Mercury Retrograde Is Officially Over! What to Expect as the Planet Goes Direct in Virgo

If Mercury’s retrograde has thrown you for a loop, you can now rest easy. The messenger planet is back, going direct from October 2 to December 22 in practical Virgo. Governing communication, memory and travel, Mercury’s return is a sign of relief for our relationships and, honestly, for our sanity!
Making its return in Virgo, Mercury is focused on solving problems and creating structure. Like a mental shot of espresso, get ready to reach an intellectual high, a new sense of confidence and boost in your social life. As your engines rev up, are you racing toward your biggest goals or an epic crash? Check your sign below to see what your horoscope has in store!
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Read More »It’s time to put yourself first, by focusing on your physical and mental health. Before the next retrograde, take advantage of Virgo’s influence by formalizing your new routines in writing. Once you’ve created a formal plan to maintain your healthy habits, it will be easier to stay committed in the weeks to come.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
In retrograde, it seemed like Mercury was on a path of destruction when it came to your love life. Causing miscommunication and frustration, you may not be feeling as close to your partner as you have in the past. Unfortunately, Mercury’s bag of tricks isn’t empty yet.
The good news is that Mercury is coming back in full force to bring back those loving feelings and get your communication back on track. The bad news is, the way things have been going, you may not be focusing all that romantic energy on your partner. Don’t let the past few weeks convince you that the grass may be greener on the other side. Take time to focus on your current partner and give love a chance!
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Ruled by Mercury, you’re especially in tune with the planet’s movements. As the planet gets back to business, you’re feeling right at home – literally. Sharpening your sense of reason while emerging in your fourth house, your head and heart are about to collide.
As your creative block dissolves, you’ll be focused on family relationships and your home. Mercury is sharpening your intuition when it comes to reading the emotions of others, pushing you to use this insight to deepen your emotional connections with family or other loved ones. If you’ve had some tension in these relationships, now is the time to meet over coffee and come to a resolution.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Sweet talking Mercury is at your service, helping you find just the right words to get your way. Your social life is about to heat up, but it doesn’t mean you have to brave the cold weather. Expect email, text and social media messages to reach a new high, expanding your network in the office and refreshing long-distance friendships.
As refreshing as this is initially, it will start to feel a little overwhelming by the end of October. Before you jump right into the holiday season, take a few days to relax and reset in early November. Use Mercury’s full strength to go through your financial statements and develop a plan for year-end spending before Black Friday sales sweep you off your feet.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)
You’ve never been afraid to chase your wildest dreams but, up until recently, you haven’t been sure how to turn them into reality. Mercury is bringing you back to earth, providing the clarity you’ve needed to develop a step-by-step roadmap for success. Combining your natural charm with a bulletproof plan is a combination for success in every area of your life, but is especially powerful when it comes to your career.
By sharing your opinions with others, you’ll find that you’re attracting a whole new level of respect from your peers and management. As your ideas continue to be implemented, don’t be surprised if people begin flocking to you for advice on their own projects. Although this attention can be exhilarating, don’t let your confidence grow out of control! During the later weeks of the year, it will be important to listen more than you speak, taking advantage of partnerships to keep your initiatives moving forward.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Is that really you, Virgo? Get ready to surprise your friends and family (and maybe even yourself) with your new bold attitude! You’re tearing up your roots and dreaming big, feeling comfortable taking uncharacteristic chances for a shot at your biggest dreams.
We say go for it! This is your chance to take a risk and use your creativity to think differently about what might be possible. By challenging some of your predefined ideas of what is the “correct” or “incorrect” way to problem-solve, you’ll finally be able to break through the internal walls that have been keeping you from reaching your full potential.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Some signs say that you have a tendency to be a bit of a player, but that’s certainly not true now. Mercury is heightening your sensitivity to partnerships, making you feel uncharacteristically emotional. While this is great news for taking existing relationships to the next level, opening your heart puts it at a higher risk of being broken by a harsh word or being ghosted by an online match.
With Mercury boosting your communication and influence, this is the perfect time to leverage your relationships to launch new business ventures. However, you may be caught off-guard by some of the other signs profiting from the messenger’s skills. Make sure you lean into your rational side to weigh all options before letting yourself be swayed by others’ well-crafted arguments.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Strong and steady, you’re moving to the front of the pack. You’re already a master of problem-solving, but Mercury takes this to a whole new level. As your confidence grows, you’ll be eager to use your wits to help out friends, family and colleagues with any problem they’re willing to offer up.
While you’re excited to help and advocate for others, be careful not to overstep their boundaries. Your eagerness, combined with your quick thinking, can lead you to react sharply if your offer for assistance isn’t accepted. Don’t take these situations personally; instead, offer your assistance to local non-profit organizations that will be more than happy to have your help.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Eureka! You’ve got an idea… and another… and another! Mercury has you buzzing with excitement, making social plans and taking on more professional responsibility. Your mind is making quick work out of any problem that heads your way, making you feel almost superhuman.
While you’re excited to keep the ball rolling, be careful not to burn the candle at both ends. For your own long-term sanity, and the health of any romantic relationship, dedicate a few days a month for relaxation. Whether it’s a self-love day or a “Netflix and chill” night with your boo, a little downtime will do you a world of good.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Surviving Mercury in retrograde isn’t easy but, unfortunately, the planet’s return isn’t always a walk in the park either. While the planet is helping you problem solve, the answers are coming from an unexpected direction that goes against your traditional pattern. You’re going to feel conflicted, having to decide between a promising but unknown path and the one well-traveled, but less likely to lead to success.
If you’re in an existing relationship or looking for love, this sense of conflict can also arise in your relationship. You may be called to flex the current routine of your relationship to meet your partner’s needs or, if you’re looking for love, you may need to rethink the criteria you need in a partner. Although change can be nerve-wracking, trust that you are being pulled in the direction you’re meant to go and that these new habits will become comfortable routines in no time.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Mercury may not be the planet of love, but this messenger planet can certainly help your game. After a retrograde season filled with drama and misunderstandings, you’re ready to turn a new leaf when it comes to relationships. Boosting your communication and empathy, Mercury is now at your back, helping you find the words to explain your feelings and the confidence to dive into the conversation you’ve been putting off.
Your interest in chatting also has an impact on the rest of your social life. Opening up to discuss your interests and opinions pays off, in person and through social media, attracting others with the same point of view. This is also a great time to lean into your creative hobbies as an alternative way of sharing your feelings and passion with the world.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)
Let’s be honest, Mercury in retrograde can be rough! For you, this hit especially hard when it came to communication and relived trauma, affecting your relationships (romantic and professional) at a subconscious level. Luckily, Virgo is stepping in to sort out the drama and kick-start the healing process.
Using Mercury’s grounded logic, take time to conduct an honest assessment of unconscious walls you may have built to protect yourself from betrayal and abandonment in your relationships. Are there really red flags in your current partnerships, or are you holding yourself back out of fear? This may be the time to extend an olive branch to those that you’ve been keeping at a distance, giving these relationships a fair shot at success.