Have you ever met someone that seems to be a commitment-phobe? Are you someone who constantly finds a reason to make a relationship not work? There are some people who are looking to settle down in a typical house with a white picket fence and kids.
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The first runner-up for the commitment-phobe of the zodiac is none other than Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is known for its expansive ways and a desire to explore what is beyond the horizon. Just like its archetype, the wild horse, Sagittarius wants to be able to roam freely without barriers and stipulations. This can make settling down for the buoyant Sagittarius quite difficult.
Sagittarius is also a mutable sign. Mutable zodiac signs are quite adaptable which can make it difficult for Sagittarius to know exactly who they want to be in a relationship with. When it comes to partners, Sagittarius prefers the “exotic.” People who are considered “foreign” to Sagittarius such as those from a different culture are highly preferred as it offers Saggitarius the opportunity to experience a different perspective through a partnership.
Is it possible for Sagittarius to settle down? Of course. However, Sagittarius requires a partner that can keep them on their fiery toes. They want a partner that is just as adventurous and mentally expansive as they are, so anyone that is a big bore and afraid to take life by the horns is not an ideal match for Sagittarius.
Thus, Sagittarius is not the most commitment-oriented. They’re far too busy seeking what is beyond the horizon by traveling to new exotic locales and expanding their minds through higher education, religion, and philosophy. The fiery archer can be an exciting, joyous, abundant romantic partner if you give them the space to roam free and explore to the fullest.
The first astrological sign, Aries, is another sign that is not propelled to settle down in a relationship. Why is this? Because Aries is all about themselves. Opposite of their air sign counterpart Libra which is all about partnership and relating, Aries is about striking out on their own. They want to be the trailblazing pioneer, and Aries doesn’t have time to wait around for others to catch up.
Ruled by Mars, the planet of action, and governed by the God of War, Aries is not one that is interested in compromise. They are willing to fight for what they want, and Aries will not back down! Because of this feisty, argumentative, warrior-like behavior, Aries is not always perceived as the most preferred in relationships. Known for wanting things their way, Aries’ inability and unwillingness to compromise don’t make them an ideal partner for some. Some would even say that Ares has a selfish streak that can make it difficult to be in a relationship with them.
Due to Aries’ impulsive nature, they don’t necessarily see things through to the end. This is in all aspects of their lives, including romance. Aries is always fired up and ready to initiate a relationship. Still, Aries lacks the staying power of their adjacent sign, Taurus, with all of its grounded earthiness, to keep them in a relationship for the long haul. For some Aries, relationships are often short-lived and highly sexual courtesy of Aries’ planetary ruler Mars. While sex is enjoyable and exciting, it is not enough to establish a solid relationship for the long term.
Ultimately, Aries’ innate nature is that of the independent pioneer seeking to strike out on its own. Aries energy isn’t that of the codependent partner that needs someone else to feel complete. Although relationships are lovely, Aries needs to maintain their autonomy to do their own thing which is why Aries is not pressed about settling down.
The Mercury-ruled, communicative Gemini, is also on the list of the zodiac signs that are least likely to settle down. One of Gemini’s greatest gifts is their ability to connect with others through communication. Ever curious and inquisitive, Gemini has a youthful spirit that makes them quite interesting to others. Gemini is also one of the mutable signs which means that they are quite changeable like a chameleon. This mutability means that Gemini likes variety in everything…including love relationships.
There is an astrological stereotype that Gemini placements reveal a desire for multiple partners or infidelity. It’s important to note that Gemini placements don’t necessarily represent a proclivity for more than one partner, but it does mean that Gemini prefers the “variety pack” experience when it comes to dating and love. What this means is that Gemini is looking for different things and sometimes these different things can only be found in different people.
Also, If there’s one thing the Gemini doesn’t like is boredom. Gemini needs someone that stimulates them mentally and keeps them intrigued. Gemini’s innate curiosity can result in a wandering eye and a desire to seek other connections. For this reason, they may not want to settle down…especially in their youth.
When Gemini does decide to settle down, it is important that they choose a multifaceted life partner to ensure longevity. Again, Gemini is not interested in someone that is too predictable and commonplace. Until Gemini can find someone like this, many of them will stick to satisfying their curiosity by engaging with different people.
Aquarius wants a partnership that is “out of the ordinary” thanks to its planetary ruler Uranus. Aquarius doesn’t commit easily due to its fixed nature. As one of the fixed signs, Aquarius is not fast in choosing a partner. However, once they do, the rebel of the zodiac is in it to win it. For this reason, Aquarius doesn’t rush to settle down, and this has a lot to do with the Uranian desire for freedom.
Aquarius requires a partner that allows them to be themselves totally. As the unusual rebel of the zodiac, Aquarius is offbeat, and they require someone who can appreciate their enlightening yet shocking nature. Also, Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, so they enjoy connecting with everyone. So, clingy, needy, codependent types aren’t a great choice for the independent, freedom-loving, and rebellious Aquarius.
However, when Aquarius does decide to settle down, they are looking for a partner that is unique. Alternative relationships and lifestyles such as polyamory and LGBT partnerships are often interesting to those with heavy Aquarius/Uranus energy. Aquarius is a rebel, and they want a long-term relationship with someone that is okay with going against the status quo and traditional relationship expectations.
Until Aquarius meets their own special “rebel without a cause,” they will continue to be the innovative humanitarian choosing to hold on to their freedom instead of making a long-term permanent commitment.
The mutable earth sign, Virgo, is hesitant to settle down but not for the reasons that many think. Most people think of commitment-phobes as those who want to play the field. However, Virgo hesitates in choosing a long-term partner because of their highly critical, picky nature. As the sign of the perfectionist, Virgo wants a certain type of partner that meets specific standards.
Due to Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, there is a focus on the details. These details can result in Virgo noticing the flaws in potential partners. Virgo will either choose to make a partner a “fixer-upper” project or Virgo will set their standards so high that potential partners simply won’t meet them. Also, Virgo is a very self-contained sign focused on self-improvement. There are many Virgos who choose to forgo relationships until they know that they have reached their own personal state of perfection.
Ultimately, Virgo’s high standards and self-contained nature make them less likely to marry.
Rounding out the list of the commitment-phobes of the zodiac is Scorpio. Scorpio delays commitment due to its paranoid and distrusting nature. Due to its Pluto rulership, Scorpio seeks the intense, passionate soulmate type of love where both partners are able to experience deep healing, regeneration, and evolution.
However, Scorpio, with its keen understanding of human nature, realizes that everyone is not up for this challenge. Being partnered with a Scorpio is no easy feat. Because Scorpio is hyper-aware of betrayal, they test people in an effort to gauge loyalty. While some people don’t mind these tests, others could be put off by this behavior.
Nevertheless, Scorpio definitely wants to share themselves with that one special person. The issue is finding someone that has a solid, fearless character that is committed to forming deep bonds via intimacy, healing, and growth.
In all, these are the zodiac signs that aren’t likely to jump into a committed relationship. Some prefer to keep their options open and maintain their freedom while others are less likely to commit because of their discerning, picky nature.