Venus to Enter Sagittarius: Everything You Need to Know

Ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians, Romans and Greeks, believed that constellations and the movement of the planets and other solar bodies across them in the night’s sky influenced their lives. They used a chart known as the zodiac to help them better understand the influence of these celestial movements. Over time, the meaning of many astrological events changed with new ideas about the zodiac signs and their meanings. Yet, the movement of Venus in Sagittarius still holds significance for many in modern times.
When Venus enters Sagittarius today, people born during the time of year associated with the constellation Sagittarius believe that the event influences certain shared personality and other traits. For example, those influenced by Venus in Sagittarius might seem more attractive to others or experience more luck and prosperity than normal.
What Is a Sagittarian?
Read More »Given these and other associations, astrologers consider Sagittarians intelligent, far-sighted, open-minded, philosophical, adventurous and ambitious. Some people also believe that Sagittarians are influenced by the planet Jupiter, which makes Sagittarians extremely optimistic, fun-loving, lucky, successful and generous. To those who believe in astrology, Jupiter gives Sagittarians the strong desire to explore the world and seek out new experiences. These influences also give Sagittarians the potential to become great leaders because they often seek to gain experience and understanding of the world and themselves and believe in inspiring others to do the same. Lastly, Sagittarius is considered a Fire sign, which also influences the personality and actions of Sagittarians.
What Is a Fire Sign?
In astrology, the four main elements of all life, as dictated by ancient humans, influence everything in the world. These elements, earth, air, fire and water, connect to the constellations and an individual’s date of birth as well and the seasons of the year. Ancient astrologers associated the fire element with the Aries, Leo and Sagittarius signs. They perceived those born under these signs as possessing similar traits, such as boldness, competitiveness, creativity, daring, enthusiasm, passion, pioneering spirit, quick temper and strong intuition. Fire sign individuals usually have an unusual amount of charisma and excellent leadership skills. Their high energy behavior though can result quickly in irritation and burnout.
The History of Venus
Since a main idea in astrology is that the movement of solar bodies like the planets influence human lives, the movement of Venus in Sagittarius influences Sagittarians. In Babylonia and later Roman and Greek mythologies, Venus, Ishtar to the Babylonians and Aphrodite to the Greeks, was a beautiful goddess associated with desire, hedonism, love, romance, pleasure, sex and prosperity. Although many differences exist between these goddesses, certain traits shared among them eventually became associated with the planet.
Venus is one of the brightest solar objects in the night’s sky. Astrologers and others refer to it as the “Morning Star” even though it’s not a star and its white light is more of a non-wavering glow than a twinkle. The reason it shines brightly is because its clouds reflect sunlight in space after Sun sets beyond the horizon when observed from the surface of the Earth. In ancient civilizations, people saw the bright light from Venus in night skies and sometimes by day with the naked eye and believed that this light connected back to their goddess. Astrologers made the planet a symbol of their unique goddess and certain traits. The Roman name became the permanent descriptor.
Venus is so bright, many people began to call it the “Evening Star.” Its movement across the sky also earned it the nickname “Wandering Star.” Astrologers believe that Sagittarians born with Venus in Sagittarius have similar allure and wandering aspects.
Positive Shared Traits of Venus in Sagittarius
People born when this astrological event takes place are supposedly predisposed to possess both positive and negative traits. On the positive side, they’re idealistic, incredibly optimistic overall and always seeking the good in others and situations. They’re well known for having a kind and generous nature. They’re also candid, charismatic, confident, flirtatious and more outgoing, light-hearted, fun and humorous than the normal Sagittarian, which means that they connect with people from any background fast and effortlessly.
These Sagittarians supposedly feel a high sense of self-worth and desire to share themselves with everyone. They often enjoy relationships and get-togethers with people from all walks of life. These traits make them an inspiration to others and excellent teachers, especially when combined with their creativity, intelligence and sense of humor. They also often desire new experiences and travel to explore the world, especially other cultures, ideas and religions. Their greatest desire is to live life to the fullest, which means they highly value personal independence, freedom and the ability to travel.
Negative Shared Traits of Venus in Sagittarius
On the negative side, people born during a Venus in Sagittarius event are thought to have difficulty with impulsiveness and moderation. They might act irresponsibly with money and eat and drink too much. Other people might consider their candidness blunt and critical. Although they love giving and receiving compliments and sometimes candidly speak in a critical fashion, they can’t stand criticisms from others. These Sagittarians can’t make long-term, in-depth friendships as easily as other Sagittarians or even tolerate people who lack their same level of positivity and humor. They become easily distracted by feelings of anger or jealousy and often fail to make or keep commitments.
Since they’re more open to sharing themselves and dislike commitments, they might cheat on a partner and not consider it cheating. They might also fail to recognize that others can’t keep up with them. They become so obsessed with learning and experiencing new things that they find themselves overcome with wanderlust and so driven to distraction that they become financially unstable. They sometimes even purposely seek out risky situations.
Romantic Relationship Traits of Venus in Sagittarius
As already mentioned, these Sagittarians handle casual relationships better than long-term, deep ones. Yet, they’re deeply passionate. They want a partner who shares their love of adventure and travel and possesses similar views about free love, restrictions and morals. What they want most is excitement and a partner who they can talk to about a variety of topics and also learn from so that they can grow as a person. Those born during a Venus in Sagittarius event often appreciate partners who have a different cultural or educational background.
No one should confuse morals with commitment with these Sagittarians. They don’t like to have their perceived freedom prevented by a monogamous relationship. As already mentioned, they might cheat without realizing that their partner considers their actions cheating. Since they’re so open to sharing themselves with others and experiencing new things, they often incorrectly believe that their partners share their perspective. They might also become cold emotionally or leave a relationship entirely if their partner acts overly emotional, analyzes the relationship too much or attempts any level of control over them.
These Sagittarians often only see the good and best in others and idealize everyone in their lives so much that they can’t imagine or understand another person’s “true self” immediately. When they later realize that they made incorrect assumptions, they become disappointed and often end their relationship. Since Sagittarius is a Fire sign, Sagittarians, especially those born during a Venus transit, are best matched to other Sagittarians, Aries or Leos who share their beliefs about life.
The Changes Venus Brings
With Venus entering Sagittarius today, Sagittarians born during a previous similar event can expect to experience a higher-than-normal level of irresistibility and pleasure with both life and a current love or someone new who they encounter while out and about seeking adventure or greener pastures. They might feel suddenly the inexplicable desire to experience a lot more fun and surprises or debate with others various topics. They might want to suddenly leave their home, city or country and start traveling. They might also feel more accepting, understanding and appreciative of others.
Since commitments and responsibilities pose a problem to Sagittarians under the influence of Venus, given that they want to have fun and the freedom to explore their world, their close family members, friends or co-workers might need to remind them of their obligations and responsibilities. They might also spend too much money even as the event brings them luck and prosperity.
They might also experience a relationship breakup because of a sudden uptick in feelings that another person is trying to control them and lacks their fun, free-spirited view of life. A Sagittarian under the influence of Venus might even quit their job because they feel that it’s restricting them too much. They might do anything and everything they have to when trying to gain something they desire and show an inability to remain patient when trying to achieve goals, which can put them in tricky situations with others that end badly for them.