
Talk to the Hand with Mercury in Leo Opposite Saturn in Aquarius

On August 1, 2021, Mercury in Leo will stand across from Saturn in Aquarius creating energy that may make us feel as if we aren’t able to communicate in the manner that we want. With Mercury and Saturn in a tense exchange with one another, there’s this sense that there are limitations that are represented by Saturn around communication or the thinking process. It is important not to allow ourselves to get dragged into insecurity and fear at this time as it relates to our communication. Continue to read on to find out more about the Mercury in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius aspect, and how to navigate this energy consciously.

When Mercury Opposes Saturn

When the planet of communication, Mercury, stands across from the planet of responsibility and accountability, Saturn, there is an interesting interplay between these two planets that results in a change to the thinking process as well as communication. It’s as if Mercury is simply doing what he does best talking, socializing, and sharing messages. Then Saturn, the authority figure, shows up, and the once very open, out and about Mercury becomes reserved and reticent about what it does and says. This is the energy of Mercury standing across from Saturn.

Feeling Insecure About Communication

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