It’s official. The sun is finally moving into the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces. The 30-day Pisces transit is the wrap-up of the astrological year. Similar to the energy of Pisces, this is the perfect time for us to consider what we have experienced throughout the current astrological year and what we are ending to prepare for the upcoming spring equinox and new astrological year.
As the final zodiac sign, Pisces energy is related to wrapping up this physical experience in order to return to Oneness/Spirit to remain or to repeat the birth cycle under the energy of Aries once again. The sign of Pisces is mystical, and as a rule, is both hard and easy to understand if one comprehends that Pisces is everything and nothing at all…simultaneously. Continue to read on to find out more about the sun sign of Pisces.
The Vibe of the Two Fish
Read More »Likewise, the last zodiac sign represents the connection between the spiritual and physical. It is often said that the Piscean has one foot on earth and one foot in the spirit realm and because of this sign is highly psychic and sensitive to energies in its environment.
It should be noted that the two fish swimming in opposite directions also represents the duality of everything that we have the potential to be. Pisces is not only the saint, but they are also the sinner. Pisces is not only the physical but also the spiritual.
Pisces is not only light; it is also the dark. So in many ways, Pisces represents the totality of experience which makes sense given that Pisces is the last zodiac sign. These are the old souls of the zodiac who have been here many times on their quest to finally transcend the physical and return to the Oneness that is everything.
Empathy & Emotion
One of the key characteristics of Pisces is their ability to empathize. These are people who are the natural-born empaths who are able to pick up energy from their environments which has its advantages and disadvantages.
The ability to empathize makes Pisces one of the most “tuned-in” zodiac signs. These are the individuals that know how you feel before you even tell them. However, in the same light, this empathy results in feeling everything which is not always most beneficial for Pisces.
Likewise, Pisces is an emotional water sign. Just like their fellow water signs Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces represents the ocean and water in various states. Pisces can go from being the ocean to a lake to mist to fog. These various states are representative of Pisces mutability.
Is It All Just an Illusion?
The sign of Pisces is connected to illusions, delusions, and fantasy. Pisces is the one that would ask is this real? What is real? How do we know if what we’re living is real or an illusion? Who really knows? Welp, no one really, and that’s the whole nebulous, uncertain vibe of Neptunian Pisces energy.
There is a belief that this physical experience is a dream state…an illusion that we are navigating in our minds. There have been plenty of movies and films which go into this physical experience being an illusionary game. Whether this is true or not, it resonates with the Piscean understanding that all is not what it appears to be.
Since Pisces rules the land of make-believe, fantasies, and dreams, this sign is very adept at creating via visualization. Whether they are cognizant of this ability or not, Pisces has the innate potential to create merely using their intention more so than other signs due to its connection to everything.
The only issue is that Pisces must be very careful about the energy that they hold because just as easy as it is to create a dreamlife due to the duality of Neptune/Pisces energy, it is possible for Pisces to also create a living nightmare. Pisces must remember that this experience is based on frequency. Everything that is experienced is based on personal frequency.
The Power of the Subconscious
Given that Pisces rules what cannot be seen, it’s not surprising that Pisces energy is connected to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is quite influential even though we aren’t really aware of it directly.
True to Pisces’ preference for the background, the subconscious plays an important, yet unseen role in our lives. While we may think that we are making conscious decisions, oftentimes it is the subconscious that controls the narrative. It is for this reason that it is important to understand the subconscious so that it can be used for the most beneficial in our conscious lives.
A number of healing techniques such as hypnosis are used to influence the subconscious to create a particular effect in the physical world.
Returning to Oneness
As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces has the unique mission of returning to Source. It is one of the main reasons why this is one of the least materially-attached signs of the zodiac.
Just consider that if Pisces is wrapping up the physical experience, what is the point of accumulating for this experience? Pisces is the old soul that is on a trek back from whence it first came. There are many Pisces who feel the call to treat from the hustle and bustle of the world and focus on their spiritual natures.
This deep yearning for a return to Source and Oneness can result in escapism…especially if Pisces has not created a way to enjoy this physical experience. While some may choose the world of the arts (music, film, etc.) as a form of escapism, others choose the path of mind-altering substances and alcohol to detach themselves from the here and now.
However, even through all of this escapism, Pisces is still here because Pisces agreed to be here. So, instead of trying to escape from a chosen reality due to a longing to return to Source, perhaps it is best for Pisces to realize that even in the physical it is still connected and part of everything.
This understanding involves the relinquishing of boundaries that keep everything separate because, in the end, everything is One. Ultimately, the journey of the Piscean is connected to the desire to relinquish all that is physical and reconnect with Source energy.
As we navigate through Pisces season from February 18th to March 20th, this is a perfect time to get in touch with our creative, mystical, and spiritual sides, seek compassion for the self and others, and truly understand the concept that “we are all One.”
Pisces energy is pretty chill and laid back, so just go with the flow. While some may think that going with the flow is lazy, Pisces knows all too well that “the flow” of intuitive guidance has a way of getting us where we need to be for our highest good.
Enjoy the next 30-days of the otherworldly, spiritual energy that is Pisces.