As we continue to trek through Aries season, the Aries’ planetary ruler, Mars, is increasing action-oriented energy. Thus, it is important to understand how Mars energy will affect you throughout Aries season. In general, Mars represents your motivations and what gets you going. While we are all motivated by something, our motivations are different, and it’s important to understand how Mars energy affects you personally in order to know what you desire. Keep on reading to find out what motivates you through the energy of Mars.
Your Motivation with Mars
Read More »Understanding Mars energy is important for understanding yourself as well as the motivations of others. Sometimes there is a faulty perception that everyone should act and be the same, but this is not the case. We are all motivated and propelled forward by different things, and understanding Mars energy for yourself as well as other people will allow us to understand why we as people act in the manner that we do.
Your Mars and Competition
Being associated with the God of War, Mars energy is connected to active competition. You have some people who like to compete, and then you have some people who don’t. Neither one is better than the other. It is the condition of Mars in a natal chart that provides information on how you go about handling competitive energy and environments.
There are some people who prefer to compete because it spurs their competitive nature. Some people will compete outwardly and with a more fiery, direct nature. Others compete silently. Then, there are people who don’t want to compete at all. This is not necessarily because they have fears about competing. Some people just aren’t motivated by competition with anything external to themselves.
It is to understanding your own Mars sign and placement that you can have a better understanding of how you choose to compete…if you’re even interested in competing at all. Mars in your natal chart will also show how you can better use your drive and ambition to get what you want out of life.
Sexual Energy & Mars
Mars energy also represents the sexual drive in astrology, and is associated with the male symbol which actually looks like either an erect phallus and/or the energy of sperm hitting an egg. Mars energy in your natal chart shows what gets you going sexually and attracts you sexually. This is very different from Venus attraction which is more about beauty and harmony. Martian attraction is specifically raw sexual attraction.
Knowing your Mars sign as well as that of your sexual interest(s) can provide insight on sexual leanings and desires. If you’ve ever been just naturally sexually attracted to someone, they’re usually in contact between Mars placement with you and the other person’s Mars energy. Likewise, sometimes even though you may be visually attracted to someone, there isn’t any ambition to get anything off the ground sexually. This is where the beauty of a person doesn’t necessarily equate to wanting to be sexually engaged. This is the energy of Mars at work on the sexual drive and nature.
Mars in the Signs
To help you better understand your Martian motivations, the following is an overview of Mars in the zodiac signs. Find out what motivates you by checking out your Mars sign below.
Mars in Aries
The Mars in Aries placement is one where Marsha energy is Amplified. individuals with this placements are likely to be highly independent, initiating, end self-starters. They do well being their own bosses and don’t really enjoy environment where they have to answer to others. Watch out for being too Brash and issues with anger.
Mars in Taurus
When it comes to Mars in Taurus, the drive is one that is very deliberate and concrete I’ll be it slow and steady. Mars in Taurus will get to where it’s going, but in its own time and on way. They can be very sure-footed about setting up their lives, but this will be done at their own pace and there will be an element of stubbornness to the motivating energy of this particular person.
Mars in Gemini
Mars in Gemini is motivated by mental Pursuits and is highly interested in gathering information and using it to its Advantage. These are the end of vegetables that have the ability to multitask very efficiently, and they usually do best when they have more than one thing going as they can get easily bored with just one Pursuit. These individuals we’re going to take care 2 not put themselves in overdrive as displacement could hide nervous system issues by increasing energy levels.
Mars in Cancer
Mars in cancer is motivated by what is personal to itself. Because of the warrior sign influence, these individuals are quite ambitious, but it won’t usually be seen on the outside. They will move like a crab in order to get what they want so basically indirectly. The emotions can be a contributing factor to how things are handled and to the overall actionary energy. When provoked, these individuals can be a bit loony as associated with the lunar influence on the competitive nature of this placement.
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo wants to be the best, And they are willing to put in the energy to compete to do so. There is a leaning towards wanting to be seen, are the words, and being the center of attention. Displacement is likely to compete in order to have all eyes on them. This particular placement may want to be careful about getting wrapped up in their ego wants and needs in order to obtain their Ambitions and goals.
