accountability and responsibility so that you can achieve success for yourself in this life.
North Node in Aquarius
The north node in Aquarius offers soul growth through standing in your uniqueness by honoring your inner rebel so that you can assist humanity with consciousness expansion. With the south node in Leo, you may have a tendency to be clannish with a focus on setting yourself apart from others via a belief of being special or “royal.” Innately, you may feel that you are an actual star with a special purpose for being here, and you could have a desire to be in the spotlight and have others follow you as the leader.
The north node in Aquarius offers you the understanding that everyone is unique in their own right, and we each play our own specific part in the wholeness that is humanity. Even those who are deemed “special” or “royal” are still human. With the north node in Aquarius, you can harness the energy of your own “specialness” and use it not to set yourself apart, but to be the unique leader that encourages others to shine in their own unique way which will help humanity evolve as a whole.
North Node in Pisces
The north node in the sign of Pisces is the honoring of a spiritual path. By default with the north node in Virgo, you compartmentalize everything. Your focus is on the flaws and errors and the pursuit of perfection. Order is the name of the game. Your critical nature allows you to be distinctly discerning keeping out anything that doesn’t meet a standard.
On your path to the north node in Pisces, you are asked to release this idea that everything is separate. Pisces is the sign of Oneness, and your journey is to understand that we are all connected…despite our differences. You will find that leaning into your intuition gives you greater insight into your spiritual path. You will also come to understand that perfection is an illusion created by man.
With the north node in Pisces, you will gain the understanding that we are all spirits manifested in a physical body, and this discovery will allow you to honor the spirit as much as you honor the physical. With the north node in Pisces, you discover that much comes to you when you surrender the need to control the south node in Virgo energy.
The north node calls us towards spiritual fullness and wholeness through harnessing the best of the south node while embodying the unfamiliar yet satisfying experiences offered via soul growth and awareness.