Mars And Motivation: How Your Sign Can Benefit From This Planetary Transit

Mars is the planet of motivation, and its movement into Gemini will reveal the underlying energies powering all forms of communication between March 3 and April 23. Find out what this transit means for your sun sign and what to look out for, as well as embrace, during this period.
Read More »The Mars-ruled ram would do well to stay out of trouble while their parent planet soars into flighty Gemini. Never one to back down from a fight, you may find the fallout from your actions impossible to walk back from this month, Aries, so proceed with caution until April’s end. What may feel like an innocent slip of the tongue or temperamental flare-up could cost you dearly.
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Mars’s entrance into Gemini demands that you rein in your material indulgences, Taurus. The Venus-ruled bull loves their luxuries but Taurean financial aspects aren’t in a strong enough position to bounce back from any spending sprees or impulse purchases you make over the next few months. From March to April focus on saving and finding ways to indulge without opening your wallet.
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
It’s rare for the zodiac’s social butterfly to require some downtime, but Mars’s transit into your natal sign will find you craving solitude for a change. As the planet that powers our motivations, Mars’s springtime placement will encourage you to reevaluate the company you keep and moreover ask the question: is being alone worse than being in bad company?
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
The mysterious, moon-ruled crab prefers not to showcase their emotions, but instead let them vibrate through; the ultimate Cancerian test is whether one picks up on those subtle but potent energies or fails to notice altogether. One thing’s for certain: you’ve reached the end of your tether when it comes to the latter. You’ve been quietly making plans and tending to your wellbeing since the new year, Cancer, so don’t get derailed by the negative projections of others.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Mars is the driving force behind our actions and motivations, and you’re finally sizing up those of the people around you. Like a true Leo, your strength and generosity know no bounds, but some have been overstepping and need to be put in their place. Don’t be afraid to unleash your earth-shaking leonine roar should you be on the receiving end of someone’s abuse, especially if you’ve issued previous warnings.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Your personal relationships have been suspended in a state of tension in recent months and even years, which in turn has driven you to focus on work and other external distractions instead. If escape is your motivation, be prepared for Mars to come knocking with the hard truth that we simply cannot escape our human obligations to one another, no matter how unpleasant some interactions may be.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Just as Pallas’s arrival in Pisces will find you questioning the loyalties of those you’ve strived to maintain good relationships with, Mars’s entry into Gemini will give you the nervy boost you need to either burn or fortify your bridges once and for all. As much as you loathe conflict and confrontation, Libra, it may be time to issue some walking papers for false friends and hangers-on.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
What compels you to pursue and pledge allegiance to your relationships? Is it the need to give and receive love or something more obsessive and admittedly one-sided? The scorpion’s former ruling planet may deliver some sizable disputes to your door from now until the end of April concerning friends, coworkers, and romantic partners, with underlying motives finally coming to the surface. Knowing when to apologize and when to stand your ground will make all the difference.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Relationships on the domestic front have left you feeling depleted of all your signature get-up-and-go energy. The inevitable boredom that accompanies responsibility and routine can be tough for the celestial archer to overcome, but it’s important that you turn your attentions to matters of the hearth & home right now. Remember that no matter how far and wide your roam, Sag, there’s no escaping the consequences of your personal actions.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Mars’s transit has given you a burst of motivation to finish those long-languishing projects, get ahead on work, and take greater strides towards a desired endgame. All of this is to be applauded, but don’t forget to take some time to do something nice for yourself, Cap. Relaxation may not be the sea goat’s default setting, but right now it’s the best route to overall success.
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Your emotions are at an intense all-time high while Mars makes its foray into Gemini. While it may be tempting to trumpet your feelings to the world, try pulling back a little. Your heart may be bursting with a new and not entirely unpleasant vulnerability, but it’s always wise to be selective about who you share it with. Sad as it is, not everyone is equipped to appreciate love in its most honest form, so save yours for the truly deserving.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Conflicts among friends and family members may pose the conundrum of choosing sides, which your sensitive soul positively detests. While you likely won’t find yourself the topic of any drama during the Mars-Gemini transit, you may have to play referee and see to it that all parties play fair with one another. However, if this proves too stressful you absolutely have the right to peace out. Remember that nothing is worth the cost of your mental and emotional health.