Transiting Venus will be in exact trine to Neptune on September 29, 2021. Venus will be in Scorpio and Neptune will be in Pisces at that point.
Since Venus is the faster planet, it will catch up to a point of significance in relation to Neptune’s position and then surpass it. This is why it is listed first: It is the planet actively making the aspect by rapidly approaching the point of aspect before it moves on.
Read More »Once they pass the point of exact aspect, the drama may begin to resolve. Actual action often occurs in the days immediately following the transit, resolving the issue that has been creating pressure in the days leading up to the transit.
Because Neptune is an outer planet, this transit may represent the culmination of events that have been in the making for a long time. You may look back and realize this was weeks, months or even years in the making. If all goes well, you may have a strong sense of accomplishment or relief that it’s over or both.
Hopefully, this will be the point at which you will say to yourself “It’s all downhill from here.” While life will bring new challenges — it always does — this is a chapter you are likely to be happy to see in your rear view mirror and be done with.
Venus in Scorpio
Venus is a feminine planet that rules both Taurus and Libra. Taurus correlates to the natural second house of personal values and Venus is a personal planet.
This is in some sense a very materialistic planet. Personal values dictate how we earn our income and how we spend it. But it is also an essentially emotional planet concerned with how people feel and why they feel that way. Venus values harmony, connections and the pleasure principle.
Scorpio is a very intense, passionate and secretive sign. Venus in Scorpio presents and opportunity to really put our money where our mouth is and do something meaningful about the things we really believe in.
Venus is an inner planet. It is never very far from the Sun and retrogrades frequently, ping-ponging back and forth between a little ahead and a little behind of the sun. It is a fast-moving planet who darts into a sign, runs through it in relatively short order and leaves again. It doesn’t typically tarry in any one sign for very long.
Neptune in Pisces
It takes 165 years for Neptune to make it around the Sun one time. Along the way, it spends several years in each sign.
It is a slow-moving outer planet. Its influence is considered generational because everyone born within a few years of each other will all have Neptune in the same sign (except for those born at the beginning or end, obviously). You need your full natal chart to understand the personal influence of an outer planet. You would need to see how other more personal details relate to the exact position of Neptune in the chart.
Neptune rules Pisces. It is at home here. Neptune is a higher octave of Venus as they are both emotional planets but Venus is more personal. A positive expression of Neptune is spiritual and visionary. A negative expression is that of being deluded — seeing what you want to see and believing what you want to believe and do not confuse you with the facts.
Trine Aspects
A Trine is 120 degrees. It is one third of the 360 degree circle.
Like a three-legged stool, trines are very stable aspects. They have a harmonious vibe so they are traditionally interpreted as positive aspects, though this isn’t always the case. They describe stable influences, so events that occur under their influence tend to last a long time, especially if they involve an outer planet like Neptune.
Trines almost always mean both bodies are in the same astrological element. In this case, Scorpio and Pisces are both water signs. Water is emotional and can be very spiritual. Scorpio is a very stable sign so it can come across as very icy, ice being a solid, stable form of water. Pisces is more like clouds, fog or steam. Pisces is nebulous and hard to pin down, even for water.
The Transit
This transit will occur at about the 22 degree mark. Neptune will be at roughly 22 degrees of Pisces while Venus will be at 22 degrees of Scorpio.
It challenges us to be both practical and idealistic. It tells us we should try to put our money where our mouth is in some important area of our life. It is an aspect that pushes us to live out our values or ideals and pursue our dreams rather than just talking about them.
It will impact some people much more strongly than others. If 22 degrees is a significant point in your natal chart, you may feel its impact very strongly. If it is not an important point in your natal chart, you may barely notice this in your life but you may see the impact of this transit in the news as it effects world events around you.
Beauty, art, music and community are some of the areas this transit may impact. Our collective expression of such things in the real world needs to move towards more harmony.
This is a call to action for anyone looking to return to a stronger sense of community and defy recent trends away from such connections. It asks us to do so through volunteer work, philanthropy, charitable giving, the founding of new charities and socially conscious businesses or through the art, music and beauty we either consume or create.
Now is a time to embrace a new ideal of beauty, one that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also an expression of loving your body rather than harming it in the pursuit of beauty. Now is a time to find a new song — or write one if you have such talents — as your personal theme song for how to face life that is both high-minded and practical.
No more excuses. Seek the answers that meet both of those tests. This is your best opportunity for finding them that you have seen in a long time.
Remember, this is a stable aspect involving an outer planet, so it can have long-term consequences, especially if it tightly intersects with important details of your natal chart. If you have a big issue brewing, take this seriously and choose wisely to whatever degree you have a choice. Though do realize that this may be the culmination of choices made long ago, so you may have little in the way of choice.
If you chose well in the areas of significance that laid the groundwork for this event, you will likely breathe a huge sigh of relief as things finally resolve, at long last. If you were petty, impractical, deluded, irresponsible or otherwise morally in error, it may be time to pay the piper.
Own up to it and do right now, even if it bites. It will bite less to do the right thing than to keep trying to cover your butt and get away with something. The more you cover up, the uglier it will be when it comes to light.
Because Venus rules the natural second house of money, this could involve a significant positive change in earned income for some people. Because Venus rules the natural seventh house, it may involve partnerships — either romantic or business — or much longed-for justice.
Venus in Scorpio may reveal secrets or keep secrets. Neptune in Pisces suggests a dream coming to fruition or a delusion dying.
Neptune also rules alcohol and mind-altering drugs. Now is a good time to get clean or potentially a good time to get certain kinds of medical intervention that might involve drugs impacting the nervous system, whether those are drugs that knock you out for a needed surgery or drugs that address a mental health issue.
As always, the stars incline, they do not compel. Plus this general event may either strongly or weakly impact your life in specific, depending upon what is in your natal chart. The devil is in the details.
It can help to view this as akin to a weather report. Rain isn’t necessarily a bad thing — it’s needed for plants to thrive — but it would be wise to take your umbrella if rain is expected and also avoid low-lying areas that may be prone to flash floods, so to speak.
You should have some idea of what your own pain points are in life. Be careful of your own “low-lying areas” during any big aspect. If you have a copy of your natal chart, look for any important points at or near 22 degrees of any sign and do further digging to figure out how this astrological transit might intersect with your life.
Perhaps one leg of this trine is in hard aspect to something in your chart, suggesting this could involve drama. Or perhaps it plays nicely with what is in your natal chart, suggesting that it will likely be all to the good and you have little to fear. Things will likely go your way.