Loving an Aquarius Man and Everything That Comes With it

You feel as though you have finally found the perfect man. He is charming, romantic, handsome, and everything you could ever desire in a romantic partner. After spending some time with him, you might think that he is the one for you, but if he is an Aquarius, there is probably a lot about him that you have not uncovered.
With a dash of excitement and shrouded in mystery, Aquarius are known for their tendency to keep parts of themselves hidden. Whether he has an emotional barrier or simply conceals important facts about his past, it may take both time and effort to gain his trust. If you pursue a romantic relationship with an Aquarius man, there are several things you should know to ensure happiness and everlasting love.
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When thinking of Aquarius men, most horoscope and zodiac fanatics tend to imagine an alien. This is not because they are unattractive (Aquarians are some of the most attractive individuals out there), but because they have an unearthly feel. Similar to popular shows and movies involving such aliens, we might find ourselves intrigued and eventually come to adore them. It is no different with Aquarian men.
Being in a relationship with an Aquarius man can be hectic, especially if your zodiac signs are incompatible, but having a successful relationship with him can be one of the most glorious feelings. To have a successful, loving relationship, you must first truly understand him and be ready for any surprise that comes your way. Here are some things about Aquarian men that you should know before becoming romantically involved with one:
1. He has most likely placed an emotional barrier between you.
When you feel as though something is bothering him, most of the time, your feeling may be based on his unusual behavior towards you. Although Aquarian men are compassionate and loving individuals, they tend to lack verbal communication skills. Do not take his silence as a cue that he does not care for you. Most of the time, he may just not know how to express his feelings and instead, chooses to rely on nonverbal communication, such as light touches, hugging, and hand-holding. If he smiles upon seeing you or holds you in his arms as if you are the most important girl in the world, you have absolutely nothing to fear.
2. No one is more trustworthy than him.
Aquarian men are often pegged as the type to engage in frequent hookups or fear commitment; however, they are actually one of the most loyal types of men you will ever meet. When he is interested in you, he will be sure to make it known from gestures such as passionate kisses to impromptu dates.
When an Aquarian man is not interested in pursuing a relationship, he might make it difficult for someone to deeply connect with him. Although he would not explicitly state that he is uninterested, his behavior can imply as much. For you, this is a great thing. If you have him wrapped around your finger, there will never be anyone else for him, and for him, you are his world.
3. Although he loves you, he may need some time for himself.
Aquarian men love nothing more than to spend time with the people that they care for the most; however, they can be surprisingly independent at times. After spending an entire day with friends, they may need to sit at home for a few and collect their thoughts. When it comes to feelings, Aquarian men need some time away from the world to process and decompress. You should not take offense if he asks you for some alone time. Doing so may push him further away from you instead of allowing him to open up emotionally.
4. He can be frustratingly stubborn at times.
Contrary to the typical water sign, Aquarian men can be some of the most hotheaded and stubborn individuals out there. If you are having an argument and he believes that he is right, there is no getting around it. He may have a rebuttal for every phrase and may seem relentless in proving his point. This may cause strain on your relationship and so it is often best to just “agree to disagree.” Regardless of this irritating trait, Aquarian men are still wonderful people to love.
5. He makes a really good listener.
Most women consider their Aquarian partners to be not only their significant others but their best friends too. As hotheaded and emotionally closed off as he may be, he still makes a great listener and gives excellent advice. In comparison with the rest of the zodiac signs, you might find that Aquarians are often the best listeners because they are always sitting by and analyzing their surroundings. While you are at a social gathering with him, you may notice that he seems to be absorbing every bit of information at the event and may even mention something that you had not noticed.
Is He in Love With You?
Although you have become involved with a dashing and charming Aquarian man, you might still have some doubts about whether he is actually interested in you. With Aquarians, it can be difficult to decipher this, especially because they would not say otherwise. When an Aquarian man has decided that you are the one for him, he may make every effort possible to engage you in his life. Before the relationship, you might notice that he is only interested in your life and rarely shares anything about himself.
You might realize that he is in love when begins to share important details about his life with you. Maybe he has told you a story from his childhood that he has never told anyone before. Soon, he may begin to open up to you in ways that he would have never imagined. In addition to his life and feelings, he may share his deepest dreams and fantasies with you. It may take some time for him to realize for himself that he has fallen in love with you, but once he has, he is not afraid to show the world that he loves you. Unfortunately for any witnesses, Aquarian men love public displays of affection and tend to not care what other people think.
Soon enough, you will become one of his best friends. Before taking any major steps, he undergoes the task of uncovering every bit of information about you, from weird quirks to the small freckles on your body. Only once he has uncovered absolutely everything there is to know about you will he be able to hold you near and dear to his heart. If you have both known each other for a while, he might already be ready for the next step in your relationship. A relationship works only if both parties contribute, so be sure to be the woman he fell in love with. You do not have to change aspects of yourself for anyone, and if he is interested in you, there is no need.