From September 22nd through October 22nd, we embrace the energy of peace, harmony, and balance as the sun moves through the Venus-ruled sign of Libra. Over the next month, our relationship with others takes center stage.
As an air sign, Libra is all about relating to others seeking harmony, and a willingness to compromise to maintain relationships and social interactions. Under the energy of Libra, we are asked to consider how we balance ourselves with others within relationships of all kinds. We are called to consider how we incorporate other perspectives while maintaining our own positions.
Touched By Venus
Read More »Venus energy makes Libra a charming personality that many enjoy being around. Many individuals with Libra energy are physically attractive, and they prefer partners who are good-looking as well. After all, Libra is all about balance.
The Venus effect on Libra also creates the ability to create pleasant social interactions. This is the type of energy where getting along with others is of the utmost importance. Contrary to Libra’s opposite sign Aries, Libra cares about its social appearance. It wants to appear pleasant and nice at all costs. This desire for beauty and harmony with others makes Libra quite compromising in order to maintain peace in its relationships and environments.
Refined Communication
Libra season makes communication important…especially because Libra understands the power of how communication impacts image. Libra is very cognizant of how it shows up in the eyes of others. As a sociable air sign, the desire to connect and relate motivates Libra to adopt a pleasant, welcoming communication style.
In order to make everyone feel welcome, Libra has the ability to consider varied perspectives, and it enjoys a healthy debate…as long as everyone can remain civil during discussions. After all, it’s only fair that everyone has a chance to share their perspective even if Libra doesn’t necessarily agree.
When it comes to communication, Libra season encourages pleasant talk. Leave the heavy stuff for Scorpio season. Keep it light, enjoyable, and pleasant for the next 30 days. Also, this Libra energy may make us more receptive to those who are able to maintain “social niceties.”
Due to the influence of Venus, we could be turned off by vulgar language and expressions preferring refined forms of communication. So, watch the potty mouth during Libra season as it is likely to offend others.
The Social Butterfly
Similar to its air sign siblings Gemini and Aquarius, Libra enjoys socializing. What sets Libra apart from Gemini and Aquarius is how it expresses the art of communication. While Gemini seeks to collect and share information and Aquarius uses communication to expand consciousness and for the shock factor, Libra seeks to bring harmony and balance to communication.
Libra can definitely be considered the social butterfly of the zodiac. This energy is likely to make us more open to attending events and meeting new people, and social climbing is likely during Libra season because it’s all about who you know. Being agreeable and harmonious makes us more approachable. Libra energy encourages us to get along with everyone. Peace is the answer to pleasant social interactions.
While Libra is quite socially adept, the lightness of this sign doesn’t really lend itself to depth. It is for this reason that Libras have a reputation for being shallow. Due to the desire to keep everything nice and pleasant, Libra energy can be superficial because going too deep may bring up some ugly things that the Venus nature of Libra just doesn’t want to deal with. So, while the sun transits Libra connections may be plentiful but depth is likely to be lacking.
Contractual Partnerships
Partnerships are important under Libra energy, so seeking partners and strengthening relationships are important at this time. In fact, joining into contractual partnerships such as marriage is governed by Libra energy. Libra wants a partner that looks good in private and in public. Libra also wants a partner that makes them look good. Seeking out partners that are capable of intellectual stimulation is also important during Libra season.
The Fair Judge
Because Libra has the ability to consider varying perspectives, they make some of the best mediators and judges. This energy makes it possible to be more open-minded considering other perspectives in a non-emotional, logical manner. It’s interesting that both the air and earth signs are quite logical just in different ways. Air signs are logical in their way of thinking whereas earth signs are logical in their application.
Represented by the scales, Libra season has us weighing our options. We will think long and hard before we pick a side…if we pick a side at all. If we do come to a conclusion, it is done in a fair, logical manner. Considering all sides of a situation is likely during Libra season. If we can’t be fair, we will opt to choose indecision to avoid confusion and disharmony.
Cardinal Indecision
Because Libra has the ability to see all sides, coming to a final decision is difficult. This Libra influence will have us at a stalemate when it comes to making decisions. This is because there is always additional information that could come in to change our perspectives.
Likewise, this indecision can cause issues in relationships. The “fear of missing out” could lead to a wandering eye…especially if the eyes are led to another person that is more aesthetically pleasing. Unless a decision is necessary or is based on achieving some type of fairness, we could hesitate to commit under Libra energy.

Libra & The Balancing Act
By its very nature, Libra is a cardinal, action-oriented sign. It desires to bring balance, harmony, and peace to all interactions and environments. This requires the ability to read a room and apply the necessary shifts to achieve equilibrium. In general, Libra energy can make us uncomfortable with imbalance, and over the next 30 days, there is a desire to balance the scales in our environments and interactions with others.
While It may appear that Libra is innately balanced, this is not the case. The scales of Libra are ever so slightly imbalanced. This represents the continual job of maintaining equilibrium. Contrary to popular belief, peace and harmony don’t just happen.
It requires consistent effort to achieve. Think about balancing yourself on one foot. Doesn’t it require adjustments to remain upright? Balance isn’t fixed. Libra is not a fixed sign. It is cardinal representing the changes that we have to incorporate to maintain harmony and balance within ourselves and in our relationships with others.
The next 30 days of Libra energy call us to seek harmony, and balance in our lives through understanding our relationship with the external. It is through understanding how we relate to others that we can also understand how we relate to ourselves.
Libra energy also teaches us that equilibrium and harmony are not fixed. Changes are necessary to achieve working harmonious relationships with others. With this understanding, we are in a better position to use the social, charming, fair energy of Libra to create environments and relationships that are a reflection of our own internal equilibrium.