Moving Through the Darkness Into Hope
From Visualization to Vivacious: This Sagittarius Season is Yours

Sagittarius season is upon us and thank goodness! It’s time to play a bit. We have the power to find happiness within our own hearts and heads as we finally pull out of Scorpio and Neptune goes direct. Give yourself a break from stress with a little daydreaming.
November 28—The Neptune Shift in Pisces
Neptune goes direct on November 28, 2020. It’s been in retrograde for five months, so you may feel a lightening, or a desire to linger a bit over something beautiful.
Read More »December 5—Romantic Intensity of Venus in Scorpio
It can be easy to fall into fantasy during the early days of Neptune direct. If the clarity of retrograde has you exhausted and hating reality, treat yourself to daydream time. Pull out an old book that has always offered visible stories and settings, and put yourself in them. Use a timer to stay connected to the real world, but let your mind wander through an old beloved structure to retrain your brain for fantasy and creativity.
December 10—Sun Is In Sagittarius
We’re headed for a solar eclipse on December 15, and that means that things are going to get shaken up. Big purchases and large financial decisions will need to wait, though you can certainly use your Sagittarius energy to connect with friends and toss around ideas! Make small changes that give you a space to dream. If you want a new comforter, order it. The new bedroom set can wait.
December 16—Saturn Moves Into Aquarius
If your habits start to feel oppressive, like a jacket that’s too tight in the shoulders, it’s time to break up with the same old, same old routine. Capricorn is all about habits, and that’s healthy, but Aquarius wants connection and new ideas. Set up a zoom meeting with good friends and pass around recipes for your favorite coffee drinks or cocktails in the leadup to this. You’re looking for fun, laughter, and ideas. This is the time to pass around ideas for a new business, a home design change, or even a new romance. Play a little!
December 19—Jupiter Joins Saturn Aquarius
Have you been keeping up but not exactly excited about it? The move of Jupiter into Aquarius, things will really get cranking. Jupiter is all about expansion, abundance, and even luck. Plant your best ideas in this soil and see what you get. Smart risks could yield great results.
Take a class, or at least take an old subject and find a new angle. Travel is best, but if that’s not an option, there are ways to see the world with fresh eyes. Change up your daily walk to a new street or watch youtube videos on how to make pies. Build new skills with some fun and playtime!
Taurus, if you have a romantic partner, make some serious time for intimacy. Get some new candles, buy some massage oil, and make your partner feel as amazing as you see them. If you’re single, seek out wrapping massages and get in the pool to expose all your skin to warm temps and a little pressure. Sensuality will be a big deal this month.
It’s time for Gemini to be a little greedy in regard to relationship elasticity. Gemini is a great friend who will give people the benefit of the doubt, but Sagittarius season may be the time to go ahead and cut off folks who bring nothing but drama to your life. You’re a friend, not a life preserver that always has to be at the ready.
Cancer, it’s time to get to work. Yes, you already do that, but Sagittarius season offers you the fire to care for yourself as well as everyone else. If you need to put your foot down to create a personal protective space, do so. ‘Tis the season of giving, but you may not be giving yourself enough. Make self care a habit that you do each week, not something you indulge in when you’ve reached a breaking point.
Dear Leo, it’s time to let your party animal shine. Get out the good dishes for ordinary meals. Treat yourself and your partner to some lovely lingerie. Yes, you can’t really gather with friends at the moment, but your desire to create special events is still within reach. Have a movie night with your kids and create a blanket fort, or put the tents in the living room and have a camp-out. You carry the party with you!
Virgo, like Cancer, has the chance to do some work on self this season. As we move into the darkest part of the year, understand that the darkness within needs some exploring as well. If you’ve got an event in your past that is really not “fine”, now is the time to do the work to bring it to light, study it, and either release it or grieve over it so you can let it go. This grief will burn up the connections that are tying you down with regard to this event, this person, and this memory. The release will be amazing.
You are the Goddess/God of Zoom! Don’t worry about the arguments against multi-tasking; balanced Libra can make all of these connections happen, and what doesn’t work will be replaced by something better. Take care to create connections that give more than they take; set up a virtual knitting circle or a card game with old friends and laugh until you hurt.
Romantic, intense and rather moody (let’s be honest) Scorpio has not had fun during the Neptune retrograde. They’ve been brutally serious. Now is the time to stop beating yourself up and enjoy some self-congratulatory time. Yes, it’s going to be busy. You’re efforts are important to your job and your family. Give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the compliments!
Everything is changing and you’re good at that, so enjoy! Even better, there are not one but two eclipses coming in the Sagittarius season, so put on your catcher’s mitt and get prepared. Be ready to find yourself a leader in the change process. There are a lot of folks out there who have had just about enough change and are ready to turn into turtles under their shells of resistance. Bring a flashlight when dealing with those in lockdown. Have a lovely birthday!
Dear Capricorn, it’s time to wrap some stuff up. You’ll be facing a wide variety of unfinished projects, issues, conflicts and problems. Fun? No. Productive and helpful? Yes. Boosting your self-care at this time is critical to your good health and security. Take care of you with a fierce focus and take the time to be on your own for a while.
An Aquarius is all about people, so this is your time to shine! Connections old and new will become available and you will love nearly all of them. Consider picking up a new language in preparation for some travel. Study up on the history of a part of the world you’ve always wanted to see, and make sure to add a map or a landmark to your vision board. You are in a great place to dig into life, so study up and enjoy!
Pisces, you may feel that you’re under a bit of a microscope as the work year draws to a close. That can be a great thing; if you’re ready to put that holiday bonus to work, those dollars are likely coming your way! Take care to set a logical understanding of what you can and can’t accomplish; let your supervisors know the time your projects take and don’t be afraid to ask for help or more resources.
For all the signs, the Sagittarius season is a time of growth. There’s abundance as we pass the middle of December and a lot of daydreaming and fantasy energy if we need to tap into it. No matter what, give yourself the gift of thinking time. Use headphones to create some privacy, or linger in your car at the end of a long day. Meditation, prayer and visualization will all help in the season of darkness as the solstice approaches. The Sagittarian fire will help us each to see a bit more clearly.