Recent Gun violence in the USA and what needs to be done

In just seven days, the United States has experienced its deadliest shootings in over a year. This is a sobering reminder that gun violence is still a major issue in our country, and Congress has yet to take any significant steps to address it.
America is no stranger to gun violence. In fact, according to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 283 mass shootings in the United States so far this year. That averages out to more than one mass shooting per day. And that’s not even counting all the other gun-related violence that happens daily.
Read More »Whether that means stricter gun control laws, better mental health care, or something else remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure: this issue is not going away anytime soon.
These are the factors that contribute to gun violence in America.
- Mental health problems: It’s estimated that around 60% of mass shooters in the United States have some mental health issue. This complex problem requires a multi-faceted approach, but better access to mental health care could potentially help prevent future shootings.
- Lack of gun control: The United States has some of the laxest gun control laws in the developed world, which has undoubtedly contributed to the problem of gun violence. Stricter background checks, for example, could help keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.
- Violent culture: Some have argued that America’s culture of violence contributes to its gun violence problem. Violence is ubiquitous in American popular culture, from movies and TV shows to video games and music. This desensitizes people to real-world violence and makes it seem more acceptable.
This week’s tragedies include the shooting at a high school in Texas that left 10 people dead and the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas that claimed the lives of eight students and two teachers.
In the wake of these latest shootings, many are wondering what, if anything, can be done to prevent them. Some have called for stricter gun laws, while others argue that this would not be an effective solution.
It’s clear that there is no easy answer, but it’s time for our leaders to start looking for one. The American Psychological Association has released a report on gun violence prevention, including several recommendations such as increasing funding for research and developing targeted interventions.
The federal government has taken steps to address this problem, but much more needs to be done. One of the most significant steps that the government has taken is to outlaw bump stocks, which are devices that can effectively turn a semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic weapon. While this is a positive step, it does not go far enough. There are still many other types of firearms and accessories that can be used to commit mass murder.
Currently, a few bills are working their way through Congress that would tighten background checks and close loopholes that allow people with a history of violence to purchase firearms. However, these bills face significant opposition from gun lobby groups and many Republican lawmakers. The gun lobby is one of the most powerful interest groups in the country, and they have been successful in blocking any meaningful reform in the past.

They argue that gun control measures would infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while doing little to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms. While this is a valid concern, it is also worth noting that other countries with stricter gun laws have much lower rates of gun violence. In Australia, for example, a series of mass shootings in the 1990s led to the passage of sweeping gun control measures. As a result, the rate of gun violence in Australia has dropped significantly, and there has not been a single mass shooting since then. Tighter gun regulations can effectively reduce gun violence if they are properly implemented.
It’s been over a year since the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Yet, Congress has not passed any major legislation to prevent gun violence. In the wake of the shooting, there was a lot of talk about “sensible gun reform” and “common-sense gun laws.” But so far, very little has been done to make it harder for people with mental health issues to obtain firearms or close the loopholes that allow people to buy guns without undergoing a background check.
There have been some modest proposals – like banning bump stocks and raising the age for purchasing assault weapons – but nothing that would truly dent the problem of gun violence in America. Part of the problem is that the NRA (National Rifle Association) is a powerful lobby, and many politicians are afraid to stand up to them.
But even if Congress can’t agree on any major reforms, there are still things that can be done to make our schools and other public places safer from gun violence. For example, increasing funding for school security or making it mandatory for all schools to have an active shooter response plan.
While the federal government has been slow to act, many states have implemented various measures designed to reduce gun violence. These measures include expanding background checks, banning bump stocks, and increasing the minimum age for purchasing firearms. In addition, several states have enacted so-called “red flag” laws, which allow law enforcement to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others.
Florida recently passed a law that raises the minimum age to purchase a rifle from 18 to 21. While this is a step in the right direction, it’s clear that much more needs to be done.
It’s time for Congress to take action on this issue and start working towards a solution. The American people deserve better than this. Gun violence is a complex problem, but that doesn’t mean it’s unsolvable. With the right policies in place, we can make our country safer for everyone.
It’s up to Congress to decide whether or not they will act on these suggestions, but we must continue to pressure them until something is done.
The issue of gun violence is complex, and there is no easy solution, but we cannot simply accept these tragedies as inevitable. We must demand action from our leaders and continue to fight for change. Only then will we be able to make our country safer for everyone.
If you want to get involved in the fight against gun violence, several organizations you can support, such as Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. You can also contact your representatives and tell them that you support common-sense gun reform. Every voice makes a difference, so make yours heard today.
This is a complex problem with no easy solution, but we must continue to pressure our leaders until something is done. We owe it to the victims of gun violence and ourselves to demand change. Only then will we be able to make our country safer for everyone.