Coronavirus (COVID-19)Health

Over 100,000 Americans are Hospitalized with COVID-19, Setting a New Record and Prompting New Warnings

The UK Set to Launch COVID-19 Vaccinations Next Week

The US hit a record number of COVID-19 hospitalizations on Wednesday, surpassing the 100,000 mark. The data is being collected by the Covid Tracking Project (CTP). With 100,226 people in the hospital due to the deadly virus, it is no surprise that health officials are sounding the alarm. Here is the latest on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stimulus Negotiations the Headline on Capitol Hill: Despite there being three unique attempts at a stimulus package happening right now on Capitol Hill, political pundits are still warning that none of these are likely to come to fruition. Time is of the essence if there is any hope of passing a stimulus deal prior to the adjournment for the holidays. Lawmakers are currently scheduled to leave Washington and head home as early as next week.

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