
White House Preps for COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout for Children

COVID-19 Boosters on the Way for Millions of Eligible Adults

As parents across the nation await the news of vaccine availability for their children, the White House is ready to meet this demand. Here is what you need to know to bring you up to date on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and the efforts to vaccinate more Americans.

White House Ready to Roll Out Vaccines for Kids

The administration of President Joe Biden announced that it is ready to roll out the vaccine to children ages 5 to 11, assuming US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. The White House said that it has enough vaccines for all 28 million American children in this age group. The plan will provide over 25,000 pediatric and other primary care medical offices with the vaccine it needs to meet the needs of their community. In addition, the Biden administration will ask various rural health clinics and pharmacies to assist with the mass vaccination once it becomes available.

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