The Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Cycle is Here Bringing Permanent Change

It’s that time of year again. Eclipse season is here, and Scorpio and Taurus energy is making for some exceptionally powerful and transformative beginnings and endings. Hold on to your seatbelts and get ready for some shake-ups as we can expect to experience a lot of deep, transformative changes in our lives over the next six months to a year.
If we want to make the most of this eclipse season energy in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, it is imperative that we be able to let go of what is no longer necessary so that we can experience the transformative change that awaits us.
The Importance of the Eclipse
Read More »A solar eclipse occurs when it appears that the moon is moving between the sun and the earth. This produces the effect of the sun appearing to be blocked. Solar eclipses are responsible for bringing in new beginnings, and the energy of this type of eclipse can be experienced up to a full year after occurrence.
A lunar eclipse occurs when it appears that the moon is moving over the sun. Lunar eclipses produce the reddish-orange effect. This type of eclipse aligns with the full moon, and it produces major culminations and endings. The lunar eclipse is usually experienced energetically up to six months after its occurrence.
Eclipses are the ultimate form of new beginnings and endings. In understanding this energy, the eclipses align us with the concept that in order to experience the beginnings and fresh starts that come with the new moon solar eclipse energy it is important to let go of the old. The old is represented by the full moon lunar eclipse experience. While this beginning and ending energy is replicated monthly via the full and new moon cycles, the eclipses are especially important because they’re far more intense, and they usually correlate to major life events that are incredibly important in the trajectory of our lives.
Because of the powerful impact of eclipses, they are often feared by many…especially those who are resistant to change. Eclipses help us grow and evolve beyond what we currently are. The more we are willing to accept the change that is presented through the eclipses, the better position we are in to integrate these experiences for our highest good.
The Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Cycle
The current eclipse cycle features the fixed earth sign Taurus and its watery fixed counterpart, Scorpio. In general, the eclipse cycles last about a year and a half to two years. The current eclipse cycle featuring Taurus and Scorpio began on October 25, 2022, with a solar eclipse in Scorpio, and this eclipse will end with a full moon eclipse on October 28, 2023, in Scorpio. We are currently midway through the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle.
The Taurus-Scorpio eclipse will affect us deeply due to the nature of these signs. There is the security-oriented, grounded energy of Taurus that seeks to build strong foundations and acquire more to enjoy the physical experience. Then at the opposite end, we have Scorpio energy which rules plummeting into the darkness so that we can do deep healing that allows for transformations that take us beyond who we once were.
Also, Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, so there is a tendency to stand our ground under both of these energies. Taurus is not known for change as it disrupts the usual and commonplace. Scorpio tends to ruminate on the emotional to the point of obsession. These behavior patterns can prevent much-needed growth, and at this time, it is important to consider how we embody the stubborn, bull-headed energy of Taurus as well as the obsessive, vengeful nature of Scorpio in our own lives. How are such behavior patterns preventing us from evolution and beneficial forward movement?
This is an important question to consider as we experience all that is brought into our lives and even taken away under the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse season.
Permanent New Beginnings & Endings
In order to make the most of this Taurus-Scorpio eclipse season it is imperative that we be willing to let go of what is no longer useful and beneficial for our growth and evolution. The new, transformative beginnings offered via the Scorpio new moon eclipse have the ability to change our lives exponentially…to the point where we will look back at this point in our lives and clearly see just how impactful this moment in time truly was to our growth and evolution.
The best way to think of this energy is the caterpillar that becomes the butterfly. The only way to become a butterfly is to leave behind the experience of being a caterpillar. Caterpillars aren’t butterflies and butterflies aren’t caterpillars. This is the energy of a total transformation into something that makes us totally different than who we once were. But first, we must be willing to let go of who we think we are to move into the evolved expression of who we truly are.
Two weeks later, there will be a full moon eclipse in Taurus further highlighting the need to release the hold. Full moons bring culminations and endings, and there is something that will have to be released in order to harness the energy of the new moon solar eclipse that occurred in Scorpio two weeks prior.
Again, Taurus energy does not function well with change, but it’s vital that we move past our own stubbornness. No matter how much we may want to dig our heels in and remain the same, this eclipse won’t allow it. Something will have to go as there is something that we are holding on to whether it be a person, place, thing, perspective, or even a way of living that is keeping us stagnant.
So, how might these lunar full moon eclipse culminations show up? With Taurus as the foundational energy of this eclipse, these culminations could impact our finances, foundational structures such as homes, long-term relationships, our value systems, and anything else that is pivotal to the formation of who we are.
True to the nature of eclipses as well as the energy of Taurus and Scorpio, it is even possible that we will have to release, either voluntarily or by force, something that we consider to be quite valuable to us. If this should be the case, it is important to remember that whatever is released and/or removed is necessary so that we can achieve a more transformed, evolved state of being. To determine what area in life the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses will impact directly, locate the houses that are ruled by Taurus and Scorpio in the natal chart.
Making the Most of Eclipse Season
There is no fighting eclipse energy. These beginnings and endings are often quite fated and in retrospect, necessary for our growth and evolution. The best to do under this eclipse energy is to let go which could be hard given the fixed nature of both Taurus and Scorpio. While many use lunar energy for manifestation, eclipses are best dealt with via intuitive guidance. The eclipses do the talking, and we respond accordingly.
Please note that whatever may come up during the eclipses, know that it is for our higher good. There is truly no one way that that eclipse energy can play out. For example, we could end up meeting a long-term committed partner with whom we are able to have a deep, intimate bond (Scorpio) and build solid foundations for the long term (Taurus).
Likewise, this eclipse cycle could bring an end to a committed partnership. Perhaps we have been holding on for dear life to a partner that is simply not a good fit for us. Perhaps the eclipse reveals a shocking betrayal (Scorpio) that shakes up our very foundations (Taurus). While being betrayed is quite the sting, perhaps it is necessary for us to release a partner that is no longer a good fit.
These are just some examples of how eclipse energy can play out. It is important that we take it easy and be kind to ourselves. Make space to reflect and consider all that comes in and leaves out. The new moon in Scorpio kicks off this eclipse prompting us to go deep in to heal and transform. Be easy at this eclipse as the energy will be quite potent.
Transformation is upon us with this Scorpio-Taurus eclipse. May this energy provide us with experiences that allow us to evolve.