Today’s planetary alignments bring forward a heightened awareness of the social behavior of our collective groups, using the communicative power of Gemini and the stabilizing humanitarianism of Aquarius to refresh our ideas of progress, leadership, and our day to day interactions.
Venus in Gemini: Social Butterflies and Clever Courtship
Think about the practices of courtly love in the Arthurian-romance obsessed Victorian times, or the many signs and subtexts of social practice in the court of Versailles. Everything was communicated, but nothing was said directly. Think about this during this time of Venus in Gemini. Look for the signs, the non-verbal clues, and the cues that have become our own ‘courtly’ rituals in the present. How do we interact with other on social media? What are the practices that everyone accepts–when to interact with people’s stories, for example, or how to signal to someone through likes that you want to start a conversation? These are our social practices that historians will study someday, and compare them to the Victorian practice of dropping a handkerchief or wearing one glove if you’re single and interested.
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With Venus in Gemini, the truth of your own situation lies in these energies, so its up to you to navigate it and play the game accordingly. But at the same time, don’t get too bogged down in analyzing the actions of others. Gemini can go too hard, and is at its best on the effervescent bubbles of things, bringing effortless insight and intellect to things that might be too abstract or heavy for others. Courtly love is a superficial way to signify feelings without actually ever delving into them–so don’t expect it to be deep; at least not while Venus is transiting Gemini. You may not even want anything to get too serious, and may enjoy things the way they are. Think about witty banter, airy flirtations, and good conversation. If it’s right, they will be charmed. If they go too hard too quickly, it might not be harmonious for you at this time.
Saturn In Aquarius: Prophet Complexes and Unique Visionaries
Saturn is a long-transiting planet, so whatever it touches it automatically a bit of a deeper work. Redefining what it means to be a leader is in order here; Aquarius is all about that individual visionary, leading for the betterment of mankind. Our societal ideas of what that looks like need to be cleaned out and refreshed every once in a while, so a good look at our own prejudices about what kind of person is entitled to do that is in order here. That also includes examining spiritual archetypes like the Prophet Complex and the oft-discussed Age of Aquarius, and what we assume that to imply.
Saturn in Aquarius is dignified; while in modern astrology we consider Uranus to be the planet that rules Aquarius, it was in the past Saturn which held dominion over the water-bearer. Therefore there is particular harmony between this planet of hard work, discipline and authority, and the sign of the visionary of the future–and indeed, a true visionary must have plenty of self-discipline as the pitfalls of the ego along that path are particularly brutal. Think of the disgraced guru, saturated in scandal after one of his disciples comes forward with stories of predatory behavior and manipulative harassment. Think of the cult leader suddenly indicted on charges of embezzlement. Many become so caught up in the idea of being a spiritual visionary that they forget to be one at all, and fall back on patterns that are as old as time itself.
With Saturn in Aquarius, not only is this type of behavior better understood, but the real, true energy of humanitarianism is easier to access. The authentic intention to bring mankind into a more harmonious state of being within itself flows better, and progress is made on smoother, more stable level–lasting change, as Saturn is slow moving, not necessarily a revolution overnight. And this may well better suit the progress itself, as times of volatility are particularly vulnerable to despots and dictators.
What It Means For You
You may now be asking yourself, how do these two energies merge in a harmonious way, as the astrological aspect of trine imply? And how is this going to manifest in my own day-to-day life? Trines are indeed harmonious, blending energies in a way that smooths rough edges and integrates seamlessly the theses of both energies into a third manifestation of energies. With a deeper look, we may be able to glimpse a sense in the apparent contrast: the social rules and customs that govern our day-to-day behavior are linking up for a moment with our ideas of what progress can be!
In today’s world, activism on social media is incredibly prevalent. Your stories are probably filled with the calls of action of your friends, championing a myriad of social issues and drawing attention to whatever cause is dear to them. Be aware of the social cues of this behavior; think like an anthropologist would about the subtext of what we communicate by using social media to champion causes, inform our friends, and let people know what our particular ethics are. Think about what we believe makes the world a better place, and how much power we give ourselves (or limit) on a daily basis. What are acceptable forms of activism, and what are not? What does our modern-day Prophet Complex look like? Where are the shady gurus in our Instagram feed?
Find the true spirit of humanitarianism, wherever it may be, and use your intelligence on the inner workings of ritual and social media to find it. There is power in this awareness’ you may use it to provide a framework for influence that is based in sincerity. With Saturn in Aquarius, the ability to influence others can be strong, and with good intentions your use of modern social ritual can influence those around you to seek genuine humanitarianism in a sincere, Venusian way that is as persuasive and charming as it is sincere and visionary.