Halloween is upon us, and it’s time to enjoy all the scary spookiness that this season has to offer. Now is the time for goblins, ghouls, zombies, and yes…even ghosts. From an astrological perspective, did you know that there are certain signs that are more likely to ghost? Pisces is actually the zodiac sign that is most likely to disappear and leave others wondering what happened. Read on to discover why Pisces is the ghost of the zodiac.
What is Ghosting?
What exactly is ghosting? Many of us have heard of ghosting. The term is used widely, and it’s very likely that you or someone you know have experienced the confusing practice that is ghosting.
Read More »There are a variety of reasons why someone would choose to ghost others. Some people disappear simply because they don’t want to deal with certain people, places, circumstances, and behaviors. Others choose to ghost to avoid direct confrontations. No matter the reason, the end goal of ghosting is to go away…and oftentimes never come back. Poof begone is the name of the ghosting game.
The act of ghosting is perceived differently depending on whom you ask. Those who agree with ghosting see it as a way to rid themselves of connections and interactions that are no longer desired.
Then there are others who perceive ghosting as an “easy way out,” and a cowardly way of avoiding confrontation. People who desire resolution may not like ghosting as the act doesn’t provide space for clarity and finality nor room for explanation.
In terms of zodiac signs, Pisces is most likely to ghost. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces has the tendency to simply disappear, dissolve, and “go invisible” without warning. Pisces has a number of reasons why it disappears, and they are quite okay with doing so. It’s important to note that Pisces is not the only astrological sign capable of ghosting. However, Pisces is the most likely to do so, and others will likely be quite confused as to what is going on.
A Need for Space
As the 12th sign of the zodiac, Pisces is known for its need for isolation. Most people born under this sign deeply value their alone time, and there are a number of reasons for this. Many Pisceans have a deep reservoir of creative energy that they enjoy exploring on their own. Also, Pisces is hypersensitive and deeply empathetic, so they pick up all energy and vibes in their environment. They can easily be overwhelmed and drained by others.
Because Pisces is quite sensitive, caring, and compassionate in nature, people enjoy being in their space. However, most times Pisces needs a break from everyone and everything. These are the kind of people who will turn off their phones and go to the mountains…and not tell a soul. Pisces also isolate in order to recharge which is essential for their overall well-being. Likewise, even though others may think it is rude, Pisces will not feel the need to let anyone know that they need space. They will simply take the space they need as desired.
Pisces’ desire for space and isolation is especially needed when they are going through emotional turmoil. In many cases, Pisces prefers to process their emotions on their own. Also, even though Pisces is one of the most caring and compassionate signs, they don’t like sharing their emotions with others unless they are comfortable.
To others, Pisces’ distancing can be perceived as standoffish, but Pisces could care less. This is a sign that in order to function at its best in this interesting highly energetic world. Pisces is willing to go away for as long as needed to rejuvenate.
The Annoyance of the Unappreciative
One of the greatest annoyances of Pisces is the ungrateful. As one of the most sensitive, compassionate signs of the zodiac, when Pisces doesn’t really like people who are inconsiderate, ungrateful, and just outright mean. Although Pisces understands that everyone has their down moments, Pisces easily detects those who have an innate maliciousness and unsavory character.
While they may not have a direct confrontation, Pisces will simply remove themselves from anyone whom they feel is a drain on their energy. Pisces won’t give a warning. They will not ask why people are the way they are. Pisces will just simply decide I don’t want to deal with this person anymore, and they will just simply stop all association.
Some will consider this disappearance as short-sighted on Pisces’ end. However, Pisces is an intuitive sign that is guided by energy and internal knowing. The ones who are “in tune” will understand that they cannot change people, and it simply doesn’t make sense to associate with those with characters that rub them the wrong way. It’s a waste of time. As the fish of the zodiac, Pisces will swim away…or they will embody the energy of the spiritual and ghost never to be seen again.
You Know What You Did…So, Bye…
Pisces is one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. Some would say that even psychic. These folks know when something is going to happen. They know what others are going to do and say. Although this is a sign that can be generally quite forgiving, Pisces doesn’t like it when people try to take advantage of them.
Oftentimes, Pisces will sit back and watch people manipulate, con, deceive, and much more. Again, because Pisces have no control over the actions of others, they will simply remove themselves…disappear. Because Pisces doesn’t need to prove or let others know they are onto them, others tend to think that Pisces is gullible and easy to overcome. However, this is the furthest thing from the truth. Pisces will sit back and allow people to expose themselves, and when they have had enough and no longer want to deal, they simply ghost. No explanation at all.
Some would say that Pisces should talk things out. However, a Pisces that has decided to ghost has already decided that talking is not worth it. Pisces does not want to deal with the lies, gaslighting, and excuses. It’s simply a waste of time, and such acts won’t get Pisces or the other person anywhere. Pisces are just not interested in going back and forth, so they will simply just go away never to be seen again.
In the end, Pisces is well aware of the workings of others..whether for good or bad. Pisces know what others have done, and others know what they have done. So, what is there to discuss? According to Pisces, nothing. So, Pisces just decides that a person, place, or thing is simply not a good fit and decides to move along without warning.
Ghosting to Escape
In some cases, Pisces will ghost to escape. If Pisces isn’t ready to deal with something, some of them will use ghosting as a way to escape their realities. This is not the most positive use of this energy as ghosting can be a way to avoid accountability by Pisces.
Pisces will also ghost when they are under pressure. As the fish of the zodiac, Pisces don’t like to be forced to do anything, so to avoid confrontation, Pisces simply will stay away. For example, if someone expects Pisces to do something, but they don’t want to do it, some Pisces simply won’t show up.
If at some point Pisces wants to connect with someone they have ghosted, they may have come up with some type of reason why they “disappeared.” It is for this reason that ghosting to escape reality isn’t the most mature means of dealing with uncomfortable situations.
Now, there are some circumstances where ghosting to escape is an advantage for Pisces. Let’s say Pisces is in a volatile situation, and they know that a direct confrontation could lead to violence or other types of trouble. Pisces will use ghosting to their advantage to remove themselves from precarious situations. So, there are times when ghosting to escape is a benefit.
Hopefully, this has offered some insight into why Pisces simply disappears. Whether it’s to take some much-needed “me time,” to distance themselves from unsavory people, or to escape, Pisces is the bonafide ghost of the zodiac. Boo.