Slamming on the Breaks In Gemini: Mars Goes Retrograde for Its Last Stop of the Year

It’s not just the cold weather making you feel sluggish! Mars is headed retrograde from October 30th until March 2023, taking our energy with it. Making things worse, the planet is passing through Gemini until mid-January, bringing us flashbacks to Mercury’s retrograde as the transit impacts our communication.
While this slowdown can be frustrating, it’s also a helpful reminder to take things slow, making time for rest and social events as we move into the holiday season. For many signs, this means setting boundaries at work, or in your personal life, as others try to push their overflowing plates onto yours. However, each zodiac sign will feel the pressure a little differently. To understand how this retrograde will affect you, check your horoscope below!
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Read More »To combat these urges, take time to step back and map back to the true source of your frustration. There may be some long-standing issues you’ve been avoiding. As long as you’re burying the problems you don’t want to face directly, that negative energy will rise to the surface during the retrograde, sabotaging your relationships most.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
More money, more problems? With Mars going retrograde in Gemini, it feels like there’s no such thing as too much cash. The planet has you hustling to make those extra dollars, at the expense of your personal life and your long-term health.
During this retrograde period, you’ll need to ask yourself whether the money is worth the effort you’re putting in. Have you been searching for instant gratification and falling short? Is your self-worth tied to the number on your bank statement? Think about how you want to head into the months and years ahead; what’s important to you and how will you be the most successful (and sane) over the long term?
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
With Mars in your house, the retrograde is hitting you hardest, poor Gemini! You pride yourself on being able to do it all and Mars is making you feel invincible. However, you’re setting yourself up with unrealistic expectations, especially when it comes to trying to imitate lifestyles you see on social media.
Throughout the retrograde period, you may be left feeling burnt out. Trying to do everything for everyone else, you’re underestimating how much time these little tasks will take once they’re combined. Although it’s hard to say no, you’ll need to be pickier than ever about what you take on and make sure you schedule some downtime for yourself!
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
If all you want to do is curl up and nap, that’s totally normal for this retrograde. Mars is pulling your energy away, the opposite of its typical effect. For you, this is especially frustrating. While you typically prefer to be the caretaker, the retrograde’s draining effects can leave you feeling guilty for taking time for yourself.
Instead of trying to do it all now, find peace in the idea of taking some time for rest and relaxation. Use this period as an opportunity to reassess how you want to focus your energy. What are you truly passionate about and how can you make more room in your life for the things (and people) you care about most?
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
Your oldest relationships can be some of your best, but if people from the past suddenly try to rekindle a friendship during the retrograde, be cautious. Although these old friends may have nothing but good intentions, there’s a good chance that there may be something more than friendship that they’re looking to gain. If there was a conflict between you in the past, are they truly over it?
You may also find that you’re questioning your own motives in your relationships. Are you carrying on certain friendships out of convenience and routine or, do these relationships really bring you joy? Take time to reassess your connections and determine which energies you want to connect with more (or less) as you head into a new year.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
You may hate to hear this, but you’ve got too much going on! When it comes to your work, you’re trying to juggle a million projects and pressuring yourself to ensure each one is done flawlessly. With Mars in retrograde, unexpected roadblocks and delays are about to overturn your perfectly balanced plate.
As you hit these setbacks, or better, prepare for them in advance, you’ll need to assess your workload to identify tasks that aren’t paying off. What are the critical items you need to accomplish and which tasks have you picked up as hobby projects? You’re going to need to make some tough cuts if you want to make it through the year without burning out.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Even as adults, we sometimes get the urge to run away from home. Mars in retrograde has you questioning everything, dreaming about getting away and starting all over. As you look at what others have accomplished, it’s easy to think that the grass is greener on the other side.
Instead of searching for the emergency exit, take time for introspection. You may want to use journaling as an opportunity to reconsider your position, remembering what you’re grateful for in your current life. Although things may not be all sunshine and roses, a quick solution won’t solve your problems. If there really is something you need to change, don’t dive in head first. Take time to plan your next move carefully, considering all your options.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
What secrets are keeping you up at night, Scorpio? You may be right to worry; moving into Gemini, Mars is likely to spill the tea. As the truth comes out, you may feel as though things are spiraling out of control. You’re not one to give up without a fight, but this may be one situation where it’s better to ask for forgiveness and just move on.
While you may experience small arguments with your significant other, family or business partners, the real trouble will arise if you’ve been cheating or keeping secrets related to your finances. This isn’t the time to try to pull a fast one. Try to be as honest as possible and back out of any tight corners you may have gotten yourself into before you make things worse!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Actions speak louder than words, Sagittarius! Be wary of anyone that seems to be selling something too good to be true. This warning applies to both your personal and professional life. There may be some new (or returning) love interests promising you the world, but can they really deliver?
While some potential partners may be trying to take advantage, not all are out for themselves. Before entering into any contracts, or relationships, do your research. Looking back, you may be viewing the past via a one-sided or romantic perspective. If you sit back to take an honest inventory of how these people or situations have treated you before, consider whether there are any red flags you may be overlooking.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Sometimes we all need somebody to lean on, even you, Capricorn! While it may seem that you’ve got a handle on all the responsibilities you’re balancing, this Mars retrograde will pull something back from your past for a second review. At work, this can mean a completed project needing another final tweak or in your personal life, an old argument may not be as resolved as you thought.
It’s important to remember that progress is more important than perfection. You may need to get some things off your plate to focus on your new priority and knock out recurring issues once and for all. Lean on trusted coworkers or friends to help lift the load while you regain your footing.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
This retrograde is cramping your style, Aquarius! As Mars saps your energy and puts up new roadblocks, the planet is making it harder to get things done. While you focus on your responsibilities, the time left for fun is rapidly dwindling and leaving you feeling unfulfilled.
Just as your frustrations are hitting their peak, someone from your past pops their head up to remind you of a more exciting time. It’s tempting to drop everything and jump back on the old bandwagon, reliving your glory days. However, not everything that glitters is gold and you’ll soon remember why you walked away from that phase in your life. Know your worth and keep your feet on the path toward your long-term hopes and dreams, not short-term excitement.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Are you fighting fair? Mars, the planet of war, is prodding you to see how you’ll react. Creating drama when it comes to your home and family, don’t be surprised if old fights come back up or petty squabbles erupt when you least expect them.
This retrograde is challenging you to look at how you choose your battles and defend yourself. Has your frustration been getting the best of you, causing you to lash out with comments or actions you later regret? Or, are you walking away to avoid conflict altogether? To get what you want out of your relationships, and in your life, you’ll need to reset your strategy. Stand up for what you deserve without stepping on others to get it.