
Gasoline Prices Rise In The Wake Of Hurricane Ida

If there is one thing that affects gas prices, it has to be hurricanes. With hurricane Ida hitting the Gulf coast, there have been conversations around the looming gas prices increase. There is a chance it will increase after the storm passes. The hurricane hit Louisiana on Sunday. The category 4 hurricane has led to a ton of flash flooding, and it might hit Tennessee. Residents in these areas were warned about potential flash flooding and storms, which might last for days. The immediate concern was for everyone to stay safe. The other issue comes in when people look at the hurricane’s impact on the economy. Gas prices often rise after such a hurricane.

Power Outage Issues in New Orleans

As the hurricane hit New Orleans, there was a power outage in the area. All the power lines were damaged. According to Mayor LaToya’s Twitter page, it would take a while for people to get the power back on. Most people with a backup generator are lucky enough to still keep the lights on in times like these. The looming hike in gas prices has everyone panicked.

Why Do Gas Prices Inflate During a Hurricane?

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