From May 10th, 2022 until October 28th, 2022, Jupiter the planet of blessings and expansion, dips into the sign of the pioneering, fiery energetic Aries. This is just a brief preview of Jupiter in Aries as the official transit will begin on December 20th until May 16, 2023. The Jupiter in Pisces transit will finish up on October 29th until December 19th. Then from December 20, 2022, until May 16, 2023, we will all be solidly begin the Jupiter’s in Aries transit. Jupiter’s transit of Aries gives us a taste of taking on pioneering and bold energy in order to obtain success. This is quite a shift from the watery “go with the flow” of energy a Pisces to the fiery take action energy of Aries. Read on to learn more about how you can take advantage of this Jupiter in Aries energy.
Fortunately, Jupiter’s transit through Aries encourages us to stop sitting on the sidelines and get actively involved in making ourselves who were are. Aries energy rules the first house of the self. Who are you? Do you even know? The decisive action of Aries will help you solidify these answers with decisive action and clear unwavering boldness. Aries is independent and doesn’t require the approval of others to move forward. We all will benefit greatly from learning how to stand on our own two feet so that we can take charge of our lives.
Aries energy is often accused of being “self-absorbed”, but under the Jupiter in Aries transit, it will be very important and beneficial to look out for number one….YOU. This doesn’t mean treating other people as if they are unimportant. What it means is taking time to genuinely honor who we are and what we want for ourselves instead of changing to compromise with other people.
If you have been really struggling with your identity, this Jupiter in Aries transit is definitely the fiery kick to the butt that you need to get on with your life in your own way.
Be Bold & Confident…It Will Pay Off
One of the major benefits of the Jupiter in Aries transit is the bold, confident energy that makes us feel sure enough to take action. All too often we let fear consume us. We let indecision and the thoughts of others sway us from our truth and authentic paths. However, with the Jupiter in Aries transit, there is a success when we embrace confidence and take those bold actions that we would have normally not considered due to our own self-doubt.
Typically, Aries energy has no fear. Since Aries is the firstborn, they haven’t built up enough experiences to doubt themselves. Aries is the “clean slate” so to speak. If Aries wants to do something, they just go ahead and do it. It’s about them and no one else. Under the energy of Jupiter in Aries, we will be encouraged to release the fears that hold us back and to really embrace the idea that we are capable simply because we are. This doesn’t make us cocky or arrogant. It’s just a sense of knowing that are fully capable of taking action if we so desire. Plus, the influence of Jupiter provides the blessings and abundance to show us that embracing that bold, confident energy is beneficial.
Becoming the Innovative Pioneer
Jupiter in Aries doesn’t require validation from anyone. It is the energy of obtaining success because we have chosen to become our own innovative pioneers. Pioneers are people who are willing to strike out on their own…even if they aren’t sure what’s ahead of them. Under the energy of Jupiter in Aries, the innovative risk-taking approach, bring abundance, success, and expansion.
While taking risks can be scary for the less adventurous and more cautious, Jupiter in Aries encourages us to consider that maybe the risk is worth it. In fact, if there was ever a time to take a risk on something new and different, it is different during the Jupiter in Aries transit. Aries understands that if you aren’t willing to take a risk, you’ll never move forward. As a cardinal sign of change, Aries represents the season of Spring when there is rebirth and renewal. Change is good.
Let’s use the energy of Jupiter in Aries to become the pioneers of our lives Instead of waiting around for external things to initiate changes for us. Jupiter in Aries is not the energy of waiting around for something or someone else. Aries is more than okay with standing alone. Jupiter in Aries is the energy of making moves based on our knowledge of ourselves.
Some Jupiter in Aries Precautions
As with all astrological energies, there are some precautions to note about the Jupiter in Aries transit. In general, Jupiter expands whatever it touches. In the case of Jupiter in Aries, we get to experience a lot more decisiveness, confidence, boldness, and a general willingness to act. in the same manner, Jupiter in Aries also expands the less than savory Aries traits of brashness, impulsivity, over-competitiveness, selfishness, and aggressiveness. As we get a taste of Jupiter’s brief dip into Aries, we can be mindful of acting out some of the more troublesome characteristics of Aries.
Temper Your Temper-Aries is known for its temper. As quickly as Aries will get upset they will also get over whatever has riled up their anger. It’s important to curb the tendency to “blow up”…especially over little things.
Curb the Childish Antics-As the first sign, the less evolved energy of childish antics can be expected from Aries acting at its worse. The perfect analogy is that of a child throwing a temper tantrum. Because Aries wants what it wants NOW, when this does not happen, Aries can resort to childish behavior. Downright temper tantrums. Although Jupiter in Aries brings benefits through the direct expression of what we desire, this energy doesn’t warrant acting like an immature child to get what we want. Let’s all be mindful of childish antics from ourselves as well as others during the Jupiter in Aries transit.
Be Assertive Instead of Aggressive-Aries is often accused of being a “brute.” Ruled by Mars, Aries does not consider its impact on others as it acts for itself. Some would consider this aggressive. With Jupiter in Aries, the goal is not to push people away or “beat them into submission” with a domineering demeanor. Consider choosing assertiveness where we act confidently and with surety. We don’t have to run people over in order to get the benefits of Jupiter in Aries. Choose assertive instead of aggressive.
Take Risks, But Do So Wisely-Jupiter in Aries grants us the energy of the bold risk-taker. It’s important to be mindful of taking risks that are simply dangerous. Under the Jupiter in Aries transit, we are encouraged to use this energy to take the risks that will get us to honor who we are and move us forward in a new direction. Jupiter is about what is beneficial…not destructive. So, don’t throw out the baby out with the bathwater. Let’s make sure the risks we take are ones that will actually benefit us as opposed to those that will lead to destruction.
Overall, Jupiter in Aries will put a fire under us to finally have the confidence to act on all the things that we have always wanted to do. We will be releasing fear and owning our confidence to be the pioneers of our own lives. Under the energy of Aries, we are born, and Jupiter in Aries reminds us that we each have a life to live for ourselves…without the need for validation from anyone other than ourselves. Be bold, take risks, seek out the new, and be willing to stand on your own to embrace the blessings and abundance of new energy courtesy of Jupiter in Aries.