The year 2020 has been studied by astrologists for years. The early conjunctions of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, all under the sign of Capricorn, is quite rare. Previous combinations of these planets under these signs have also occurred during times of great upheaval, triggered by a disease. Read More »
The Planets
Each of these three planets, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, contribute to the upheaval and change in our world today. Their specific characteristics point to continued illness and death, but they also indicate a future of generational schism and conflict.
Pluto: Pluto cannot be suppressed by power and is the force of life, death, creation and destruction. This power is feared by those currently in charge, so upheaval and change will not be a gentle process. However, the human race has some serious advancing to do if we are to approach any sort of balance. Be ready to be knocked on your backside by changes wrought by COVID-19. You can take some comfort that picking yourself up, dusting off and moving forward is the only way out of the chaos of the moment.
Saturn: Saturn is about limitation and is heavily bound up in father-energy. That being said, you don’t have to view this time and Saturn’s influence as punitive. Now is the time to study your boundaries and define them. What are your goals for abundance after this time of limitation? How can you take this time of isolation and near-dormancy to escape your chrysalis and fly? One of the best decisions you can make in your life is to decide, once and for all, what has to go.
Jupiter: Jupiter is about expansion. If your experience of coronavirus is one of fear and lack, the power of Jupiter and the ability of this planet to cause increase may lead you to despair and misery. However, if you can look at what is going on and find a way to move forward in love and caring, the possibilities for growth offered by Jupiter can turn you into a force for great good in a world that could really use it. Jupiter is associated with humor. While you may struggle to see the “funny” in what is going on in the world, let Jupiter guide you to a place of honesty with a bit of navel-gazing. Yes, things may be difficult and they will likely never return to what we were. However, you’re likely going to survive this event and may even be able to move forward into more abundance. Be smart about any decisions you make in regard to expanding right now. Excess now will not work well in the future.
The Sign
Capricorn is the sign of earth. Her colors are brown and tan, and she is tied to the knees as a body part. Capricorn is a hard worker, as we must all become. It’s important to note that Capricorn is poles part from the water sign Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. Intuitions, emotions and feelings are all closely held by the sign of Cancer.
Capricorns are more focused on the work. The effort we’re going to have to put out to tend to the virus and to bring love back into our world will, of course, require us to study our feelings. However, if our horoscope history tells us anything, upheaval met with emotion can only create more upheaval. We as a people need to roll up our sleeves and put in the work it will take to help one another. Empathic connection will only go so far. Eventually, we need to get on our needs, get our hands in the earth and make changes at our foundation so we can build a structure that will benefit all of us.
The Action
Jupiter, acting in the sign of Capricorn, will bring increase. Increased awareness, an increase in illness and death, and hopefully an increase in our awareness of how to avoid another pandemic. Saturn will act in the sign of Capricorn as “putting on the brakes” and slowing down that increase. We will need time alone and a bit of cocooning to boost our self-awareness and deal with our new reality. Finally, Pluto’s influence will be intense. The power of death lies in Pluto. In addition to losing people to the pandemic, we will need to choose what old concepts, ideas and platitudes we’re going to allow to wither.
Every epidemic has led to change. The ability to change a culture and a world for the betterment of all will take dedicated work and a focus on structure. If the foundation is crooked, the building can never be repaired. Our work must focus on tackling underlying problems in our society that have led to increased risk of pandemic