One of the defining features of Pisces energy is its orientation towards isolation. If Aquarius rules society, then as the last sign, Pisces rules being away from society. This isolation can show up in many forms from choosing to withdraw from others in order to replenish itself to being associated with institutions that remove individuals from mainstream society such as being bedridden in a hospital or even going to prison. On an energetic level, Pisces is a sign that requires isolation to properly replenish itself due to its deep feeling and empathic nature.
Although Pisces can be social when they want to, it is imperative that anyone with lots of Pisces/ Neptune energy make time to be alone. Empathy makes Pisces highly sensitive to everything and everyone. They are constantly picking up on everything happening in their environment and internalizing this which is all the more reason why it is essential for Pisces to take time for themselves. While this may seem standoffish to those who are characteristically more outgoing, it is important for those with highlighted Pisces/Neptune energy to acknowledge the need for replenishment and time alone.
Although being an empath has become quite a trend, it’s really not all that it’s made out to be. Those who are truly empaths are able to pick up the energy and feelings of others quite easily. Empathy is a bit different than sympathy because empathy allows you to actually walk in the shoes of another person. While this trait can be quite laudable, it can also present a lot of issues where Pisces is not able to establish boundaries to keep themselves from experiencing what other people are going through. Without the proper time to recharge, Pisces can go into empathy overload where they are constantly picking up on everything around them, and this can make it quite difficult for Pisces to operate in a functional manner.
Absorbing Everything; Separate To Nothing
Because Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, they are very aware that everything and everyone is connected. We truly are all One. We have all come from the same Source, and we will all return to the same Source. With this understanding, it is the lack of boundaries that makes Pisces so incredibly empathetic, compassionate, and sensitive. This sensitivity also contributes to Pisces being constantly drained as they connect to everything. Even something as simple as going to a club or major event where there are lots of people can be quite overwhelming to the sensitive, absorbing energies that Pisces is known for having.
Being Set Away
As mentioned before, Pisces rules the experience of being set away from the mainstream. This has a lot to do with Pisces’ mystical nature. While Aquarius may be quirky and unique, they are still a part of humanity and society. Pisces, as the last sign, is a step further where they are disconnecting from any group association eliminating all of the characteristics that make them separate from the wholeness that is everything. There are various ways in which Pisces/Neptune energy shows up as being set away from the mainstream. This can be anything from going on a spiritual retreat that removes a person from a regular everyday environment to being in prison where there is the duality of people who are criminals as well as those who are scapegoats who haven’t committed a crime at all.
Hospitals & Healing
Hospitals and the energy of healing are associated with Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th house. When people are in hospitals, they are traditionally set away from society and confined due to an ailment or issue that needs to be taken care of through a focus on healing. In addition, Pisces energy also rules asylums as it relates to mental health conditions. It is through being separated from the rest of society such individuals are able to have the space to focus on the self. This is when true healing can take place because all of the energies are focused on caring for the self as opposed to being directed externally.
Prisons & Isolation
Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th house also rule prisons. Prison systems are set up to isolate people who are deemed ill-fit to be amongst society. However, true to the nature and duality of Pisces energy, there are numerous ways in which the prison system can be viewed. There are those who are what some would consider a threat to society, so it is best to put them away so that they cannot harm others.
Then there are others that actually do not even belong in the prison system! Many of us have heard of people who are wrongfully convicted and end up serving time in prison for crimes they have never committed. Unfortunately, this is one of the negative aspects of Pisces’ energy which involves scapegoating and victimhood. While there are some people who are in the prison system because they have made victims of others, there are circumstances where there are people who are currently serving time in prison and are being separated from society due to lies and deception on the part of a judicial system. Remember, there is more than one expression of planetary energies and such is the case for Pisces.
For some people, being in prison is an experience that allows for the personal space to really reflect on who and what they are. This is especially the case for those who find themselves serving long-term prison sentences. Then there is the other aspect of imprisonment known as solitary confinement which is in many ways a punishment to take people further away from connectivity with others. In many cases, solitary confinement often has quite a detrimental effect on the mental health of those who encounter it in the prison system. Ironically, mental breaks and mental illness are also ruled by Pisces/Neptune energy.
Spiritual Retreats
On a brighter note, taking time away to really delve into spirituality can be done through the isolation of a spiritual retreat. Even when people engage in spiritual retreats with others, the goal is really to connect to one’s own spiritual essence which also allows for a deeper understanding of the connection to everything. Oftentimes these spiritual retreats are taken to faraway remote areas where the spiritual pilgrimage encourages people to distance themselves from the commonplace so that they can connect to the depths of themselves by eliminating the distraction of external energies and input.
Make Space To Replenish
Those with Pisces/Neptune energy are encouraged to make space for replenishment. While the hypersensitivity of Pisces/Neptune energy is something that offers the unique ability to connect to everyone and everything empathically, it is also the very thing that can literally drain them of their vital energy. Thus, making space to replenish is a necessity to ensure the overall health and wellness of Pisces. From taking a day or two to simply lounge around and listen to music, watch a film, indulge in creative arts, or meditate, these simple acts of just going with the flow in a private manner are a much-needed refuge from the outside world. Also, those Pisces individuals who do not make space for replenishment find that they are often always drained and lacking in their own vital energy which is never good for a sensitive sign as Pisces.
In all, being a Pisces is quite a mystical and magical experience, but there are some drawbacks, especially when it comes to needing time alone. Just as Gemini craves communication and Leo desires to shine in the spotlight, Pisces definitely needs alone time and isolation to ensure overall mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.