Wolf Moon In Leo: Time to Howl!
The first full moon of January is on the 28th in Leo. How will you use this abundance?

Many of us struggled in 2020 and have high hopes for 2021. As this year gets rolling, the January full moon, also called the Wolf Moon, is in Leo. Those born in the sign of Leo are happy to take the stage and have no fear of being visible. How will you use this courage during the last week of January?
As you plan your activities during this time of abundant courage, keep an eye on Mercury. If Mercury in retrograde has historically been a challenge for you, take this full moon as a time to plan for bigger things, then be prepared for the internal work while Mercury stirs things up. After February 21, Mercury will stop tangling up your life and you can move forward with those plans.
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Courageous and energetic Aries may be struggling as the future remains uncertain. Use the power of Leo to share your most radical dreams and hopes with a trusted friend, a the natural world as you take a walk to shake out some energy. Be ready to also share your best ideas at work. If possible, schedule a no-pressure brainstorming session with someone from your creative team just to toss ideas around; your expressive power will be intense under the Wolf Moon.
Hard-working Taurus, this is the time for you to get vulnerable and ask for what you need. Rather than trying to shake things up at work, seek out connections in your social life. Surround yourself with those you love, physically if possible, and schedule time to cuddle up and stay warm. If you have a relationship that’s low on communication unless you have a problem to solve, schedule something fun or restful and forge a kinder connection.
Communicative Gemini, the Leo Wolf Moon will give you more power and courage than you had before, particularly at work. However, check your horoscope for February before you initiate any big changes; Mercury is going to shake things up for three weeks starting on Sunday and you don’t want to have to redo your big plans. Instead, toss out some ideas, do some research for a few weeks, then present a plan to the powers that control your career for a new perspective on an old problem.
Tidy and organized Cancer, you may find that the Leo Moon on January 28 actually causes a lot of disruption! This is a time of reframing. It may also be a time of self-protection, particularly as you relate to your financial life. How you think about money and security may get tangled up in the near future and could turn your tendency to nurture everyone around you into risky actions when guarding your own financial needs. Be ready to use the courage of Leo to say “no” if requests for help don’t work for you.
Bright and gorgeous Leo, it’s your time to shine! Consider setting up a zoom meeting around your new business plan, or just schedule a weekend away with a loved one. If it’s too cold to camp, rent a studio apartment somewhere fun for a few days and just play. If you feel the need to take on a big project right now, do so, but be sure to get the paperwork done by Sunday. Retrograde Mercury can seriously tangle up your intentions if you go into this unprepared.
Dear Virgo, please be kind to yourself during this courageous Leo Lunar event. You may feel the need to speak up to power on things that need fixing, but your self-talk can quickly turn negative as well. Be ready to respect the efforts of others and, perhaps most especially, yourself. Things can be amazing while being imperfect, so don’t get so focused on what’s incomplete. Consider this a time for small improvements.
The Lunar Wolf is going to put you in a party mood, Libra! Plan a virtual gathering on Saturday with the folks that mean the most to you, and cuddle up with family and loved ones in person on the weekend as well. Be ready to ride an emotional roller coaster as Mercury goes retrograde; this will be a season of intensity. Whether positive or negative, you’re going to be on the extreme edge, which may be uncomfortable. Focus on strength and work to stay on target with your personal goals.
For the Scorpio, the season of internalization is ending. The Lunar Wolf is all about speaking your truth, and this can do great things for your career if you can stay strong during tough conversations. Your empathy level may be extremely high at the moment; be ready to care for yourself as well as feeling the pain of others. To maintain a wise response in tough situations, keep a list of your goals visible and handy.
The endlessly curious Sagittarius can put their skills to work under the Lunar Wolf by finding a new class, a YouTuber or a blogger to follow. Going to school doesn’t have to mean taking anything for credit. Take a look at those around you and study up on the amazing things they’ve accomplished. Ask for a brain-picking session to gather good ideas on things you want to learn. Be aware that Mercury may tangle up communication starting on Sunday. Keep good notes and monitor your tone when asking for information to avoid hitting a nerve.
Financially savvy Capricorns may be inspired to take a monetary risk under the full Lunar Wolf. Carefully review your options and gather connections on data as the month wanes. Once Mercury goes retrograde, do you homework and study up on what skills you’ll need to level up, either in your job or with a side hustle of some sort. If your passion for this project hangs in there until February 21, go for it!
The independent Aquarius may find the courage of the Lunar Wolf to be a great tool for looking inward. While you plan to celebrate your birthday, take a good look at your actions in relation to your thoughts. Are you striving for independence by pushing others away, or are you reaching toward those who will truly value you? Depending on what you want, either methodology will work, but the first one can lead to solitude that you may not want. Take a look at your habits to see if they’re serving the path you want to take.
The compassionate Pisces needs to study the Lunar Wolf and make a list for self-care projects. The world is in a state of serious flux right now, and many empaths are finding themselves frozen in place by the pain of others. This doesn’t mean that you have to completely go against your nature and turn those in pain away, but remember that your vessel will empty quickly if you don’t guard against energy vampires and treat yourself with kindness and respect. Be ready to step back during the retrograde and invest in your own well-being.
Courage comes in many forms and can be put to use for many purposes. The Wolf Moon is a chance to let our inner Leo shine. Pay special attention to your grooming so you can feel confident as you take the stage to share your ideas. Whether you’re presenting in person or online, engage in some self care prior to stepping up to the podium so you can focus on your message.