The World Health Organization (known as WHO) activated the highest alert level for the global monkeypox outbreak in late July 2022. The organization declared that the situation is officially a global public health emergency. This designation means that the WHO views monkeypox as a significant threat. To prevent the virus from spreading, and potentially becoming a pandemic, a global effort is needed. Although the WHO can only provide recommendations to its member states, the announcement sounded the call for urgent action. The alert was made as infections have risen rapidly worldwide.
The World Health Organization (known as WHO) activated the highest alert level for the global monkeypox outbreak in late July 2022. The organization declared that the situation is officially a global public health emergency. This designation means that the WHO views monkeypox as a significant threat. To prevent the virus from spreading, and potentially becoming a pandemic, a global effort is needed. Although the WHO can only provide recommendations to its member states, the announcement sounded the call for urgent action. The alert was made as infections have risen rapidly worldwide.
Prior to the global health emergency being announced, the WHO’s emergency committee met and made a recommendation to the director general. In the case of monkeypox, however, the committee was unable to come to a conclusion. The WHO’s Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made the call to put out the alert. On his reasoning, Ghebreyesus said that monkeypox has been spread rapidly through multiple ways of transmission. Since too little is known about the virus, issuing the alert made sense.
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