As we officially wrap up Aquarius season today, it’s important and interesting to consider the way Aquarius shows love. We just enjoyed the loving vibes of Valentine’s Day which is during Aquarius season, and while Valentine’s Day is often known for love, affection, and romance, Aquarius is quite the detached air sign.
Typically, it is not oriented towards flowery displays of affection. In fact, those with Venus in Aquarius are often accused of being quite cold and aloof when it comes to love.
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The Unique Love Nature of Aquarius
Being ruled by Uranus, it should come as no surprise that Aquarius has its unique way of showing affection. Typically speaking, if you’re expecting someone to shower you with roses and romance you here and there, Aquarius is not that type.
They are more of the cerebral lover. They consider mental and intellectual stimulation as a form of connection. Because of this, those seeking a more emotional or heart-centered type of love may feel a bit let down by Aquarius’s approach to love and romance.
It’s not that Aquarius doesn’t know how to love because there is no one way to love! Aquarius is just simply aloof and a bit detached from the emotional displays of affection that some characterized with expressing love. Also, this is a sign that really enjoys its freedom.
So, love for an Aquarian may look very different than loved for a sign that desires more consistency and attachment such as Taurus or Cancer. As a matter of fact, for some Aquarians, the more freedom provided the more willing they are to maintain a relationship.
Also, contrary to popular belief, Aquarius can be a viable long-term partner. This is due to the fixed nature of this sign. They may not necessarily jump at the chance to be in a relationship because to be quite honest, Aquarius is pretty good on their own.
However, if they should meet someone that stimulates them mentally, and they feel that there is compatibility, Aquarius has no problem with settling down and remaining dedicated to their partner of choice.
A Humanitarian Love
The reason Aquarian love is often cited as being somewhat difficult to grasp is due to the nature of Aquarius’ desire for agape love. This is a humanitarian sign that truly wishes that everyone be treated with equality and respect. Because of this, no one is better than or greater than the other, and at times this includes partners.
For those seeking a more passionate, emotional, romantic type of love, Aquarius’ cool, friendly vibes can make one feel as if they are “just a friend.” But that’s not too bad, because relationships that have the foundation of friendship often do quite well! Aquarius wants a partner that is not only a lover but their very best friend!
So does Aquarius love everyone? Well, they may not love everyone, but due to the Uranian rulership of this particular zodiac sign, there is the desire for freedom for all. Aquarius doesn’t particularly like being tied down by heavy restrictions, and the healthy functioning Aquarians extend what they desire for the self to others.
So to Aquarius, being kind and friendly is a form of love, and they’re willing to show it to everyone because we are all human.
Aquarius: The Sapiosexual
For those interested in dating an Aquarian, you’ve got to put on your thinking cap literally. As an air sign, Aquarius is attracted to what is intellectual.
Strong connections are built upon the mind with open communication and consistent sharing of perspectives is highly desired. Aquarius won’t stick around long for just a pretty face. They really want to be able to probe the mind and enjoy the exchange of ideas and concepts…even if they seem far out.
When Aquarius does decide to be with others they enjoy the camaraderie that comes with being in a team. This is the one sign that understands that there is no “I” in team and that the best way to work with people is to allow the space for everyone to be themselves.
So if you’re looking to get close to an Aquarius, make sure your mental game is on point. Yes, they may enjoy something good to look at, but when that’s all said and done, they’re looking for someone who can intrigue them mentally.
Gotta Love What is Different
Aquarius doesn’t want the same partner as everyone else. When it comes time to really settle down, they typically prefer a partner that has their own thing going on. So, Aquarius may not be the best choice for those who want to be “ tied at the hip.” Aquarius is not interested in creating or making a partner.
They want their love interest to already have a firm concept of who they are. This is where the ability to own one’s personal quirks is important because this is exactly what Aquarius admires in a partner. Thus, a partner that has the courage to march to the beat of their own drum is definitely someone that Aquarius would consider for companionship.
Ultimately, Aquarius loves in a way that is unique to itself…just like all the other zodiac signs. As we wrap up Valentine’s Day 2022 and officially end Aquarius season, exploring what we desire in love is important. Collectively, Aquarius desires the best for all of mankind because we all deserve to be loved.
Personally, the ability to be free, share perspectives with an open mind, and love others for their unique selves is where love reigns for the Uranus-ruled, freedom-oriented sigh of Aquarius.