Mars in Virgo
Mars in Virgo is a very analytical and calculating energy. Virgo seeks out details and with the energy of Mars, there is this precise and calculating movement that is also combined with an element of discernment. These are individuals who a very calculated with their movements and seek to achieve some type of order and precision when they do take on any type of condition. There is a element of worker be energy associated with bars in Largo, and the goal is to be in exacting and everything that they do. Mars in Virgo can be critical when it comes to executing their plans.
Mars in Libra
In general, Mars is not necessarily place the best in the sign of Libra as labor is the opposite of Mars’s natural zodiac ruler Aries. Usually takes the passive aggressive approach and getting what it wants. There’s usually a desire to seek Harmony, balance and to keep things easy peasy for the sake of social graces and the appearance of Harmony. It should be no that though that Mars in Libra can be quite competitive particularly when it comes to social environments as well as its pursuit in anything related to Justice. This particular placement of ours may want to be worry we’re mindful of its passive-aggressive tendencies when Chase with competitive or forceful situations.
Mars in Scorpio
The energy of Mars in Scorpio is dead of the stealth and deadly Ninja. These are the people who I definitely moving in a very powerful way, but you won’t see them. They can get a lot of things done because they aren’t readily noticed by others, and these individuals can be some of the greatest friends and or foes and enemies to reckon with. When it comes to competition, remember Mars in Scorpio does not show its cards, but they are definitely taking action in a clandestine manner. This particular Mars placement we’ll have to watch out for a tendency to strike out at others in Revenge.
Mars in Sagittarius
When Sagittarius meets up with Mars energy, there is a desire to keep things free and buoyant. Mars in Sagittarius is direct, forward blunt and fiery. This is the typical energy that doesn’t have time for anything that will hold it down or keep it from exploring you Horizons. The Perfect Analogy for this particular energy is the wild roaming horse. Mars in Sagittarius definitely has the went underneath its feet to get going, but this particular placement likely have to be conscientious of his desire to keep things moving even when at times it may be best to put down some Roots. Mars in Sagittarius is more than Faded by what is excited to itself, and they are likely to enjoy being in environments that allowed them to Explorer what is a broad or different from their native understanding.
Mars in Capricorn
Mars in Capricorn is at is exalted and best use date. This is because Capricorn and energy is ruled by the planet Saturn which result of the and responsibility for one’s actions. It is here that the Martian element of taking action is Mutt with the Saturn energy of control and maturity. Those with this particular energy can get a lot done in a quiet, efficient manner. There is a heads-up about being controlling with this energy.
Mars in Aquarius
When the energy of Aquarius and Uranus meets up with Mars, those with this placement I’m motivated by what is unique and different. They will likely want to be the Revel with or without a cause and they don’t really function well with others a placing beer standards on them. Mars in Aquarius wants to move in their own Manner, and their own way and are not really interested in maintaining the status quo. This particular placement is excellent for anything that is innovative, different and appreciating up systems in order to implement higher levels of consciousness. Displacement does have to watch out for being the Rebel Without a Cause or just creating chaos for the sake of it.
Mars in Pisces
The energy of Mars in Pisces is not necessarily at its best in terms of motivations. As the last time, Pi C’s is in the position of wrapping up the physical experience, which is kind of counterproductive to the initiating energy of Mars in Aries. At times, those with the energy of Mars in Pisces are often looked upon as being lazy, I know they did, and simply in the clouds.
However, the energy of Mars in Pisces can be used productively for anything that is spiritual and mystical related such as energy healing and spiritual paths. Is also an excellent placement for any form of martial arts. Mars in Pisces can get the most out of this particular placement by where your teeth and cells 2 words spiritual growth and development. This particular placement does have to be cautious about escapism, delusion and deception at the South End from others.
So, how does your motivations in addition show up through your personal Mars sign and house placement in astrology, understanding your Mars energy allows you to be able to know why you acting the way that you do and develop the necessary skills and assets that will allow you to move forward when your past and your own Martian way.