As we continue through Aquarius season, it is important to give reverence to Aquarius’ one-of-a-kind planetary ruler, Uranus. As the electric blue planet of the solar system, Uranus energy is interesting to manage. It can bring exceptional expansions in human consciousness, avant-garde concepts and perceptions, and breakthrough technological advances.
However, Uranus energy can also create havoc with its penchant for rebellion, contrary perspectives, and chaotic vibes. As we continue to usher in the energy of the Aquarian Age, it is important to understand the energy of Uranus and how it impacts us personally and collectively. What better time to do this than during Aquarius season? Read on to learn more about the quirky, innovative energy of Uranus.
The Aquarius-Uranus Connection
Read More »However, what makes Uranus unique is its desire to move in its own way. Likewise, unlike Leo, Aquarius doesn’t necessarily seek the spotlight. Uranus is actually considered an outer planet because of its distance from the Sun, so there is no desire necessarily to be seen and noticed like Leo energy. However, because Uranus orbits differently by default, it gets noticed nevertheless. This is the energy of Uranus as expressed through the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Just like the planet Uranus, Aquarius is a part of the collective, but it has its own way of doing things and prefers to take the path others are using too conformist to tread.
Uranus’ Connection to Electricity
Aquarius is a fixed air sign that channels the energy of electricity via Uranus. One of the main features of Uranus energy is its intriguing but at times, unsettling and disruptive presence. When you think of electricity in the air, think of the experience that is lightning. It may be beautiful to look at, but it does have a tendency to intimidate people because of what lightning has the potential to do. That’s the effect of Uranus energy. It’s intriguing. It’s different from anything that anyone has ever experienced. Yet, Uranus’s energy simultaneously has an off-putting effect similar to an electrical shock.
Uranus is also associated with the energy of insights and revelations that are brought to mankind. This aligns with the Greek mythological story of the Titan Prometheus who stole fire from the gods in order to give it to mankind for their benefit. In a similar fashion, Uranus seeks to expand the consciousness of humanity through its revelatory insights and almost prophetic especially conscious-expanding information. However, sometimes the only way to move beyond the limitations of the current mindset is to introduce an element that at times is initially shocking to the current status quo. If we are willing to embrace the energy of Uranus and allow ourselves to incorporate the progressive energy into our psyches, there is great potential to become far more than we ever could have imagined!
One of the best ways to describe this electric, consciousness-expanding energy is the experience of having an “aha” moment that changes everything moving forward, or having an experience that bolts us into a different perspective where nothing is ever the same again. This is the progressive energy of Uranus in action.
How Aquarius Channels Uranus Energy
Given that Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, individuals who possess Aquarian energy are the embodiment of the fixed, electric, chaotic, progressive energy that is Uranus. Because of this, Aquarians are often considered the “odd ones.” They are the ones who have a different perspective from the masses. They are the ones who are usually living the “alternative lifestyles” long before society catches up to them. For example, vegetarianism and veganism are quite widespread especially now during the Age of Aquarius.
However, individuals who adopted a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle 25 or 50 years ago would have been considered the “odd” person. Similarly, studying astrology, which is ruled by Uranus, was often sought out by people prominent Uranian and Aquarius energy in their natal charts. Now, during the Age of Aquarius, astrology has become mainstream. Thus, Aquarius embodies the experience of making the decision to live life on your own terms while also encouraging others to do the same with no judgment.
Likewise, because Aquarius is the odd one out, they’re usually moving in a direction that’s opposite of the status quo. In understanding this, it is possible that what was once considered “alternative” is now mainstream. Because of this, who is considered the “rebel” can change with time. For example, as society changes, particularly during the Age of Aquarius, those who choose not to go along with what is considered mainstream are now the rebels and considered the “Uranians.” A perfect visual of this is the human being surrounded by robots. While Uranian/Aquarian energy rules artificial intelligence and technological advances, it also governs those who are different from the masses and don’t necessarily fit in with society.
Also, Aquarius is often accused of being quite distant and aloof which makes sense given that its ruler Uranus is an outer planet. Given that Aquarius is an air sign, getting caught up in emotions isn’t preferred. Instead, Aquarius takes the logical, intellectual, detached approach which allows it to consider various perspectives of everyone while still holding onto its own.
There is distance with Aquarian energy because its ruler Uranus is an outer planet that is more focused on transpersonal human experiences as opposed to the more personal energies attached to planets such as Mercury and Venus that orbit closer to the sun. This is another reason why Aquarian energy is often relegated to the “friend zone” as opposed to the more passionate, heart-centered energy of its opposite sign Leo. If there were a love language for the Aquarian/Uranian t would be agape love where everyone is held in high regard because they are part of humanity.
The Aquarian Age & The Importance of Uranus Energy
It is important to understand how the energy of Aquarius and Uranus function as we all move further into the Aquarian age. We can look at society to see how things have shifted in alignment with Uranus energy. There have been many technological advances, and many more are sure to come especially in the realm of artificial intelligence. There has been a greater shift in acceptance of people who in the past were considered “alternative” such as the LGBTQ community. Greater and widespread use of the internet to connect through social media and even the expansive uptick in working from home via the internet at a distance is quite Uranian. Similarly, we have witnessed widespread social movements taking hold in society as people demand fairness and equality for all. The examples provided are the different ways in which Uranus energy is being experienced now and will continue to be experienced as we navigate through the Aquarian Age.
We are living in very special times thanks to the energy of Aquarius/Uranus. Never has there been a period in our lifetimes where we as individuals and collectively have the potential to change how our society functions via the willingness to move beyond the status quo and seek the progressive energy that shifts the reality for everyone for the betterment of mankind. Similar to Prometheus stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humankind, there’s great potential to change the way our society functions so that everyone can benefit and not just a specific few. It is for this reason and many more that it is important to understand how the energy of Uranus shows up in our personal and collective spaces.
Overall, Aquarius season offers us the chance to align ourselves with the energy of progression. It is through the electric shock of Uranus energy that we are bolted out of what has kept us comfortable and complacent into new, fresh perspectives and ways of living that have the potential to create equality and an environment that enables everyone to live the lives that they have hoped and wished for. Thank you, Aquarius courtesy of your planetary ruler Uranus for making it okay to let our personal freak flags fly while we march to the beat of our own drums.