
Amazon shuts down ratings as IMDb deletes negative reviews

In early February, Amazon introduced the “Rings of Power” series, a new set of badges for its users. This led to many IMDb users rating the new badges with one star and leaving negative reviews based on their disappointment with the latest installment of The Lord of the Rings franchise. As a result, Amazon decided to hide the ratings for the “Rings of Power” badge and not make them public, whereas IMDb deleted all negative user reviews related to The Lord of the Rings. Both actions have been heavily criticized as censorship by many social media users. So what happened?

What is IMDb?

IMDb (Internet Movie Database) is a website that allows users to read about and rate movies, TV series, and actors. According to its website, the site gets about 80 million visitors a month, making it one of the most visited websites in the world. IMDb’s database has grown so large that it has been used as a reference in academic papers and court cases. The site has also created badges to celebrate its most popular television and film series. IMDb badges are awarded when a series’ rating reaches a certain threshold.

Amazon’s “Rings of Power” badge program.

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