How can you harvest the power of Venus as 2021 advances?
Venus Enters Aries on March 21, 2021

Venus is often associated with romance, but it’s much more complex and impactful than just romantic connections. Venus touches on finances, aesthetics and overall beauty. If something in your live has been out of balance in early 2021, you can start making some changes on March 21, 2021. Venus truly wants you to enjoy a loving and harmonious life.
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Hard-working Taurus, please check the remaining energy in your tank. It’s very easy for you to get into an endless loop of labor, particularly as the seasons change. However, too much pressure could push you into a crisis that leaves you feeling empty, which could make you resentful of those who need you or possessive of their time. Take some alone time, make sure you do at least a bit of daily self care, and know when to give up on being productive.
Dear Gemini, you do such a good job of getting along with so many folks that you don’t always put your foot down when you truly need to say something. This is your time to fully share your feelings and experiences. You can expect some big spiritual pushes during this time; not to force growth but to help you clarify your feelings and beliefs. Your ability to get along doesn’t mean that you have no opinions, but you have proven yourself to be a great listener. Make sure you seek out other listeners and be willing to share your story.
Homebody Cancer may get too deep into the seed catalogs and home improvement ads this spring. Venus increases your desire to add beauty to your life, but remember that you also need to be clearing things out. A Cancer under pressure can get quite clingy, so do take care to invest your time and resources into protecting your spirit as you improve your home life. With these efforts, you can stay calm and confident as you release items that no longer serve you.
Open-hearted Leo, you’ve been isolating for a long time. Fire up that camera and host another Zoom dinner party. Be ready to show off your skills and make sure you share your recipes, even if you can’t share a meal. Hang in there. A break in the pandemic is coming and you’re going to make it. When you finally can entertain, try to invite folks with lots of different viewpoints and stay open to many views.
Virgo, it’s been a really nervous season for you and your control may be slipping. If you’re feeling isolated in a romantic partnership, make some notes and share your feelings so you can express yourself honestly without getting critical. Things don’t have to be perfect to be downright wonderful, but your love life will wither away to nothing if you don’t communicate.
Lovable Libra, it’s time to build a bubble around you and yours. Drama is intensifying in your social circle and your ability to keep the peace could lead you to suffering more than a little abuse. To avoid this, use a timer with those who thrive on drama. Make sure you shut down the conversation, end the chat or send a final email for a day when someone is wrapped around the axle and need you to bounce things off of. You’re not a trampoline.
Scorpio, your intuition may be telling you to make some big changes. While you should certainly consider the ideas of that inner voice, add some decision time into your process. Make a list of pros and cons, meditate on big decisions, and sleep on it. If you decide to take on a particular project, make a list of the tasks and supplies it will take and carefully consider each of these decisions. Enjoy these changes, but don’t let your brain rush your spirit.
Dear Sagittarius, it’s time to shake up your focus. Your jovial attitude toward the world makes it easy to maintain the status quo, but you and your partner would really benefit from totally different viewpoint. Take a class together, learn a new language with an eye toward some travel, or take up a new hobby together. Learn to see your love from a new angle.
Practical Capricorn, it’s time to reach out and rewrite that resume. This is your season for financial growth. If you’re happy with your current work, consider taking on a second job or looking for a class or certification that would be interesting, enjoyable and lucrative. This is also a good time to sit down and look at your budget.
Caring Aquarius, there’s been a lot of suffering in the world and it’s likely having a big impact on you. As you try to assist others, do take care to protect yourself. Big energy draws to help others will completely wipe you out, so make sure you get plenty of sleep and do your best to protect your privacy and time alone. Be aware that as you get tired, you may be prone to speaking off the cuff. Some may be hurt by these words, so guarding your energy can reduce damage over time.
The imaginative Pisces would do well to shake up their financial world at this time. Review your debt by monthly payment, total debt and interest rate. Get rid of expensive debt, wipe out small balances and roll money to the next debt. You deserve the increase in cash flow that this new change will bring to your life. You may know folks that are really struggling financially, but do take care to guard your own resources to avoid shorting yourself during this time of financial clarity.