Match Made in Heaven: Which Firefly Lane Character Are You According to Astrology?

The newest binge-worthy show on Netflix, Firefly Lane, has everything we love in a TV drama. The show takes us inside the decades-long friendship between Tully Hart, a famous daytime talk show host, and Kate Mularkey, a mother on the brink of divorce, trying to get back into the workforce. The series is full of characters we love (and love to hate) and we can’t help but feel connected to each and every one.
If you’ve ever wondered who your Firefly Lane alter-ego is, we’ve got you! Matching each character’s personality to a zodiac sign, here’s the ultimate guide to identifying your Firefly Lane twin.
ARIES (March 21 – April 19), Tully Hart
Read More »However, Tully is also free-spirited and spontaneous, craving both freedom and control in her work and romantic relationships. Her past hurt keeps her from being comfortable opening up to others. Like Aries, she prefers to keep a small circle of close friends and is more likely to choose an intimate gathering with loved ones than making an appearance at the hottest party.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20), Margie Mularkey
Kate’s mom Margie (played by Chelah Horsdal), found herself pregnant at a young age, running away on a whirlwind romance with her boyfriend at the time. However, settled into normalcy, something seemed missing for Margie.
Like the Taurus, Margie craved the romance and affection that was lacking in her marriage. However, Taurus is known to be stubborn and may even stay in unsatisfying relationships out of a sense of loyalty or obligation. Although she loves her family, Margie seems to yearn for greater things. She is always put together and elegant, a signature trait of the Taurus.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20), Robbie
Robbie (Synto D. Misati) is the best friend (and boyfriend?) of Kate’s brother, Sean. He’s a social butterfly who makes himself happy in any situation whether it’s putting puzzles together with Kate or dancing at a party.
Like Robbie, Geminis have a gift for connecting with people and blending into their surroundings. Though Geminis are sometimes considered two-faced, they are rarely malicious. Instead, they are just eager to explore the world and open-minded to explore a range of interests.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22), Max Brody
Max, played by Jon-Michael Ecker, is the perfect example of a Cancer. This sign is sensitive and caring, spending their time focused on the needs of others rather than thinking of themselves. Like Matt, they’re also known to be stubborn, never giving up on the people or causes that they believe in.
Cancers wear their heart on their sleeve. Max is open, honest and sometimes a little awkward, though in an endearing way. He is a hopeless romantic on a mission for a deeper relationship with Tully.
LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22), Kimber Watts
Kimber (Jenna Rosenow) is the Leo, or at least, the wannabe Leo, of the show. She doesn’t have the Leo’s trademark likeability but she is hellbent on fame, clearly wanting to become the next Tully Hart.
For Kimber, being the center of attention and putting on a show is the number one priority. Kimber has is a diva, fuelled by determination, earning her spot as editor of the Seattle Digest at a young age. Her ego pushes her to succeed at all costs, regardless of the collateral damage.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22), Young Kate
The grounded and practical Virgo is a perfect match for young Kate (played by Roan Curtis). She is an intellectual that feels comfortable following the rules and staying out of trouble. Young Kate is gentle and kind while simultaneously a fearless friend and defender to Tully.
Although a Virgo is driven by logic, they still maintain an optimistic view of life. Like the young Kate, they see beauty in the world, especially in nature. Though Virgos seek connection, they are often shy and self-critical. Kate’s nurturing not only helps Tully through the tough times but also gives Kate a sense of purpose and heightened self-confidence.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22), Sean Mularkey
Libras are the peace-makers in the zodiac. In Firefly Lane, there is no one that wants to avoid conflict like Sean Mularkey (played by Jason McKinnon & Quinn Lord).
Out of fear of his family and society’s disapproval, he hides his sexuality, even marrying a woman. This decision is also driven by his concern that he will be kicked out of the military. Like Sean, Libras are active supporters of social justice. Although he doesn’t have the courage to stand up publicly for LGBTQ+ issues, this quality does play a role in his decision to serve his country.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21), Johnny Ryan
You can never tell what’s going on in the mind of a Scorpio. Like Johnny Ryan (played by Ben Lawson), they hold their emotions close and only show their hand to those closest to them, if at all.
As Kate and Tully’s boss, Johnny is hard to resist, a classic Scorpio trait. Professionally, he’s a man that knows what he wants and takes calculated moves in his career to earn each move up the ladder.
Though stoic in public, Johnny has passionate emotions and is deeply wounded by Kate’s alleged betrayal. He even attempts to turn to Tully to recapture some of the intimacy he craves. Luckily for the women’s friendship, she turns down his advances.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21), Cloud
Despite her struggle with sobriety, Cloud (Beau Garrett) is a great example of the free-spirited Sagittarius. Cloud is adventurous and fun, breaking into an impromptu dance party and spending her younger years roving the country with her friends.
Sagittarius is an open-minded sign, loving to learn about the world and explore their inner minds. It’s no surprise that Cloud was drawn to the hippie lifestyle and was an avid protester of war. In the end, Cloud became her own worst enemy, allowing drugs to stop her from living a life full of exploration and meaning.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19), Kate Mularkey
As an adult, Kate’s (Sarah Chalke) life centers around responsibility and structure. She burns the candle at both ends, struggling to re-launch her career while recovering from her impending divorce. Although Kate is a talented writer and dedicated mom, she holds herself to superhuman standards that often cause her to doubt herself.
Capricorns are traditional and place a high value on family and friendships. They are loyal and supportive, encouraging others’ successes. Like Kate, Capricorns definitely have a serious side, but they can go toe to toe with any other zodiac sign when it comes to witty banter and humor.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18), Marah Ryan
Mara (played by Yael Yurman) is the rebellious teen daughter of Kate and Johnny. Like many teenagers, she’s in the process of learning about the world and creating an identity for herself. Aquarius is a caring, hopeful sign that wants to help create good in the world. Throughout her parents’ breakup, Mara continues to wish for a reconciliation between the two and is crushed at the thought that her mom may have been having an affair.
Like an Aquarius, Mara has a stubborn streak. Though she cares deeply about her family, she often needs time to herself to sort through her thoughts. She is a perfectly Aquarian blend of rebellion and practicality.
PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20), Gideon Vega
The photographer Gideon (Andres Joseph) is a clear Pisces. This creative sign is open-minded and intuitive. As Gideon mentioned to Kate, he knew immediately there was more to her than meets the eye.
Pisces are lovers of beauty and art, so it’s no wonder that Gideon has chosen a profession that allows him to capture the wonders of the world on film. Gideon’s non-judgemental nature shines at the first meeting with Kate when he catches her tending to Kimber’s dog. This response is typical of Pisces’ kind, laid-back nature.