The sun officially moves into the grounded earth sign of Taurus from April 19th-May 20th. Over the next 30 days, there is an orientation towards grounding and planting seeds that lead to a firm foundation that can be built upon. This energy shift will be quite obvious as we move from the fast-moving, fiery energy of Aries to the steady, slower, deliberate pace of Taurus.
Under the energy of Taurus, stability is the name of the game, and there is a desire for firm values, loyal connections, and familiar settings.
Slow and steady wins the race over the next 30 days…like the tortoise that moves slowly but ultimately gets to where it’s going. Let’s explore the vibe that is Taurus energy.
Taurus as the First Experience of Earth
Read More »Over the next 30 days, there is an opportunity to reflect on our experience of being grounded here in this physical realm. Now is a great time to slow down and understand our relationship with this physical experience and make adjustments so that we feel more connected and grounded in this reality.
Some considerations and reflections for this Taurus season include:
Do we feel grounded?
Do we feel connected to the physical realm?
Do we enjoy being “embodied?”
If yes, why?
If no, why not?
There is the often-used expression that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Taurus season is a good time to consider how our spiritual selves manifest through our bodies.
Get in touch with being in the physical with the energy of Taurus.
Building a Foundation
Taurus understands that in order to have something solid a firm foundation is necessary. This understanding permeates everything from finances to relationships…which are both ruled by Taurus’ planetary ruler, Venus. In order to live a pleasant stable life, solid finances and relationships are important which is why Taurus takes its time to build its life from the ground up, choosing only the best materials for its base.
Just consider building a foundation for a home. Would we want to rush and risk having to deal with issues later? Most of us wouldn’t. Very few want to deal with fixing foundation issues which can cause problems and discomfort…especially when we are under the impression that all is well only to find out it is not due to a poorly laid foundation. Taurus wants to avoid this discomfort at all costs by taking its time to create sure foundations in all areas of life.
This means that Taurus will take its time, and it won’t be rushed by any external force. Taurus represents slow and steady energy where building the foundation of one’s life is taken with the utmost care so that there is a solid place to fully embrace and experience the good life that is offered through Taurus’ ruler Venus.
Let’s be honest. It’s hard to kick back and enjoy all that this physical experience has to offer when the foundation is shaky. Over the next 30 days, as the sun transits Taurus, this is the time to consider the condition of our foundations. We will be prompted to take concrete steps, albeit slowly, to make our roots and foundation solid so that we can live and enjoy the pleasantries of the good life offered via Taurus’ ruler Venus.
Also, Taurus reminds us that once we have a solid foundation, we can safely continue to build on top of what we created with the confidence that the upper levels are supported by the strong base that we have built.
Taurus & the Senses
Ruled by Venus, Taurus is associated with experiencing all that the senses have to offer. The five physical senses include touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Taurus energy enjoys its senses to the fullest. Some would say this energy can be hedonistic and indulgent at times. So, if it feels good, looks good, sounds good, smells good, and tastes good, then Taurus wants to experience it.
Let’s enjoy all that our senses have to offer over the next 30 days while the sun transits Taurus. Do our clothes feel good against our skin? Do we enjoy music? Does our environment please our sight? Have we always wanted to find that special scent that mixes with our body chemistry just perfectly? Do we enjoy our food fully at the moment, relishing in the delight of the flavors and textures?
This is the energy of Taurus and the enjoyment of the senses, but in order to enjoy the senses, it is important to slow down. Taurus reminds us that when you have a solid foundation you have the space to enjoy being in your body. There is no need to rush because we took the time to create a solid, reliable, safe place to explore and enjoy all that physical has to offer.
Enjoy and embody the energy of sensuality courtesy of the sun in Taurus.
Some Taurus Precautions
With Uranus transiting through the sign of Taurus, we are being called to “break free” (Uranus) from the things that keep us stuck personally and collectively. Because Taurus energy desires stability, it can get stuck in a rut. Here are some precautions to consider as we embrace Taurus energy.
1. Beware of Stubbornness-Taurus is the fixed representation of earth, so it doesn’t take too well to change and being forced to do something it doesn’t want to do. With the current influence of Uranus, we are encouraged to release resistance. If we refuse to budge and remain adamant about having things our way, Uranus will provide some “insightful shocks” to get us to release our stubbornness.
2. Getting Stuck in Ruts-Because Taurus seeks what is stable, there are times when this energy can cause ruts. Ruts keep us from moving forward which can lead to stagnation and a lack of growth. This is not good…especially when considering that the earth supports growth. Think about plants. If the seeds just sat there and never sprouted, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the bounty of life. Take time to explore the areas of life that are stagnant and choose to take deliberate action, no matter how small or slow, to allow in new influences that promote growth and forward movement.
3. Laziness & Seeking the “Easy” Path-Although Taurus energy does seek movement…this movement is done very slowly. Sometimes there is a tendency towards laziness and/or seeking the path of least resistance. Taurus’ ruler Venus makes it easy to seek the easy path, but if this keeps us from creating the solid foundations desired, then the path of least resistance can ultimately work against us. Too much comfort and familiarity can cause inertia that leads to nowhere. So, be on the lookout for choosing the path of least resistance.
Enjoy the energy of being embodied with Taurus over the next 30 days. Seek strong foundations, financial and relationship stability, and the enjoyment of the sensual.