
With Mercury Retro in Gemini Miscommunications are Likely

Okay, everyone. It’s time to get ready for the second Mercury retrograde transit of 2022. This Mercury retrograde from May 10th to June 3rd is looking to be an interesting one because it is in the sign of Gemini. Gemini’s natural planetary ruler is Mercury which will heighten communication issues during this retrograde. In many ways, because Mercury is going retrograde in Gemini, we may be reconsidering thoughts, communication, and information instead of taking action at this time. Continue to read on to learn more about the reversals in communication that are likely to occur under this Mercury retrograde in the sign of Gemini.

When Mercury Goes Retro in Gemini

When Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Gemini, one of the most loquacious, mental signs of the zodiac, we can expect heightened issues related to communication. Retrograde energy requires adopting an inward approach for deeper understanding. When planets are moving direct, the energy is focused on the external environment. When the planets appear retrograde, the planetary energy takes on an internal expression. In the case of Mercury retrograde, this results in re-accessing communication. This can show up in a variety of ways from choosing not to speak, deciding not to send that email, and/or questioning incoming information. We may find that under this energy, it is best to reconsider as opposed to moving forward.

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