War And Peace: How Mars Entering Cancer Can Help Your Sign Speak Up

Mars, the planet of war, assertion, and necessary breaks, will enter domestically-oriented Cancer on April 23rd, prompting all twelve zodiac signs to speak up and speak their truth, especially in matters close to home. Keep reading to see how your sign can make the most of this transit without threatening the peace.
Read More »When your ruling planet enters home-focused Cancer on the 23rd, you may find similar matters to tend to on the home front. Though hardly one to shy away from confrontation–that’s what Mars is all about after all–you’ve been hesitant regarding a friend or close relation. Maybe you don’t want to overstep or cause any lasting damage, which is certainly commendable, Aries. Just make sure your concerns are being voiced, even if the tone is considerably more amicable.
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
It takes a lot to push you to your limit, which is why you show so little remorse for the often brutal fallout. Your sign’s famed stubbornness really only applies when your boundaries are being breached; otherwise Taurus is the soul of amenability. Right now you’re just about at the end of your astrological tether, and Mars’ arrival in Cancer will inspire you to stand your ground when it comes to who you invite–and conversely refuse admittance–into your hard-earned space.
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
While highly social and articulate, you’re hardly confrontational. In fact, you loathe unpleasant confrontations, and are quite adept at skirting disputes before they erupt and spoil your good time. While such diplomacy makes you a top-notch networker and host, it can often put the breaks on the progression of more meaningful relationships. If you’re afraid of conflict, Gemini, how can you ever address and resolve it, let alone allow it to lead to deeper understandings and connections? Mars may not be inciting you to out-and-out warfare, but you’re definitely being called upon to use your voice more.
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Friends and foes alike would do well to approach you with caution this month, as Mars’ arrival in your sign will signal a new, no-nonsense era. You’ve drawn new lines in the sand between yourself and false acquaintances, and are done with pouring your efforts into relationships promising more returns than they actually deliver. In short, you’re done being the astrological doormat. With the planet of war and necessary conflict arriving on the 23rd, you can stand doubly secure in your new stance.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
While your sign is frequently accused of being in possession of a tall ego and short temper, you’ve acted like a true leader in recent months, if not the better part of the past year. You’ve stepped into roles you never imagined taking on, and have risen to occasions even your leonine confidence wavered at the prospect of. You have learned to lead by example, and in doing so have acquired a newfound grace and respect. Be wary of those who may want to undermine your poise, Leo, and don’t be afraid to borrow some of Mars’ aggression to let your roar be a warning if they try.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Occasionally a planet’s arrival in a certain sign warns us not to trespass against others or take advantage of unfair power balances, and that’s exactly what Mars’ entry into Cancer spells for you. In the past you’ve been able to control a certain narrative and in doing so, the general sway of support. You may have enhanced or excluded details concerning the other party or deliberately recast questionable actions on your part as favorable, in which case you’d be wise to tread with caution, Virgo. You may feel in the right but Mars is stirring many a sign to action against their aggressors, so make sure you’re on your allies’ side come the 23rd.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Your fun-loving nature and effortless generosity often place you in peril of the insincere and opportunistic–in fact, you’re dealing with quite a bit of both at the moment. While you may not be fond of kicking up a fuss in your defense, Mars is giving you a spine of steel this season. Don’t let it go to waste, Libra. You can absolutely stand up for yourself while still maintaining your gracious Libran traits. Remember, even a silver tongue like yours can cut when it needs to.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
With your ancient ruler Mars moving into fellow water sign Cancer, you may feel compelled to either rebuild or burn certain bridges on the personal front. Despite your sign’s edgy reputation, Scorpio deeply values the place they call home, along with those who embody a similar sentiment. You may quietly delight in stirring up a little drama here and there to keep things interesting, but all bets are off when it comes to your sacred inner space. If you’ve been feeling stuck in a domestic arrangement or enforced dynamic you want out of, now is the time to assert that desire.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Although your sign’s element is fire, you’re seldom inclined to wield such a destructive force. Unlike Aries and Leo, you prefer to approach your enemies with an olive branch, rather than a battle cry. Disputes with others only hinder you, and detract from what would otherwise be a good time. Be careful when Mars knocks on Cancer’s door this month, as you may be called to address an issue with a loved one–only this time it matters. Don’t be too quick to dismiss their words or walk away from your share of responsibility, Sag, as it could cost you dearly.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
While not averse to stating your boundaries, it’s easier for you to shrug and remove yourself from draining or tenuous situations. Few people hold high enough rank as it is to lay claim to your time and energy, and it’s rare for the stoic sea goat to waste words where stony silence will do just fine. As Mars enters compatible water sign Cancer you could find yourself reestablishing what you will and will not tolerate in a relationship, which in turn could lead to a number of outcomes. As long as you’re acting with honesty and good intentions, trust that all will work out for the best.
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
There’s a line from the iconic film Casablanca, in which one character reckons that another character despises him. To which the latter character replies, “If I gave you any thought, I probably would.” That’s the Aquarian way in a nutshell. You don’t care enough about your enemies to call them such, and can only be dragged into an out-and-out confrontation when there’s no other recourse. You may find yourself on the receiving end of someone’s ire later this month, and it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth your participation.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
It’s not easy taking the high road when everyone around you is fighting dirty and seemingly winning. You hate when others can’t play fair, and your instincts usually compel you to swim away before the tidal wave gets too treacherous. Right now you’ve been laying low and keeping to yourself, and who could blame you? With Mars causing so many swords to clash, there’s no telling who might make you their next target. Keep to the safety of your hidden waters, Pisces, and don’t get drawn into matters that are nothing more than drama for drama’s sake.