Have you ever met someone who always seems to be guided by something that is beyond logic? It is as if they have an inner knowing that leads and guides. It could be that these individuals are what is referred to as intuitively led.
They possess guidance that is deeper than can be seen on the surface. The following are the zodiac signs that are considered to be the most intuitive of them all. Continue to read on to see if you are one of the zodiac signs that are “tapped in.”
Pisces-As Intuitive As They Come
Read More »Fog is one of the characteristics of Pisces/Neptune energy. If you know anything about traveling through the fog, things aren’t always what they appear to be. Sometimes you have to pull over and wait for the fog to lift. Sometimes you continue driving with care allowing yourself to be guided as to when to stop and when to go. This is Pisces’ understanding of how to use its intuitive nature. It’s not about logic or facts, it’s about the ability to read energy. While people, places, and things can shapeshift, lie, and deceive, the in-tune Pisces understands that energy never lies.
Cancer-Emotionally Tapped In
Cancer’s intuitive nature is a blessing granted to them by their ruler, the moon. This can make them quite moody characters because they are constantly picking up on the ebb and flow of everything internal and external to them. These are the people who make incredible caretakers and nurturers because they genuinely have the ability to intuit what others need at a deep emotional level. Cancer energy understands that nothing is ever really fixed. Everyone and everything is constantly in a state of flux and change which is why Cancer’s ability to tap into these changes makes them quite intuitive even if others may see them as being emotionally volatile.
Scorpio-A Keen Knowing
Scorpio’s intuitive nature is a bit different from its other water sign counterparts because it is a bit more exacting in nature. Due to Scorpio’s Pluto and Mars rulership, their intuitive nature seeks to penetrate and transform. The exacting nature could be compared to an x-ray machine that sees the core of everything. This ability allows Scorpio to determine who is trustworthy and who is not.
This energy is also very aware of the deep psychological nuances that are constantly being displayed by people through their character and actions but are rarely ever spoken about openly. Scorpio’s willingness to plunge into the depths of darkness and address the shadow is what makes them quite aware not only of themselves but also of the motives of others.
Sagittarius-Guided By Faith
The Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius also has an intuitive leaning that is different from the water signs in that it is based on the fiery passion of faith. Because Sagittarius is always interested in expanding themselves, this allows them to come in contact with people who offer them perspectives that get them to consider what is beyond the known. These are the people who are on a quest to understand life. Sagittarius is willing to travel to someplace like India to find a guru or mentor to study different belief systems in an effort to make meaning of this human experience. Most importantly, Sagittarius believes in something that most can’t see or fathom.
When people wonder why Sagittarius is happy when all seems to be going wrong, this is the faith and belief that keeps them going. No, they don’t really know if things are going to be okay, that’s why Sagittarius is represented by an arrow. They don’t even know where the arrow is going to land. However, because Sagittarius has faith, their beliefs are manifested into their reality. Sagittarius’ belief in the unknown is connected to both spiritual and religious revelations that guide them to the expansiveness and success that they always seem to end up obtaining.
Aquarius-Visionary Insights
The Aquarian intuition is more like visionary insights. This is like getting a download from the Universe. It’s as if a bunch of futuristic information is dropped into Aquarius’s head making them appear to be a bit “far out,” and light-years ahead of everyone else. Some of these downloads and “information dumps” from the beyond provide Aquarius with futuristic insights that usually end up being correct. It is for this reason that Aquarius is considered the progressive visionary who has insights far beyond anything that could be envisioned at this moment. The wise would do well to take heed of Aquarius’ insights when they choose to share as their epiphanies reveal what is to come.
Effectively Using Intuitive Faculties
No matter the zodiac sign, learning how to use intuitive faculties in a manner that is beneficial is important. All too often, people with intuitive faculties tend to brush them aside or second-guess their knowing. Those individuals who are aware that they are guided by a sense of knowing that is beyond the logical are encouraged to make space to acknowledge this and make use of it practically. In the end, being intuitively guided and aware is of little benefit if the individuals who possess these intuitive abilities aren’t able to use them for awareness and guidance.
So, did your zodiac sign make the list of the most intuitive? If you did, make space to honor, appreciate, and actively use your intuition as it is a precious gift when utilized consciously.