From Valentine’s Day and beyond, maintaining a healthy, thriving relationship requires a mixture of love, stability, and passion. All too often, relationships lose that spark if an effort is not made to keep things interesting. In astrology, your Mars sign reveals your attractions and your sexual desires. Studying your Mars sign as well as the sign of your significant other allows you to get ahead of the game when it comes to sexual fulfillment in your relationships.
Mars & Your Sexual Attractions
Mars is the planet that governs willpower, drive, and sex drive. By understanding your Mars, you are in a better position to know what you are attracted to and what you desire sexually. Likewise, in understanding the Mars sign of our partners, we can make sure that they are satisfied intimately. The following is an overview of the Mars signs and how each of them handles attraction and sexuality.
With Mars in its home sign of Aries, this is very active, direct, fiery, and passionate energy. Those individuals with Mars in Aries are likely to prefer partners that are assertive and don’t beat around the bush. Being “hunted” or “hunting” a partner could be sexually appealing. Sexuality could be viewed as a competition with the sole objective of being number one. It is important to note that Mars in Aries could be quick to satisfy attractions physically.
Mars in Taurus
Mars in Taurus is all about hedonistic sensuality. Under this placement, sexuality is about indulging the senses to the fullest. This is someone who understands the importance of taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound when engaging in intimacy. When it comes to attraction, Mars in Taurus prefers people who are grounded, and financially stable. Some would say that individuals with money and resources are a turn-on for those with this placement. A good rule of thumb for Mars in Taurus is to slow down and enjoy the intimate experience.
Mars in Gemini
With Mars in Gemini, there is a tendency to seek out a variety of intimate affairs. This can show up as the desire for sexual partners that offer flexibility and a range of experiences as well as desiring multiple partners separately or simultaneously. Mars in Gemini requires intimate variation and inquisitiveness to ward off boredom. One of the major precautions of this placement is spreading themselves thin when it comes to sex and being duplicitous with sexual partners.
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Cancer is said to be in its fall meaning that Mars doesn’t function well in the sign of Cancer. This is because Cancer is an emotional sign when combined with Mars. In terms of sexuality, Mars in Cancer could have ebbs and flows when it comes to its sexual drive. This is someone that could either be turned on or turned off depending on what they’re going through emotionally. Also, these individuals may need to have an emotional connection to establish physical intimacy. Those with Mars in Cancer are cautioned to consider how their emotional states affect their sex drive. These individuals are likely to be attracted to people who have a very nurturing and motherly aspect. And in some cases, individuals with this placement could be attracted to those who remind them of their mothers.
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo could be described as someone who’s a big showoff when it comes to sexuality. Since Leo thinks they’re already the best, they have this innate confidence when it comes to all things sexual, and they seek to be the best of the best. This is a placement that may see sexuality as a performance that boosts their ego. They could also want to be admired and held in the highest regard for their sexual prowess. Mars in Leo tends to be attracted to people who are considered special or have some type of high-standing public image as this boosts the ego. They should be cautioned about seeking out sexual encounters to fulfill their ego need of being adored and admired.
Mars in Virgo
Mars in Virgo is a very exacting placement that is quite discriminating when it comes to intimate partners. However, when they do decide that someone meets their standards for sexual intercourse, they can be very exacting about ensuring that their partner receives pleasure. The very thing that makes Mars in Virgo critical is also what makes them quite alert and knowledgeable about what their partners may want and need sexually. True to the nature of Virgo energy, this placement is the dedicated, detailed sexual servant. When it comes to attraction, Mars in Virgo prefers grounded, orderly, put-together sexual partners. Hygiene is highly important for the Mars in Virgo intimate encounter.
Mars in Libra
Mars in Libra is an interesting placement as it is opposite Mars’ natural home ruler, Aries. There could be indecisiveness in regard to the sexual nature when it comes to Mars in Libra. For some, a tendency to keep score, especially as it relates to reciprocity in pleasure, is possible. Sex should be “fair” is Mars in Libra motto. In terms of attraction, Mars in Libra prefers sexual partners who are compromising and refined. This Mars position finds brutish, aggressive behavior a turn-off, and due to the refined nature of Libra, they may be turned off by some of the darker aspects of sexuality.
Mars in Scorpio
Mars in Scorpio is an exacting energy that is known for using sexual energy as a control mechanism as well as to heal and transform. These are the individuals who know exactly what other people want and need sexually. Mars in Scorpio helps people release hangups around their sexuality so that they are able to experience the fullness of their sexual nature without shame. In healthy sexual exchanges, Mars in Scorpio sexual energy is used for healing especially to assist with treating trauma. Those with Mars in Scorpio must be careful about using sex as a weapon to manipulate and control others.
Mars in Sagittarius
Mars in Sagittarius is all about expansive sexual energy that could enjoy experiencing different sexual partners… especially if those partners offer something exotic or different from what they are used to. A great analogy of Mars in Sagittarius sexuality is the wild horse roaming free indulging in sexual activity with whomever they desire at the time. However, don’t expect any commitment as Sagittarius is just enjoying the moment to the fullest. In terms of attraction, Mars in Sagittarius prefers individuals who are the embodiment of confidence and independence with the willingness to enjoy life to the fullest. Some individuals with this placement could prefer to quell their sexual appetites through sexual tourism (traveling for sexual intimacy) as Sagittarius is the traveler of the zodiac.
Mars in Capricorn
Mars operates the best in Capricorn. This is a grounded, earthy energy that has a plan even when it comes to the use of sexual energy. If the plan is to have an amazing sexual encounter, Mars in Capricorn is prepared to put in the work and effort to make it happen. These individuals are usually quite responsible when it comes to choosing sexual partners because as Capricorn’s ruler Saturn requires sexual accountability and responsibility. Those with this placement tend to prefer sexual partners who are mature, grounded, stable, and most importantly not showoffs. Capricorn energy is careful of its reputation, and it wouldn’t want to be linked with anyone who would kiss and tell. Mars in Capricorn desires control of the sexual nature of themselves and their sexual partners.
Mars in Aquarius
With Mars in Aquarius, there is a desire to seek out the different and/or unusual as it relates to the sex drive. Due to the open-mindedness of Aquarius, this placement is open to alternative expressions of sexuality that push against the status quo and the traditional. This can include anything from threesomes to same-gender attractions, and weird fetishes. Since Aquarius rules technology, this energy could use “electronics” as part of their sexual repertoire. Sexual encounters that offer a bit of a shock factor are both stimulating and arousing.
Mars in Pisces
Mars in Pisces is one of the more passive energies Mars placements. The Pisces/Neptune influence adds an ethereal quality to the sexual nature where there is a tendency to view sexual intimacy as a “soul-bonding” experience that allows individuals to connect beyond the physical. With a desire to lose oneself in the sex act, Mars in Pisces can be very giving to their partners with a desire to sacrifice themselves through sex due to a lack of boundaries. Mars in Pisces is attracted to those with an indirect and/or laid-back demeanor when it comes to sexuality, or there could be a preference for more solid sexual partners which represents the duality of the Mars in Pisces experience. When it comes to attraction, Mars in Pisces is drawn to the spirit or essence of the intimate partner as opposed to the physicality of the person.
Ultimately, the Mars placement in astrology provides insight into sexual drives and attractions. Here’s to keeping our love lives spicy and engaging courtesy of Mars.