How Your Sun Sign Can Make The Most Of Mercury’s Retrograde This Month

Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22, making this a truly exceptional period for all twelve astrological signs. While Mercurial retrogrades are usually met with understandable apprehension, this is a time to reassess how you communicate with the wider world and what it is you truly wish to convey. Keep reading to see how your zodiac sign can not only weather the retrograde storm, but come out a winner.
Read More »You’re more than a little notorious for your fiery temper, Aries, but you’d do well to proceed with caution while Mercury retrogrades in Gemini until June 22. A slip of the tongue or unkind rebuttal could cost you valuable relationships, personal and professional, and tarnish your reputation when you most need it to shine. Remember, the best defense isn’t always an offense.
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Having lived as frugally as your pleasure-loving ruler Venus permits, you’re ready to splurge on yourself. A nice dinner, weekend getaway, or shopping spree may seem like a salve for all your penny-pinching in previous months, but it’s advisable to wait until Mercury goes direct once again. A glitch in an online payment, unexpected expense, or financial oversight could set you back considerably.
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
What a doozy you’re in for, Gemini! When your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on the 29th you may feel positively bewildered by the sudden break-up in communications that were otherwise going so smoothly. Trips planned and booked months in advance could suffer a snafu as well, and don’t even get us started on what could go wrong on social media. While Mercury’s retrograde doesn’t spell doom for any of the twelve zodiac signs, you would do well to batten down the hatches, back up all tech information, and reconsider new approaches in communication.
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
This retrograde may not affect your gadgets and online modes of expression and communication, but you could find yourself struggling to be heard above the sudden noise and confusion. While everyone scrambles to keep their plans from going off the rails, you may feel knocked about in the melee. Don’t lose heart, Cancer, but remain diligent in your own affairs. After all, it’s not your obligation to partake in the chaos.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Mercury’s retrograde could find you reconsidering the people in your life and how you communicate with them; more specifically, how you communicate your needs while acknowledging theirs. It’s not an easy trick to pull off, but if anyone is up for the challenge it’s you, Leo. You have a natural command that compels others to behave a little better, work a little harder, and rethink crossing any lines with you.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Retrogrades are always a challenge for you, Virgo, as you work so hard to keep your corner of the world organized and operating according to plan. Order itself is the order of the day for your sign, and there’s nothing like a retrograde to seemingly upset everything you’ve put right. Use this period to let go of the reins a little and open yourself up to the new and unexpected. Remember, retrogrades aren’t just harbingers of chaos, but necessary flexibility.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
While this month’s retrograde likely won’t upset much on the logistical front, you could be in for a bit of an emotional tailspin due to potential–if innocent–misunderstandings with friends, coworkers, and online acquaintances. As Mercury backstrokes through fellow air sign Gemini, you’re being called to pause before reacting, and choose your words wisely in order to convey what you mean exactly how you mean it.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Never one to mince your words, you can be diplomatic or deadly depending on the situation and those involved. An unexpected upset during this retrograde period could set your fingers flying over the keyboard in retaliation, but before you draft that bombshell email or social media post consider the far-reaching consequences. What feels like justice served in the moment could very well backfire in the long run.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Your boisterous sign is often accused of being insensitive, if not downright callous, and retrogrades only seem to get you in more trouble at work, home–everywhere, really. You hate having to muzzle yourself during these periods but it might be worth your while to use Mercury’s retrograde to reexamine how you communicate your opinions and emotions, and whether or not there might be some truth in those hurtful accusations?
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
The last thing you need is a cosmic glitch when you’ve been on such a winning streak, but try to see it as a welcome challenge this retrograde. The hardworking sea goat is seldom deterred by obstacles thrown in their path and you’re no exception, Capricorn; use this retrograde to become more adept at navigating the unexpected and maneuvering your way back to productivity.
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
It hurts when your one-of-a-kind talents and unique approach to life are dismissed by less imaginative souls as weird or worse, “eccentric” (just ask Gemini or Pisces). If you feel like your contributions are being mocked or left to wither fret not, Aquarius, as this is just a momentary setback on your way to success. Remind yourself that you are under no obligation to make yourself understood by those who are committed to misconstruing everything you do.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
While Mercury tends to favor the equally mercurial fish, you’d be wise to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s nonetheless this retrograde. Don’t sign anything before reading the fine print, back up all your files, and make sure you don’t hit “send” before you’ve really taken the time to consider your words. Retrogrades are meant to shake things up in a way that compels us to adapt and grow, but sometimes it’s just about getting your act together.