What does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Habits

What does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Habits
Astrology provides valuable insight into our characters. From how we love to how we think; the stars even have an energetic influence on how we approach and manage our finances. The following overview provides details on your financial habits based on your zodiac sign. For the best results, please view the zodiac sign placements for your sun sign, moon sign, ascendant/rising sign as well as your Venus placement, if known.
For a quick review and understanding:
Read More »The sun sign represents your core identity and ego self.
The moon sign represents how you act subconsciously and what you need to feel comfortable.
The ascendant/rising sign is your outer expression or mask that presented to the world and how you approach the world.
The Venus sign rules what you value, money, and relationships.
The zodiac sign in each of these planetary placements provides an in-depth look into how you approach your finances.
Aries – When it comes to your finances; you want to be in charge. You are most likely interested in working for yourself so that you can be the one to decide how much you earn. Taking financial risks, such as investing in stocks, may be appealing to you. You are not necessarily selfish with your money. You want to make sure that you are getting what you deserve.
Taurus – The bull loves its creature comforts: good food, lovely clothes, a nice home, and a luxury car. Quality is important, and if it costs money, that’s fine. Being an earth sign, Taurus is practical when it comes to money and acquiring the creature comforts that make life enjoyable. You are willing to work long and hard for the nice things in life. A Taurus loves a good bargain as long as it is of high-quality.
Gemini – The ambidextrous Gemini may have more than one way of making money with a preference for having different streams of income. There is a tendency to being a bit “flighty” and spending on a whim. There is the potential for earning money using the hands or via some form of communication such as talking, writing, or social media.
Cancer – The crab has those pincers for a reason. It holds on tightly to things, and that includes money. For Cancer, money is gained to secure home and family and not necessarily to have a great career. Nest eggs are important, so expect Cancer to have some money stashed away for a rainy day.
Leo – Simply the best for the king and queen of the jungle. Leo is royalty, and nothing but the best will do for them. Thus, there could be a tendency to splurge on the finest. Leo will work hard or find a way to secure the funds to support the lavish lifestyle they feel they deserve. They can be very generous monetarily to those near and dear to them, and they expect the same in return.
Virgo – An 800 credit score, a balanced checkbook to the cents and at least 3-6 months of income in an interest-bearing account, will only do for the fastidious, detailed, hardworking Virgo. Virgo likes order and living a life that is a financial mess is not something that they would want for themselves or for anyone else for that matter. You are the person to come to for practical budget planning advice. As a Virgo, you are also always looking for the best bargains, which makes you a great competitive shopper.
Libra – Venus, the planet of beauty and the finer things in life, rules Libra. True to the Libran nature, there can be an indecisiveness when it comes to finances. There is a desire to have the finer things in life, but this has to balanced (Libra scales) with the funds to make this possible. Spending on pleasantries such as clothing, beauty treatments, inviting home décor, entertaining, and enjoying relationships are common.
Scorpio – The scorpion is one sign that can experience the heights and lows of money. Rags to riches and riches to rags experiences are possible with this sign. There is the possibility of inheriting or acquiring possessions or monetary energy from other people. This can occur through death or perhaps a windfall. Residual income streams are attractive to this sign as it allows them to earn money from previous creations. Scorpios may also have a desire to join energy with other powerful people personally or professionally to gain financial benefits.
Sagittarius – Ever the optimist, the archer always has enough and then some when it comes to money. Money is not necessarily the endpoint or for security. Instead, money is how the Sagittarius can live an abundant, jovial life. You are usually good at acquiring funds when needed through the belief that things will always work for you…and they usually do. Sometimes this optimism can make you a bit too generous, resulting in overextension of your finances. However, Sagittarius will find a way to acquire the funds they need being the ever optimist that they are.
Capricorn – You earn money and success, says the zodiac’s resident upward climbing goat. Capricorn has a plan which includes stability and financial security. You are the person that wants a well-padded savings and several sources of income or a good job or business to secure your financial future. Nice clothes, cars, and a career are signs of the hard work and effort you have put into being a successful person. Money is not spent frivolously because after all, every dime matters when you put in the blood, sweat, and tears to earn your due.
Aquarius – Money is freedom for the child of Uranus. Working for yourself or in a non-traditional manner as a freelancer, contractual worker, or seasonal worker may be ideal as it allows you to earn money on your terms. While this type of erratic earning may bother some, Aquarius would rather have their freedom instead of a steady paycheck. Due to Uranus’ unexpected nature, sudden monetary upturn and downswings are possible. So, you may want to pay bills and expenses in advance for times when funds aren’t flowing as freely.
Pisces – The Piscean is usually not motivated by the trappings of the world. Money for the fish is good for the experiences it provides. Sometimes money will slip through your fingers like a slippery fish. Pisces may prefer to make money through creative endeavors such as music, art, and writing. Being forced to earn or make money in a way that displeases them will usually make them unhappy. At times, Pisces has the habit of looking out for others financially to their detriment. It would do you well to ground yourself and keep track of your funds and not give away all that you have.