Venus goes direct in Capricorn: What does this mean for your relationships?

You know you need this horoscope. You’ll never be able to make decisions or plan for the future until you know who’s in it with you. Use astrology to match your personality traits with your zodiac sign and learn what you can expect for the rest of the year.
Venus will finally move into Capricorn, where she belongs, on January 29. This is excellent news because Venus is our “love goddess. Venus has been retrograde in Aquarius throughout the last year, an air sign.
What does Venus, the love goddess of all the gods, have to do with air?
Read More »It is common for Venus to indicate money, romance, and other types of relationships in her natal chart. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, the sign of resourcefulness. She rules Taurus; she’s in Taurus and makes money. And she has a strong association with Aquarius. She’s famous for her love affairs with Mars, the god of war, and Aries, the warrior. Both are fire signs, Aries being a cardinal fire sign while Mars’ is fixed. Mars and Venus are both systems of belief labeled as “relationship.” Relationships will exist because that’s what they do. They live between people. Believe it or not, you are in a relationship.
The system of belief that can be labeled as “money” is Capricorn. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. You could think of money as materialistic and empty because of its connection to the physical body. Still, if you think about it, money and relationships are very similar in many ways. Many people associate love with money and money with love. Some people say they need to love themselves first before they can love anybody else, while some say they can only love someone else if they feel valued by themselves. This is important because you are the only person that can be around yourself all the time. You can’t always be around someone else, but you can always be around yourself. This is what makes a relationship so unique because no one else can do it for you…no one else can make you feel good about yourself.
Venus is in Aquarius this year has to do with her birth chart. Earth signs are associated with the body, so it’s possible that she was feeling a little “proud” of her body image throughout this past year while she was in Aquarius. This would be a good time for her to enter into Capricorn and make some changes with her mind, which is associated with the sense of the body. Venus is an earth sign, so her shyness and insecurity regarding how she looks may also be related to her birth chart.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the teacher of the time. Capricorn rules work and work ethic, but it seems like Venus has been taking a vacation instead of working this past year, kinda like “I’m on vacation” when you’re just working at your job. Another thing to consider here is that Capricorn rules temporary things.
How does this astrological event affect your horoscope?
As Venus moves into Capricorn, you are very likely to see a significant change in your love life over the next few weeks. This is a tremendous change because you’ve spent the last year dealing with Venus’ retrograde motion, which meant that you could not develop relationships with others. To make significant changes, you must first create a substantial foundation for building those changes. You can do this through research and study if you have time, but there is always the possibility of making significant changes in your love life through astrological events. Mercury is in Pisces, Saturn rules Aquarius, and Uranus planets are involved.
It’s essential to understand that you will be making significant life changes as Venus moves into Capricorn. You must see what you want to achieve as far as relationships are concerned and then take action. If you remain passive, nothing will happen; but something outstanding will likely occur if you take action. You’ve spent the last year sitting around in Aries, time to get a little more serious about it now!
Get ready for significant changes during the next few weeks through astrological events or other means. You need to clarify what you want from life and how you want to achieve those things.
The next Venus transit through Capricorn will be on February 13, 2023. But we can’t wait that long because Venus is in retrograde motion now. Going into February without making any plans for February can be pretty frustrating!
If you have monthly astrology reading with a practitioner, ask them about how Venus moves through each sign. They should be able to tell you if there’s some irony in the system by which Venus moves through a sign. “That doesn’t make sense!” you may say, “How can a planet that represents love and romance (Venus) seem to be stuck in an air sign?” Well, maybe that’s because she has been stuck in an air sign all year long.
You might want to buy the customized reading “Love In Relationships,” which focuses on relationships and matches your personality and your current life events. This will give you the best chance of making positive changes in your relationships during this period so that you will be ready for when Venus finally gets out of her retrograde motion here with us.
What should you be expecting for the rest of the year?
Well, for one thing, friendship isn’t going to be too great, maybe not impossible but not incredible. The romantic and sexual energy that could have been at points throughout the year will be put on hold until Venus comes back into the sign of her birth in February 2023.
You may want to look at your relationships and make sure that you aren’t experiencing any drama. If there is an issue, or people are just being selfish, and it’s causing you to feel overwhelmed or angry, then don’t hesitate to let them know about it to be resolved before Venus leaves this earth sign for good.
This is a great time to get back to the basics of your love life. Think of the first time you fell in love with someone you thought they were so unique and wanted to know everything about them. It’s this thinking that you need to bring back into your life if you’re going to perk up those feelings again. Take a new look at yourself and start treating yourself more like a person that deserves the best from others.
Given what you’ve learned about yourself through astrology, how do you respond to people who criticize and judge you?
If you are judging others, you are also judging yourself. You’re not being very kind to others, and you’re certainly not being kind to yourself. This is a time for self-forgiveness and for learning how to appreciate yourself. Be gentle with yourself and be kind to other people as well. It isn’t the people who judge others that deserve the most kindness, but rather those who are judgmental toward themselves. Learn to love your flaws just as much as your strengths. It takes time, but it’s possible if you accept that they both have equal value.
What are you learning about yourself at this time?
You may want to take some time to think about what you’ve learned about yourself due to the astrological events that are going on right now. When you look back, remember that everything happens for a reason; and this may be the first step in learning something new about yourself. For example, if someone mistreats you or doesn’t appreciate the exceptional value you have to offer, it’s hard not to feel like you’re not good enough. So instead, allow yourself to understand what it is about you and your personality that makes it difficult for others to accept and appreciate you for who you are. You can learn a lot when you become open to self-criticism and self-improvement.
It’s essential to make sure that you’re staying positive. You’ve got lots of work to do here in your life, but if you visit optimistic about it and don’t allow yourself to look for the downside, then things will start moving along much more smoothly for you.
Don’t be afraid of new challenges and new opportunities! If something is coming toward you, embrace it with open arms and try it on for size. It may seem scary at first, but if you take the first step, then others will follow. Be the driving force behind your life.
In summary, let me remind you that astrology matches up with life events, but also it is a tool by which to look deeper into your life and learn more about you. It is your job to learn how to use this tool to be of maximum benefit to you. As I said earlier, we are all individuals with different needs and desires. The great thing about astrology is that it can help you discover what those needs and wants are so that you can take action to bring out the best in yourself and make a difference in the world around you.